So that's what happened.

Hardy thought it was normal. Lisa's cold personality really didn't seem to like doing these trivial things.

Looking at the delicious soup in front of him, Hardy moved over, took a sip, and his eyes suddenly lit up.


He finished the soup in a few mouthfuls and was about to wipe his mouth when he saw Lulu picking up the handkerchief and naturally wiping the corners of his mouth.

This warm atmosphere made Hardy mistakenly think that the person in front of him was Lisa.

After all, Lisa was so gentle when she was around him.

Hardy subconsciously leaned back slightly, but Lulu didn't care. She put away the stained white handkerchief and said, "I came to you this time for something."

"whats the matter?"

"That's it..." Lulu recounted what happened yesterday, and then said: "The girl named Helen is really talented. If you invest in her, I believe she can reward you even more in the future. "

Hardy thought for a while and said: "There is no scholarship plan. It's true that I didn't think it through. I will handle this matter within three days. You go back and tell the student, and then we will draft a scholarship plan acceptable to both parties." Learn the plan.”

"Then I'll trouble you."

Hardy shook his head: "Actually, you are also running for me. While I am thinking about things, I should be the one thanking you."

"That's it." Lulu thought for a moment and suddenly smiled: "Then how should you thank me?"

Hardy was stunned for a moment: "What do you want? As long as I can do it..."

She can be regarded as his sister-in-law, and she is easy to get along with. Recently, she has been thinking and doing things for herself. Of course Hardy will reciprocate.

"I haven't exercised enough recently, and I'm almost gaining weight." Lulu looked at Hardy with her emerald green eyes, as bright as spring water: "So you go hunting with me in the afternoon. There are some big woods behind the Magic Academy. , there should be a lot of prey inside."

Many people think that the elves do not hunt or kill, but this is actually a mistake.

They just don't fish all the time and kill and catch indiscriminately. At the same time, they also eat meat, but they usually prefer to eat fruits.

Hardy thought about the trip down, and it was not a big deal, so he nodded and agreed: "Okay."

"Then I'll go back first and wait for you in the manor." Lulu stood up, took back the porcelain bowl on the table, and put it into the straw basket: "You don't need to bring anything here, I have already prepared the bow for you... …By the way, you know how to use a bow.”

"I understand a little bit," Hardy said with a smile.

As a magic warrior in his previous life, he also learned archery. Although he was not as good as the ranger, he still had certain skills.

After all, the magic warrior's spell damage ability is not very strong, and the magic power is not sufficient. After the magic power is consumed, the bow skill can come in handy when long-range attacks are needed.

All warrior professions have pretty good archery ability bonuses.

Lulu left with satisfaction and seemed very happy.

After Lulu left, Hardy felt very energetic.

Not a hot-blooded spirit, but a very clear-thinking spirit.

This makes his government affairs processing speed much faster.

Then before noon, he finished everything on hand.

At this time, Gui Wenir and Salina came in together.

They are all 'learning' under Tiana's hands, working hard to grow, and need Hardy's help.

"Lord, the intelligence we have collected shows that the opinions of several trading houses are getting bigger and bigger, and there are even signs that they are getting out of control." Gui Weinier said.

"And their taxes don't seem right." Serena looked at Hardy with burning eyes.

The memories of those days kept falling back in her dreams, and she wanted to have such a vigorous battle with Hardy again.

Hardy picked up the document and read it for a while, with an expression as expected: "Hit them with the tax issue, and dig out a piece of their flesh first. It's up to you to decide the extent. If they dare to object, you can apply to Tiana to transfer the bank. Moon Witch.”

Gui Wenir nodded, then pulled the reluctant Salina away.

The time soon reached noon. Hardy did not have dinner in the lord's mansion. After talking to Petola, he rode to the teachers' residential area of ​​the Magic Academy.

Soon he arrived at the door of Lulu's manor, where the latter was already waiting.

At this time, Lulu put on a suit of light green leather armor. The elves usually carried their quivers on their backs, making it easier to get the arrows.

But only short bows can be carried like this, because the arrows of the long bow are too long. If you carry them like this, the arrows will get stuck sideways on the flowers, plants and branches in the woods, which is very inconvenient.

When she saw Hardy, she walked over, handed the short bow to Hardy first, then squatted down and took the initiative to tie the quiver for Hardy.

Then she stood up with a smile on her face: "Let's go when you're ready."

As if taking a walk, the two of them passed through the teachers' area and entered the forest.

In fact, considering the strength of the two of them, hunting here is very, very easy.

When there is no obstruction, both of them can see a squirrel a hundred meters away. Hardy's archery skills can ensure that he can hit seven out of ten arrows within a hundred meters.

Lulu's archery skills can make hundreds of hits within two hundred meters.

As soon as any animal raises its head, an arrow will hit it.

There will never be any dilemma that ordinary people would encounter when hunting.

What 'a bag of water, a bag of food, a reindeer chase for a day'!

Of course, the two of them were not bloodthirsty. They were just walking in the forest and chatting. Hardy would occasionally shoot an arrow, not for archery, but to scare away predatory beasts like wolves.

More often than not, Lulu was picking medicine in the woods. When she saw useful herbs, she went over to pick them carefully, and then put them in her pocket.

Hardy asked about the uses of these medicinal materials.

When handsome men and beautiful women play together, time naturally flies by.

Before I knew it, it was already evening.

At this time, Lulu had hunted a fat rabbit, which was also the only arrow she shot.

She held the rabbit and said with a smile: "Let's raise it here and grill it. My barbecue skills are very good."

"Okay." Hardy naturally agreed.

Soon, Lulu skinned the rabbit and removed its internal organs, then skewered it on the fire and turned it.

She also crushed the herbs she picked up today from her purse and sprinkled them on them.

Soon the rabbit was exuding a refreshing fragrance, and the wild smell was gone.

"It turns out that these medicinal materials are also spices." Hardy watched the golden rabbit oil dripping into the fire, making a sizzling sound.

"Yes." Lulu took the rabbit down, took out the knife, cut a piece and gave it to Hadi: "Okay, you can try it."

Hardy took it and put it in his mouth. It was indeed delicious.

He was indeed a little hungry and quickly ate a rabbit leg, but he suddenly frowned.

Because he found that his vision suddenly changed, and he couldn't see the surrounding environment clearly, and it was blurry.

Only Lulu could see clearly. She was bathed in the bright orange firelight, as beautiful as a goddess.

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