The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 546 You are so pitiful

When Hardy arrived at Aenolia's handsome tent, there were already more than a dozen people gathered inside.

In addition to Jose and his soldiers, there were several more men wearing tan military uniforms.

One of them is obviously dressed in luxurious clothes and has fair skin. He looks like a noble at first glance.

After Hardy came in, everyone looked over. When Jose saw him, he said happily: "Sir Hardy, you are finally here. Let me introduce you. This is Patel Gus from the Netherlands." Taff.”

Hardy looked over and saw the young nobleman named 'Gustav' smiling lightly.

There was a smile on his lips, but there was not much emotion in his eyes.

And his eyes were very sharp, looking like a wolf king patrolling his territory.

"First meeting, Your Excellency Gustav." Hardy smiled at the other party.

Jose continued: "Your Excellency Gustave, this is Mr. Hardy from France. You must have heard of it."

Gustav nodded. He continued to look at Hardy, his expression seemed a little suspicious: "It is rumored that you can transform into a nightmare knight, but I don't feel much dark power in you."

Of course not much.

Hardy is not a pure dark mage. He can use various types of magic, and his soul has been strengthened by the goddess of light.

The influence of dark elements on him is almost negligible.

Hardy smiled and said: "Do you hope that I will be influenced by darkness and eventually turn to the demons?"

"Absolutely not." Gustav waved his hand: "If you feel offended by my question, I can apologize."

"That's not necessary." Hardy waved his hand.

Jose asked from the side: "Sir Gustave, why did you come here specifically this time?"

"My scouts told me that a large number of evil eyes appeared here, and they helped you defeat the demons, so I came here to ask what happened."

It’s no wonder that he is so nervous about this matter. Whether the Evil Eye clan is an enemy or a friend, it has a huge impact on the entire war between humans and demons.

It can even rewrite the course of the war.

Jose glanced at Hardy and said, "I still find this unbelievable. I don't understand what happened at all. Mr. Hardy asked us to rush, so we rushed. It's that simple."

Gustav looked at Hardy and asked seriously: "I hope Mr. Hardy can give me a proper explanation."

Hardy thought for a while, and now the entire Evil Eye clan should have moved over, and they flew to the southwest, which is the direction of the Elf clan.

Telling this matter now will probably not affect the Evil Eye Clan’s ‘relocation’ plan.

At that time, he said: "The Evil Eye Tribe has taken refuge with the Elf Tribe. I happen to know something about this, and I also played a small role in it, so..."

Jose looked at Hardy with admiration.

In his opinion, Hadi's ability to intervene in the national affairs of the two communities can only be imagined how much face he will lose.

Gustav was also happy, but then he became worried: "The Evil Eye clan joining the Elf clan is indeed a good thing now. It can greatly weaken the strength of the Demon clan, but in the long run, the Elf clan has gained the Evil Eye clan." Without our clan’s allegiance, the future will be even more terrifying, and the future of our human race is very bleak.”

Jose was thoughtful when he heard this.

Hardy looked slightly surprised: "Sir Gustave, are you a Mason?"

"Yes." Gustav nodded lightly: "I personally think that the mason's philosophy is actually quite good, and he strives for the future of mankind."

"That's not necessarily the case." Hardy chuckled.

Gustav frowned: "Your Excellency does not seem to agree with the Masons."

"I really don't agree with it."

Gustave asked: "Why?"

"Because I encountered some things that made me feel very bad about this organization."

Gustav's expression became a little unhappy at this time: "Can you please tell me."

"I told you that you may not believe it." Hardy waved his hand: "If you continue to stay in the Masons, you will know one day."

"Your Majesty, you are just pretending to be mysterious!"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Jose hurriedly stood up to smooth things over: "Both sirs, don't be angry. We should focus on the center of the demons. How should we deal with the demons in the northwest?"

Gustave looked at Hardy deeply, and then said: "It's very simple, outflank both front and rear! Kill them all!"

Hardy also smiled: "Yes, I very much agree with this plan."

The three of them laughed at the same time, and the atmosphere became much more harmonious.

Having a common enemy can easily foster relationships.

In a cave forty kilometers away to the north, Joyner, the former demon general, was currently treating a wound on her abdomen.

As a magic assassin, she also knows basic healing techniques.

Of course, the effect cannot be compared with that of a full-time pastor.

But it will always heal much faster than the wound will heal naturally.

While treating, she sighed softly.

Thinking about the figure yesterday, she knew she had met an old acquaintance.

That old friend who was kidnapped by the former hero actually sided with humans. What a bullshit irony.

It is clear that former heroes have become members of the royal family, but succubi have become friends of humans.

This is the fate of Goddess.

"But her strength has actually become so strong!" Joyner murmured to herself: "Didn't it mean that after the succubus reached the master level, it almost reached the ceiling? How can it still become stronger?"

She was a little confused.

But at this time, her ears suddenly moved weakly, her face changed drastically, and she immediately stopped treating herself. Her whole body turned into a black shadow, snaking quickly against the ground.

But at this moment, a black shadow 'swam' out of the crypt, and the two collided, and the clanging sound of weapons clashing was endless.

There were even flying sparks.

The two sides kept fighting, from the crypt to the outside, and then into the forest.

Then a dark shadow began to run away, followed by another in pursuit.

After more than two hours of entanglement, the two sides finally stopped in a forest.

The black shadow at the front changed back to its original appearance, it was Joyner.

She held her abdomen and blood flowed from her fingers.

The long battle just now caused her wound to burst again.

The second black shadow also changed back to human form, it was Sophie.

Her expression was bright, in sharp contrast to Joyner's pale face.

"How did you recover so quickly!" Joyner was very puzzled.

"Because my man is amazing." Sophie smiled proudly: "I can sleep peacefully in a man's arms and heal my wounds peacefully. Unlike you, who can only hide in the shadows and damp ground like a wild dog. In the cave, licking the wounds alone, feeling sorry for myself, how pitiful!"

Joyner's face became even more ugly.

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