The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 531 The queen has scheming intentions

Hardy is now eighteen years old, but he still looks like he was about fifteen years old, with almost no change.

The main reason is that his strength has grown rapidly, his lifespan has been lengthening, and his puberty will naturally lengthen at the same time.

Yejieka looked at Hadi's face, filled with wonder.

She has seen many young talents, but she has never seen one as outstanding as Hardy.

"Sir Hardy, what do you think of the demons in the north?" Ye Jieka asked with a smile.

"The relentless enemy." Hardy smiled.

There is actually no need to ask this question, but the other party not only asked it, but also asked it so straightforwardly, so naturally he had something in mind.

"I think so too." Ye Jieka said in a sad tone: "It's a pity that our Kievan Rus, from hundreds of thousands of years ago to the present, has been on the front line of resisting the demons. It is very difficult and unfair. .”

Hardy did agree with this and nodded immediately to admit it.

The defense line of Kievan Rus has always been able to weaken the strength of the demon clan.

Only this time... Kievan Rus had a good start, but they still ruined their advantage.

Obviously the elves have put so much thought into uniting the power of the world to help them.

"How does Mr. Hadi think we should take back our motherland?"

Hardy smiled and said: "Of course it's the same as before, stick to the country, and then wait for the devil to be killed by the brave."

This is indeed a very safe method. After all, the war between humans and demons has always ended in this way from a long time ago.

Ye Jieka frowned slightly and said, "Don't you think this behavior is too weak?"

"It is a good method to ensure the security of the territory and the survival of the people in the territory. It doesn't matter whether you are weak or not."

Hearing this, Ye Jieka's brows were almost broken.

She always felt that Hardy was yining and yanging her.

After all, she lost her own country in a great situation, and her citizens were brutally killed and captured.

What's even more tragic is that he was eaten by the demons as food.

The smile on her face faded a little, and she pondered for a while before saying, "Then do you think that the whole world owes us Kievan Rus a great favor?"


Hardy also admitted this.

The people of Kievan Rus are indeed heroic.

But Hardy changed the topic and said: "But I think that the previous brave men and the brave team he led are more worthy of praise. Every time they end the war between humans and demons, it is them. The brave team is the most worthy of praise. people."

The people of Kievan Rus are indeed heroic and pitiful, and they deserve sympathy and praise.

But Hardy knew better that every time there was a battle between humans and demons, Kievan Rus' resistance would not last more than half a year.

Then the Three Kingdoms of Rhodes Island, Enoria and other countries are also the main forces resisting the demons.

The demons even almost hit France's royal city, Boris, once.

It would be extremely unfair to forget the resistance and sacrifices of these countries.

As for the brave men... they are even more forgotten by the world.

When the war between humans and demons appeared, everyone was looking forward to the brave man and his team.

But after the war between humans and demons, the brave man became trash, swept away and hidden in a corner.

How many times has the brave family ended the war between humans and demons?

But how are their lives going?

Barely well-off level.

Therefore, Hadi recognizes the efforts and contributions of the country of Kievan Rus, but he does not feel that the whole world owes them.

Yejieka looked at Hadi and bit her lips gently.

The reason why she brought up this topic was to make Hardy feel guilty, even a little bit.

Then she can find excuses and reasons to slowly break down Hardy's will and get him to side with her.

But Hardy had more ideas.

He actually thinks that the brave man deserves greater credit!

Ye Jieka knew that this topic was ended, and she lost the first confrontation.

She smiled and said, "I agree with you, but isn't it the duty of the brave and the Saint of Light to save the world?"

"Obligation and power are equal. Has the world given them any rights or benefits?" Hardy sighed softly: "They save the world because they are kind and righteous, not because of so-called obligations. They have no This obligation.”

At this time, the smile on Hardy's face was gone.

Seeing this situation, Ye Jieka was moved in her heart and asked, "I heard that Hadi is friends with the Brave Man and the Saint of Light?"


There is no need to hide this matter. You can find it out anytime you want.

Ye Jieka's eyes narrowed slightly, and she said in a cheerful tone: "I have met a team of brave men. The brave men are very powerful, and the saints are also very beautiful. They are the most compatible boys and girls I have ever seen."

Hardy smiled softly and nodded in agreement.

Ye Jieka smiled again and said, "I can see that Your Excellency is very proud of them."

"Absolutely." Hardy replied casually.

"I held a dinner party for them and chatted for a long time about everything." Yejieka seemed to sigh with regret: "If they told me that you knew them, I would definitely give them more help. "

"Because they don't want to cause trouble for me." Hardy said with a smile: "If the demons know that I am a friend of the brave and the saint, they will definitely find a way to kidnap me. To threaten or intimidate the brave team. "

This reason was given casually by Hardy and cannot withstand scrutiny.

How could the demons appear in the rear at any time, even if there was a teleportation array? doesn't matter whether what you say is reasonable or not, what matters is whether the person listening understands it or not!

It was obvious that Ye Jieka understood.

Hardy saw through her provocation.

Yejieka smiled and stopped talking.

The carriage swayed leisurely and stopped soon after.

Hardy twisted the queen's hand and helped her get out of the carriage in a gentlemanly manner.

In front of you is a large manor, which looks like it was recently built.

"Your Majesty, this is your temporary palace." Hadi said with a smile: "It has complete facilities and enough food, which is enough for you and your warriors to live comfortably for a long time."

"Thank you, Your Excellency."

Yejieka is very satisfied with this manor.

Hardy said with a smile: "The Queen must be very tired after coming from a long way, so I won't bother you anymore. I will wait for the Queen's summons at home."

"I wish you good health."

Ye Jieka made a lady's bow and watched Hardy leave with more than a hundred Blade Knights.

Her men quickly took over the manor, and after everything was checked, she walked into the manor.

After walking around, Yejieka exclaimed: "As expected of the most powerful country in the Alopa region, this manor is bigger and more beautiful than my palace. It would be great if this was my real palace!"

She sighed softly, and then her eyes became bright and bright.

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