The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 564: General Mobilization of the Elf Tribe

Although the evil gods can also teleport, this is the main plane after all, and they have not established a space beacon, so they cannot teleport and can only fly.

It is precisely because of the need to fly that their movement trajectories will be perceived by the world.

More than a hundred adults and old people from the Evil Eye tribe have already encountered the Evil God in Heidi and others.

As the demon race that is best at magic, they were also the so-called god-killing race. They have a clear understanding of the nature of gods.

Also knows how to deal with gods.

Although their numbers are now incomparable to those before, they can still stop the four evil gods for a period of time.

And when Hardy teleported to the elves, he found that the 'environment' of the elves was completely different.

The whole world is purple light, dazzlingly bright.

He looked up and found that the World Tree above his head was glowing, and it was getting brighter and brighter.

Hardy ran out of the Yggdrasil courtyard, and when passing by the Flower Sea House, he happened to see Angelina, fully armed, coming out of the house.

She wore close-fitting leather armor, and her long hair that had been scattered in the past was cut into short hair. She carried a long bow and a quiver slanted across her waist.

She also saw Hardy almost at the same time. Her eyes lit up for a moment, and then she ran over and cursed: "Why are you here? Go back quickly."

Now any professional can sense the goals of the four evil gods, and Angelina also knows that Hardy is definitely here to help.

Hardy looked and pointed at the top of his head: "Under the crown of the World Tree, this is..."

"The Mother Tree is trying to find a way to wake up quickly." Angelina sighed: "For the stability and stability of this world, the Mother Tree usually puts its body and soul into a deep sleep. Occasionally, when it wakes up, its soul consciousness is small. Partially awake.”

As the purple light became stronger and stronger, Hardy felt that the natural magic power around him was getting stronger and stronger.

And Hardy even discovered that there was a faint purple light in Angelina's eyes.

To the northeast of Hadi, the pressure of the evil god is getting stronger and stronger. It is estimated that the other party will fly over in another hour.

"What are your plans now?" Angelina said with a smile: "Go to the outskirts of the forest and do your best to prevent the evil god from coming and buy time for the mother tree to recover."

"How long do we need to fight for?"

Angelina raised her head and looked at the shining crown and trunk of the World Tree: "It will take at least five hours."

"I'm here to help, too."

"No!" Angelina interrupted Hardy without hesitation: "This is not a battle you should participate in."

Hardy frowned: "Why?"

"You are the future prince of our elves." Angelina smiled and said, "This alone will not allow you to be in danger."

"You are my friends no matter what, and you are still..." Some words don't need to be said too clearly, just everyone knows: "How can I not help."

Angelina turned her head: "Hey, Lisa, why are you here?"

Hardy also turned his head, but at this moment, Angelina suddenly tapped Hardy's heart with a green finger.

The two were too close, and Hardy trusted Angelina so much that he was caught without any precautions.

Hardy suddenly felt weak all over his body. Just as he was about to speak, he found several vines emerging from his feet and tying him up.

"The powerlessness spell and the vine spell are harmless."

Angelina kissed Hardy's face gently, then she reached out to unbutton Hardy's clothes, touched the teleportation pendant worn around Hardy's neck, and activated it.

"You go back first, and we will take care of the rest ourselves."

After saying that, Angelina was stunned for Hardy again, and then took two steps back.

She watched Hardy disappear into the teleportation array, and then rushed to the front line with a long bow.

They want to build a defense line outside the Elf Forest to stop the invasion of evil gods.

A few minutes later, Hardy appeared in the garden of the Lord's Mansion.

As soon as he appeared, Petola ran over. When she saw Hardy lying on the ground, she was startled and thought something had happened.

It turned out that the man was only tied up by vines and had been injured by the powerless surgery, and he was even more relieved.

After removing the magic from Hardy, she said, "Why did you come back first? But that's fine. Things are very troublesome now and you need to make the decision."

At this time, Sophie and the army were still on their way back.

Hardy's early return is indeed a great thing for Petola.

Hardy stood up, looked at the teleportation pendant around his neck, and sighed softly.

This thing has a cooling time, and it will take at least 24 hours before it can be started again.

"What's wrong?" Hardy asked, looking around.

"The terrain in many areas is slowly changing." Petola held Hardy's hand and ran towards the tower.

The two quickly arrived at the tower. Hardy looked around. He didn't feel anything unusual at first, but then he discovered that many places were higher or some places were lower.

There are even small geological faults caused by sudden terrain differences.

"Is this?" Hardy frowned: "An earthquake?"

"No." Petola shook his head: "The change is said to be slow, but it is actually quite fast, giving people enough time to react. I know the evil god is coming, but what exactly happened and why there was such a change. "

Hardy did not answer directly, but closed his eyes for a moment, and then he faintly felt that the earth seemed to be shaking slightly.

He opened his eyes again and found that the mountain col ahead seemed shorter.

Hardy turned to look at Petola: "How is the city?"

"There are also some troubles. Roads are faulty, houses have collapsed, and the losses are quite large." Petola was very anxious: "What is the situation that caused this strange phenomenon. Is it like this in other places?"

"It's probably the same." Hardy nodded and looked in the direction of the Elf Forest: "The World Tree is awakening, and she will fight against the four evil gods with all her strength."

Petola asked: "Can we win?"

The evil god is the type that gets stronger the more he kills people.

As for World Tree, although she is famous, her battle deeds have never been heard of.

Hardy shook his head: "I don't know. But we still have to do something. Send the army to rescue the civilians in the city and bring them to an open and safe place."

Petola nodded: "Tiana has already sent someone to do this."

Hardy breathed a sigh of relief. As expected of a player, as soon as a disaster occurred, he knew that he should seek help from civilians first.

This is an instinct engraved in the bones of most players.

"Also, let's calculate how much money we still have in our treasury." Hadi pressed his eyebrows and then said: "Recruiting militiamen, based on three years of supply, how many people can be recruited."

Petola nodded and said: "I understand." (End of Chapter)

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