The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 559 The Blessing of the Goddess of Light

At the same time, after two days of sleepless running, Hadi was approaching the royal city of Kievan Rus.

Along the way, he found that the number of demons in each city was not large, and they seemed to have been mobilized somewhere.

At this time, a heat flow came from his soul sea. This familiar feeling was that the goddess of light was coming.

Hardy was about to say hello when he heard the somewhat panicked voice of the goddess of light.

"Hardy, something big happened."

"What happened?" Hardy asked distractedly while controlling the direction of the nightmare to avoid obstacles.

"Four evil gods broke through the isolation layer we set up and descended from the plane of chaos to the main plane of consciousness."


"Is it the consciousness coming, or the clone coming?"

"Consciousness comes."

Hearing this, Hardy was so shocked that he choked Nightmare and stopped where he was.

"Consciousness comes?"


A look of surprise appeared on Hardy's face. He had come into contact with the clone consciousness of the God of Death before. It was just a tiny strand of clone consciousness that could cause terrible damage to the main plane.

"Then can you come down and help?" Hardy asked urgently.

"It takes time." Aya said hurriedly: "I have notified the church to conduct a large-scale light sacrifice so that I can borrow the body of the saint in the church to descend the consciousness, but the mobilization of manpower will take at least one day. time."

Hardy breathed a sigh of relief: "In one day, it shouldn't be a big problem."

After all, this is Kievan Rus, and most of the survivors are demons. Even if the evil god expands the damage, it will only cause great losses to the demons.

"But their target should be the World Tree."


Aya felt Hardy's doubts, and she hurriedly explained: "Our Order God System has set up isolation layers in the God Realm and Chaos Realm, and we have been supervising these evil gods with all our heart. But not long ago, there was someone in the main plane A very terrible blood spirit sacrifice was carried out. In terms of soul quality, at least about 100,000 human civilians and souls were sacrificed. The first thing the evil god did when he appeared on the main plane was to deal with the World Tree."

One hundred thousand!

Hardy was shocked. The scene of one hundred thousand people offering sacrifices was so bloody.

But this was actually a miscalculation by the goddess of light. Only more than 10,000 human civilians were sacrificed, and the rest was filled by players.

After all, with Tiger's ability, finding more than 10,000 civilians is already the limit.

That's why he approached the player.

Find this group of people who only care about money and don't care about anything else.

The players are all professionals, and all of them have received systematic education. The quality of their souls is extremely high.

The souls of ten civilians are not as good as the soul of one player.

"Now is not the time to be in a daze. Go back to your own territory." The goddess of light said urgently: "Take the blue battle flag I gave you. With it, you can borrow my power and effectively resist the evil god. The breath.”

Hardy sighed softly and said: "I will carry the blue battle flag with me."

"Really?" The goddess of light was pleasantly surprised: "Then take it out quickly."

Hardy transformed from the Nightmare Knight back to his human form, and then with a touch of his finger, the blue battle flag appeared on his hand.

This time he brought a space ring. He originally gave it back to Patience, but before leaving for the expedition, Patience forced the magic ring on him.

It is said that it will be convenient for him to store some important items in case they are needed.

Unexpectedly, she got it right.

As soon as he got the blue battle flag, Hardy felt the power of the goddess of light transfer from his soul to the flag, and then a beam of light fell from the sky and landed directly on Hardy's body.

At this time, his whole body was emitting golden light, and a woman appeared on Hardy's back in the form of a spirit body. She touched Hardy's shoulders with her hands, as if lying on the latter's back.

Although the appearance of this spirit body is very blurry and the face cannot be seen clearly, it has long flowing hair and a slender and perfect body. At first glance, she is a beauty.


The goddess of light was about to speak, but the next second she was interrupted by a painful scream.

The beautiful snake Joyner rolled out of Hardy's shadow and rolled on the ground. Her body was burning with a golden flame, but no matter how hard she rolled on the snow, it could not be extinguished.

"Why is there still a snake..." The goddess of light said in a strange tone.

Then she waved her hand, and the golden flames on the beautiful snake disappeared.

With another wave of her hand, a ray of light enveloped the beautiful snake, and soon her burns were completely healed.

Joyner stood up immediately, and then lay down on the snow, not daring to raise her head.

From this sacred power, she already knew who the spirit body in front of her was.

The goddess of light said nothing.

Hadi said: "Joyina, go back immediately and help me inform Sophie, asking her to take people to evacuate Liwan country immediately. The migrant workers will be given priority to take the boat and leave first. The army will travel lightly. Don't hesitate... By the way. Send someone to inform the commanders of Aenolia and Netherlands and ask them to withdraw first."

Joyner really wanted to stay with Hardy. If Hardy died, she would die too. It didn't matter. She had been so happy these past few days and she felt that she had lived enough.

But for some reason, facing the goddess of light, she felt a little guilty even though she was not even afraid of death.

She hesitated for a while, then turned into a black shadow and fled towards the direction she came from.

After Joyner disappeared, Hardy asked: "What to do next?"

"I sense that the brave team is already at the location where the evil god appears." The goddess of light said hurriedly: "Originally, I shouldn't let you take the risk, but should directly bless Karina and Ryan, but the four consciousnesses came The evil god interfered with my perception of that place and I couldn't locate the two of them. So you have to find a way to bring them back. They are an important key to the safety of this world, but they haven't grown up yet."

Hardy nodded, he must save Ryan and Karina.

After knowing that he was the original Hardy, he grew up with these two people and regained his 'feelings'.

"This time is very dangerous, but you don't have to fight the evil gods, just bring them back." The spirit body of the goddess of light turned to Hardy, she hugged Hardy's head and buried it in her arms: "I'm going to bless you next, don't resist."

Although he was a spirit body, and although his appearance could not be seen clearly, Hardy could still feel the comforting warmth in the arms of the goddess of light.

"Hadi, I wish you that you can survive any difficulties and dangers you encounter."

"Hadi, I wish you will have extremely powerful power."

"Hardy, I wish you that you can see the truth of everything clearly."

"Hardy, I wish you happiness forever."

Every time she said a word, her spirit body would shrink in size. After the four of them finished speaking, there was only a ball of light floating in front of Hardy.

"This blessing is time-limited. You must bring them back within three days."

After saying that, the ball of light flashed leisurely, turned into a white streak, flew into the sky, and disappeared instantly.

Hardy's whole body was glowing with golden light at this time. He closed his eyes for a while. Thanks to the blessing of the goddess of light, he knew the ability he had temporarily gained.

I also know what kind of price the goddess of light paid in order to give herself these blessings.

"Thank you, Aya."

After finishing speaking, he thrust the blue battle flag in his hand onto the ground, and then a slanting beam of light fell from the dark cloud-covered sky.

A white Pegasus with wings flew down from the sky and landed in front of him.

Hardy raised the blue battle flag, jumped onto the saddle on the Pegasus' back, and pulled the reins.

Pegasus's white wings soared into the sky.

Although the Nightmare Knight can run quite fast on the ground, there is a big gap between the speed of the Pegasus.

The Pegasus flapped its wings and galloped through the sky. Hardy headed in one direction based on his intuition. He had a feeling that Ryan and Karina were there.

The icy cold wind blew against his face, blowing away the anxiety in Hardy's heart.

"Don't be nervous, we can make it."

Suddenly a pleasant female voice sounded. Hardy was stunned for a moment and asked: "Are you a Pegasus?"

"I'm Jeanne."

Hardy was stunned for a moment, and then asked in surprise: "Jeanna, the Saint of Light, the first queen of France?"

"It's me, it's me." The voice seemed very brisk.

Hardy asked in surprise: "Why did you become a Pegasus? Didn't you say that you became the Holy Spirit and went to heaven?"

"This Pegasus was my mount when I became a saint. I just talk to you through it." The Saint of Light's voice was soft and full of girlishness: "After all, you are summoning with my blue battle flag. , of course it will summon my mount." (End of this chapter)

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