The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 52 A trap for two people

Dozens of troops were controlled by Hadi's army.

But the young nobleman did not.

After removing his leather armor and weapons, he didn't care about him anymore.

This is the dignity of aristocrats.

Hardy stood on a high place, looking at the forest farm in the distance, watching the thirty heavy riders leave, and he shook his head helplessly.

"Why not leave some people to control the forest farm?" Hadi sighed longly and said to himself: "How can anyone surrender sincerely as soon as they are defeated?"

At this time, the young man came over and said with a sarcastic smile: "The Saints' sect has long lost the bravery it once had. Now they are just a group of cowards. It should be your idea to attack the forest farm."

Hardy naturally would not admit it and said with a smile: "I don't have the ability to order my employer to do things."

"Then their changes don't make sense." The young noble looked very proud. He raised his head and said: "The entire Jeanne family is full of cowards. Even the old woman Ainoline only screams loudly and is strong on the outside."

Hardy glanced at the young noble in surprise and asked, "Is this your own judgment, or did you refer to other people's opinions?"

"Is there any difference?" the young noble asked.

"Yes, if it is your own judgment, you are a genius." Hardy said with a smile: "If it is based on other people's opinions, then you are just an ordinary person."

"So what if he's a genius?"

Hardy smiled and said: "I will not allow such a genius to continue to threaten the Jeanna family, so I think it is best to kill you now, lest you grow up and become a dragon."

With that said, Hardy drew out the long decorative sword from his waist.

The young noble was startled and immediately shook his head: "I heard what the elders in the family said."

Hardy sheathed his sword and said, "I know."

"Then you still..."

"I'm scaring you. You have such a proud face. You want to hit me when you look at me."

The young man's head hurt when he heard this: "Are you a noble or not? Why do you act so awkwardly?"

"What's your name?" Hardy asked.

"Galen Clovis."

Hardy smiled and said: "The name is good, but the ability is not good. Who asked you to lead people out in such a hurry?"

"Second brother."

"Then he wants to harm you, don't you even see that?"

"This...impossible!" Galen's expression was very complicated. He felt that what Hardy said was reasonable, but also felt that it was impossible: "Second brother has always taken good care of me!"

Hardy smiled and did not discuss the matter further.

As a divorce plan, just one sentence is enough. If you say more, you will make more mistakes.

If the person involved is fooled, he will come up with a reasonable reason.

At the same time, he ignored Galen and said to Rogge next to him: "Take fifty people to see the forest farm. If the workers inside dare to resist or disobey the instructions, they will be killed without mercy."

Rogge nodded repeatedly, then mounted his horse, ordered fifty soldiers with whom he had a good relationship, and set off.

Hardy sighed: "I don't know who Victor learned his military knowledge from! He was not willing to send troops to occupy the places he conquered."

Galen Clovis next to him felt more and more wrong the more he thought about it. He couldn't help but ask again: "Someone really wants to make a fool of me?"

Generally speaking, there won't be much of a problem if a noble loses in battle. Unless he is really unlucky and dies under a stray arrow, otherwise he is captured and his reputation is not very good, and it will also affect his reputation in the hearts of his elders. status.

Hardy sighed: "Actually, anyone who is smart can see that the Jeanne family is going to take action. The fact that they are willing to hire me is proof. Now that the forest farm has been taken over, there should be no one left." Doubt the determination of the Jeanna family again. And in this case, the first person to come forward and confront the Jeanna family will definitely be an unlucky person. "

Galen's eyes opened wider and wider, as if he couldn't believe it.

He thought of a lot of things. For example, the second brother always liked to let him be in the limelight. For example, even though the forest farm was robbed of such a big thing, the eldest brother, the second brother, and the third brother just screamed loudly, and no one wanted to Bring the troops out.

So that's what happened?

Galen's face twisted.

Seeing him like this, Hadi said: "Write a letter and tell your parents that I want a ransom. How much will it be? You can give it as you see. Just don't bully people too much."

Galen glanced at Hardy and nodded: "Okay, I'll write!"

Soon after, one of the prisoners was released. He was responsible for returning with the documents and delivering them to the head of the Clovis family.

On the other side, Rogge quickly led his people to reoccupy the forest farm.

As expected by Hardy, someone inside actually encouraged the workers to take down the angel flag of the Saints and put up the lion flag again.

Therefore, occupying a stronghold requires a big stick to serve.

In the evening, Hardy waited for the messenger from the Clovis family.

He brought a box of gold coins and a box of gems.

The total converted value should be around four hundred gold coins.

"You are quite valuable." Hardy patted Galen on the shoulder and smiled: "At least in your father's eyes, you are very valuable."

Four hundred gold coins is a lot.

It was indeed a bit excessive to use it to redeem Galen and dozens of other soldiers.

But this just proves Galen's status in the hearts of the Clovis elders.

At this time, Galen's face was filled with pride: "Of course, my parents always love me the most."

"So, your brothers are even more angry. Who will the title of Duke pass to? The eldest brother? Or you, the most favored youngest son?" Hardy patted Galen on the shoulder. , said ambiguously: "If I were your eldest brother, I would set an ambush on the road when you go home. If you die, will the probability of me inheriting the title of Duke and the territory be greater?"

At this point Hardy used Fear Aura.

Galen listened to Lu Sen's gloomy words and then looked at his obviously handsome, but obviously dark and Machiavellian face, and his heart went crazy.

He didn't know if he was afraid of Hardy or his brothers.

Seeing Galen's frightened expression, Hardy patted him on the shoulder again and said: "I just scared you, this is unlikely. Okay, since the ransom has arrived, then you can Let's go back."

In fact, Galen didn't want to leave now. He looked at the already dark sky and estimated the time. It would be late at night if he wanted to return to the royal city.

If there was an ambush and assassination, he might really have problems.

But staying here is not a problem.

In the end, fear prevailed, or the desire to survive prevailed, and he begged Hadi: "Can you let my army spend the night here tonight? It's too late, and it will be inconvenient to go back. "

Hardy was stunned for a moment: "Wait, what do you mean?"

"That's literally it."

Hardy smiled: "You can fool both of us with just one sentence, do you understand?"

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