The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 554 Times create heroes

Hardy felt that the demons would definitely attack the Three Kingdoms of Rhodes Inland Sea again.

For this reason, he not only widened the river according to his previous plan, but even sent a large number of scouts to monitor the movements on the border of Kievan Rus.

Once the demon army appears, it will immediately enter a state of war.

After waiting for more than three months, there was no movement from the demon clan.

Instead, their border demon army shrank back more than a hundred kilometers, giving up a large amount of land.

Hardy thought for several days and then came to a conclusion.

"The brave team killed an important figure in the demon clan."

Hardy sat in his handsome tent and said decisively.

Sophie sighed softly when she heard this.

Succubi are born with little affection for their offspring, just like Petola and Sophie.

They are more like acquaintances than relatives.

Sophie didn't have much affection for Ryan as a mother and child, but after all, it was her own child, so she still cared a little.

At this time, Joyner was not in the commander's tent, but went out to scout the enemy's intelligence.

The fact that Hardy could know the movements of the demon border army so easily was inseparable from Joyner's efforts.

"We also have to consolidate the results here, and we don't have enough troops, otherwise it would be a good time to attack. What a pity." Hardy looked at the map and sighed softly.

Sophie rubbed Hardy's shoulders and said, "How about joining forces with Enolia and Netherlands?"

Hadi smiled bitterly and shook his head: "It's unlikely. The territories of both of their countries are not very big. Now that they have managed to acquire more territories, it must be management first. It's better to eat them in the stomach. Where can we go to the army?" Risk it.”

Sophie, who had also commanded an army, said with understanding after hearing this: "It's a pity that the good opportunity created by Ryan will be wasted."

"But the fact that we can reach here should help him share a lot of pressure." Hardy thought for a moment and said, "It would be great if we could get in touch with the Headless Horseman. Maybe there will be an unexpected surprise for them."

Sophie's massage force slowed down and she asked, "How about I go to the devil world again?"

"No, it's very dangerous." Hardy shook his head: "If Ryan really killed one or more important people of the demon clan, then the portal will definitely be under martial law during this period. You might have gone there have trouble with."

Sophie smiled: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

At this time, Hardy continued to stare at the map for a while, and finally sighed: "I just regret that the time given to me to prepare is too short. If I can be given another year, and have enough troops and logistics, I will definitely be able to conquer the devil." The clan front is pushed back to the snowfields of the north, allowing them to eat ice and snow and blow the cold wind every day."

Now the demons occupy Kievan Rus. Although this area is considered barren in comparison, compared with the northern snowfields and the demon world, the supplies are too rich.

It just so happens that the demons can eat almost anything.

Hardy could imagine that the demons would definitely take advantage of this opportunity to 'explode' their troops crazily.

If it takes five to ten years for the next generation of the demons to grow up and become capable of fighting, humans will face an offensive like a sea of ​​​​insects from the demons.

That kind of scene is terrifying to think about.

Hardy looked at the map and suddenly had another question: "It's strange. Those players who took refuge with the demons... where did the undead go? Why didn't I see them in the previous battle?"

Sophie thought for a while and said with a smile: "I guess I am having a conflict with the demons."

Hardy laughed when he heard this.

In fact, what Sophie said was half right.

Those players who defected to the demons because of the camp gameplay were not in a good situation at this time.

What is the current situation of the demon clan? They are just a poor guy!

Those players who took refuge in the past originally wanted to play a hearty war game.

They were able to bring their own rations in the early stage. After spending more than two months charging into battle and following the demon army to capture Kievan Rus, they thought they could share a lot of money, but in the end...the rewards they received were pitifully small.

That little subsidy is not even enough for them to repair their equipment.

Now it has been hidden away by the high-level demon clan and left behind Kievan Rus.

There were several demon legions surrounding them, obviously guarding against them.

In the player's camp, the commander, Mr. Salty Fish, is looking at his comrades in the camp with a sad expression.

The current ‘online rate’ is less than half.

Everyone needs rewards. In the early stage, you can survive with enthusiasm, but without material compensation, the so-called camp war is just that.

Just as he sighed, a group of flame imps pushed a dozen carts and walked straight up.

They were so nervous that they put down the cart and ran away without saying a word.

A group of players gathered around, but they hesitated to lift the linen cloth on the cart.

But finally there was a brave man who finally opened it after hesitating for a while.

Then when they saw the things on the cart, a group of people covered their mouths and walked away.

Some even vomited stomach acid.

Because the carts were filled with smoked and pickled human flesh.

The switches and outlines of the flesh are obvious, and there are even a few dead-looking heads.

'Mr. Salted Fish' couldn't help but sigh when he saw this scene.

These two thousand people are really in the wrong camp.

I thought that no matter how evil the demons were, they would just kill people.

Unexpectedly, they actually eat intelligent creatures and force players like them to eat them.

At this time, a handsome man walked in from outside the military camp. He looked around and finally came to "Mr. Salted Fish".

"Hello, sir." Mr. Xianyu called weakly.

"You seem unhappy to see me." The visitor was Tiger, who smiled gently: "And you don't seem to like eating human flesh."

This is not nonsense.

Mr. Xianyu rolled his eyes at the other party angrily.

"The more you don't eat, the more they will force you to eat." Tiger smiled: "Of course I have experienced this too."

"So you ate?" Mr. Xianyu asked.

"Of course." Tiger nodded.

Mr. Xianyu subconsciously moved his buttocks and sat further away.

Seeing this scene, Tiger smiled and said: "The taste of human flesh is actually quite strange. It can't be said to be delicious, nor can it be said to be unpalatable. It doesn't make any difference if you think of them as pork or beef."

Mr. Xianyu raised his eyes slightly and asked, "Sir, you came to see us. What's the matter?"

"Three days ago, a member of the royal family was assassinated."

Mr. Xianyu smiled: "Do you doubt what we did?"


"Then why did you come here to talk to me about this?"

"The person who imprisoned you and forced you to eat human flesh was the member of the royal family. Now that he is dead, I will temporarily manage the vanguard army." Tiger smiled a little proudly: "So I can give you enough I don’t have to concern you with my interests, and I won’t force you to eat human flesh.”

Xianyu stood up, patted his butt, and asked, "Then what's the price?"

"Your loyalty." Tiger's eyes were burning with the flame of ambition. (End of chapter)

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