Golden holy light burst out from the dark clouds, and a black-haired boy was riding on a white Pegasus.

The Pegasus circled down, and the sacred light breath rushed towards his face.



Karina and Ryan both spoke at the same time, with equally surprised expressions.

But then, their expressions became frightened at the same time.

"Go quickly, don't stay here."

"Hardy, let's go!"

The two of them waved hard to Hadi. This place was very dangerous now. They did not keep Hadi's confidence, and of course they did not want Hadi to come and take risks.

Tiger was by the side and saw the expressions of the two people in his eyes, and then he smiled ferociously: "Is that kid the one you all care about? Very good, I will kill him, and then I will find an opportunity to kill all your relatives. Let’s see if you hate this world.”

The blue fire wings on his body that had almost turned into substance suddenly flapped, and the whole person flew up. He looked like a blue phoenix and rushed towards the circling Pegasus.

"Don't even think about it!"

Ryan roared angrily, jumped up high, and wanted to volley, but Tiger was already on guard against him.

Seeing him jump up, he cut him down with his sword.

The blue sword energy flew horizontally, and Ryan subconsciously blocked it, but his whole body was still shot back to the ground.

At this time, Tiger immediately flapped his fire wings and rushed upward.

But at this time, a light gun with lightning shot down from Tianma.

The speed of this light gun was very fast. This time it was Tiger's turn to subconsciously block it.

The bright holy spear with lightning collided with the blue flame sword energy. After both annihilated part of the energy at the same time, they emitted a violent explosion.

The light gun disappeared directly, and Tiger flew back directly.

The energy of this explosion was quite large. The blue wings on Tiger's back flapped several times before he could manage to steady himself before falling to the ground.

At this time, the blue armor on his right hand had disappeared, and the entire right hand was dripping with blood, but he felt no pain, and the wound was healing at a very fast speed, and the armor was repairing itself.

He looked at Hardy with some confusion. He had black hair and black eyes, looked quite young, and looked extremely familiar.

After thinking for a while, he murmured: "Hardy?"

The distance between Linde's house and Hardy's house is not far, otherwise Hardy and Ryan would not be able to become children.

When Tiger was still a teenager, he was friends with Hardy Sr. and Virginia VI for a short period of time.

But later on, his relationship with these two people gradually faded.

Now looking at Hardy's face that was very similar to the old Hardy, he felt a little emotional.

"This world is really small." Tiger fell to the ground and sighed: "I didn't expect that my old friend's son would die here today."

On Hardy's side, the light gun that was condensed just now was inspired by Jeanna using the blue battle flag.

Although he now has the blessing of the goddess of light, he cannot use the power of light at will.

As soon as the Pegasus landed on the ground, Karina and Ryan ran over.

"Hardy, why are you so stupid..." Karina was so moved.

"Hardy, go back now and leave quickly." Ryan was more sensible.

Hardy ignored the two of them. He jumped off the Pegasus directly, and then slammed the blue battle flag onto the ground.

A bright magic circle immediately surrounded several people.

It was only then that Hardy breathed a sigh of relief.

He raised his head, hugged Ryan first, then hugged Karina, and then smiled: "Finally we meet again. I'm very happy to see that you are okay."

Karina wiped her eyes and forced a smile: "You are so stupid. As a great lord, how can you come to such a front line?"

Ryan just patted Hardy's shoulder lightly.

Brothers don't need to say so much, they can understand each other with just one action.

Hardy looked at the expressions of the two of them and said helplessly: "I'm not here to die. Who can you show to me by doing this?"

Neither Karina nor Ryan spoke, but a female voice was the first to exclaim.

"Wow, this girl looks like me when I was fifteen, so she should be my direct descendant."

At this time, Ryan and Karina laid their eyes on Pegasus.

"The horse is talking?" Karina's eyes widened: "The legendary Pegasus?"

Generally speaking, only those monsters whose strength reaches the legendary level can give birth to wisdom.

That's why Karina said this.

"I am your ancestor, I am just borrowing Pegasus to communicate with you." Jeanne said with a smile.

"Ancestor?" Karina was extremely surprised.

Hardy was about to explain to her when the light circle shook wildly.

It turned out that Tiger came from a distance and waved more than a dozen sword energy, causing the magic circle to vibrate.

The other three members of the brave team also ran over, and six people and one horse gathered in the magic circle.

"If you are really my ancestor, you must have a way to solve the current predicament." Karina asked expectantly. She was very smart and figured out the reason for the matter at once.

Because the legendary Jeanne is omnipotent.

Tianma shook his head: "I can't do it, I can't do it. What I can do is to give you time to escape. The teleportation magic circle should be ready."

The magician girl Nini nodded vigorously: "What we need now is a relatively stable spell-casting environment."

Karina asked in surprise: "According to legend, you have become the Holy Spirit. Even you can't deal with these things in the sky?"

"Those are evil gods. When they take shape, killing me will be like killing an ant." Pegasus Jeanne said angrily: "The main god of the order system has put almost all his energy on stopping them. Even the gods Do you think I have the ability to solve the difficult things? You are looking up to me too much."

Several people looked up at the huge evil god in the sky and sighed softly.

"Leave the affairs of the gods to the gods." Pegasus said calmly: "Now they are about to come in full form. The demons are so cruel. In order to summon these four evil gods, they spent at least three hundred thousand people. Life and soul."

"More than that." Ryan sighed and said: "It is estimated that there are half a million, and all the demons in this city are dead. We have the blessing of the goddess of light, so we can escape."

At this time, the magic circle shook violently again.

Outside the formation, Tiger hit the ground with his sword on the light wall of the magic shield.

The fierce blue flames kept burning the magic circle, and cracks had already appeared in the magic circle.

His face was twisted, and he looked at everyone in the magic circle with a malicious look.

"We can't last much longer." Pegasus Jeanna looked at Tiger outside, then turned around and said, "Teleport away and remember to take the blue battle flag."

Hardy directly raised the blue battle flag, and the magician girl chanted a spell at the same time.

Purple space magic lines appeared around them.

At this time, Tiger outside saw this and knew that the prey he had obtained was about to be lost. He roared: "You all deserve to die. You will all die. One day I will..."

Ryan looked at the nominal father outside and sneered: "Next time we meet, I will definitely surpass you and I will definitely kill you."

The purple light flourished, and the giant purple light ball enveloped several people, instantly turning into a line of light and disappearing into the sky.

Tiger was left helpless and furious.

At this time, the four evil gods took shape, and their bodies became solid.

Under their feet, the earth shook, cities collapsed, and volcanoes erupted, creating a scene of the end of the world. (End of chapter)

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