The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 556 Making an attack in the east and attacking in the west?

Hardy is also looking into the Masons.

He let Little Tompson's tavern organization begin to penetrate into other cities.

The main purpose is to collect information about the Masons.

Try to find out which nobles have joined the Masons.

When the right time comes, what Hardy will do is to uproot the Masons in France.

Hardy returned to the Kingdom of Liwan and once again lived in Canebella Harbor.

An endless stream of troops and supplies came out of the seaport, and were then arranged by Hadi to the border.

In two months, more than 50,000 soldiers had gathered in Hadi.

With this quantity, almost half of France's troops were already in hand.

It was also at this time that Hardy felt much more at ease.

Even if the demons attack in large numbers, he thinks they should be able to defend it.

Sure enough, a month later, the demon army appeared.

They stationed themselves across the frozen swamp, facing the three countries of the Inland Sea of ​​Rhodes, but did not attack.

Hardy stood on the city wall, looked at the demons in the distance, and said strangely: "They have been stationed for half a month, are they waiting for the snow to melt?"

At this time, heavy snow was falling in the sky, and a layer had already accumulated on Sophie's shoulders. She blinked and looked into the distance, and said, "Joiner and I will go explore again. This time we will go deeper."

They were also exploring before, but they only looked around the enemy and did not go deep into the rear.

Hardy thought for a while, nodded and said: "The movements of the demons are very wrong, I am a little uneasy, you can go and have a look, but be careful."

Sophie and Joyner next to her nodded at the same time.

Then they turned into a black shadow, swam down from the city wall close to the ground, quickly merged with the shadows below the city, and disappeared.

Hardy stood on the wall and waited.

After waiting for about four hours, it gets dark early in winter, and when the sky is about to get completely dark, two black shadows finally come back.

After Sophie revealed herself, she said anxiously: "Hardy, the situation is very wrong. There are actually not many demons at all. They only have a very small number of people standing in one row, and the people behind them are all dummies."


Hardy was stunned, and then became very puzzled: "They want to attack in the east, but this is the only route they can take. Who do they want to deal with secretly?"

During this period of time, Hardy looked at the map every day and conducted tactical deductions. He had already clearly remembered the terrain nearby. There was absolutely no other way for the demons to go.

Unless they can climb over a hundred thousand ice peaks and take a long detour from the east into the hinterland of the human world. !

But no fool would do that, not to mention that the terrain of the Hundred Thousand Ice Peaks was so ridiculously steep that only an ice dragon could fly over it.

Just the detour distance is enough to make the demons uncomfortable.

"If it's not about making excuses, then..." Hardy frowned in disbelief: "They are stalling for time! Why are they stalling for time?"

Hardy felt his heart pounding, and a terrible intuition arose in his mind.

He turned his head suddenly and said to the succubus: "Sophie, you temporarily take over all my responsibilities and powers. Joyner, you turn into a shadow and follow me."

The beautiful snake had already completely fallen in love with Hadi. After all, Hadi had been in and out of her soul channel countless times and had already turned into the former's shape.

When she heard this, without any hesitation or asking the reason, she directly turned into black energy and disappeared into the shadow at Hardy's feet.

Sophie shook her head vigorously: "No, wherever you go, I will go with you."

"Listen, this is an order." Hadi stared at her very seriously: "In the Liwan Kingdom now, apart from me, you are the only one with enough reputation to order them."

"But..." Sophie bit her lip and looked at Hardy: "I don't care about this, I just want to follow you."

"Again, this is an order." Hardy stared at Sophie: "Don't let me repeat it a third time."

Sophie gritted her teeth, looked at Hardy who was already a little angry, and nodded with difficulty.

Hardy jumped directly from the city wall and transformed into a huge nightmare knight in the air, rushing forward.

At this time, the soldiers on the city wall exclaimed, wondering what Hadi was doing.

Going into battle, want to attack the enemy alone?

No matter how strong the Nightmare Knight is, this is still too reckless.

After the Nightmare Knight landed, he ran at full speed.

Because Hardy is already a master at this time, Nightmare has unlocked the talent ability suitable for all terrains, so even if he runs on the snow, he will only leave shallow hoof prints without sinking into the snow.

He rushed through the swamp with ease, and then rushed towards the demon line.

A few minutes later, he rushed to the enemy's line and found that, as Sophie said, the enemy's formation was actually only one row, with dummies behind it.

He broke through this layer of defense without hesitation, raised his spear and shot two or three weak bone demons to death, and ran towards Kievan Rus in the north.

At the same time, in the demon capital.

More than four thousand players stood in a huge magic circle, and around them, there were many crying human civilians.

Looking at the number, it should be more than 20,000.

The human civilians were either ashen-faced or crying, while the players were doing much better. They were sitting bored, chatting, or broadcasting live videos.

"What are you doing?"

"It seems like they are conducting a sacrifice."

"Are we also part of the sacrifice?"

"Didn't you get the money before and signed the contract?"

"I didn't get paid, I chose a woman, and I have to say, Naga tastes really good."

"It doesn't matter if we sacrifice, but these NPCs can't be resurrected after they die. Isn't it too cruel?"

"Are you just saying this now? How many human NPCs have you killed since we joined the demon clan? Do you have any numbers in mind?"

"That's true!"

On the east side of this magic circle, there is a priest, with two people standing behind it.

They looked at the densely packed figures in the magic circle and nodded with satisfaction.

"Tiger, I have to say, this is a big deal on your part." One of them was the Bone Demon. She was wearing a red magic robe and a magic circle she designed. She nodded happily: "My masterpiece finally has a chance to appear. In this world, you actually convinced those immortal people to willingly give up their souls, you are really capable."

"They are greedy for money and lustful." Tiger shrugged: "Actually, as long as you understand their desires, it can be easily solved. However, it took a lot of effort and time on my part to transport more than 20,000 humans from the demon world. "

The Bone Demon blinked his purple eyes and said, "Do you really want to do this? Once the magic circle is activated, it cannot be stopped."

"Sure." Tiger sighed: "I've thought about it for a long time. This is the only way to defeat humans." (End of Chapter)

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