The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 574 The fairly alert queen

When people sit in high positions for a long time, they will take many things for granted.

Queen Yejieka has been on the throne for more than ten years.

She has changed from the cautious and ambitious princess back then to a confident and commanding queen.

Even though Kievan Rus was destroyed by the demons, she didn't feel like she was no longer a queen.

The reason is simple. The 'inertia' of history tells her that one day, the demons will retreat, and as long as she returns to Kievan Rus, she will still be the queen.

She is still the queen now.

As long as she spreads the word in her own name, a large number of strange people will come to invest for her to encourage, and even actively offer funds.

Now, she has gathered more than 400 undead and about 500 'mercenaries' under her command.

These people were placed near this temporary palace.

With such power, it stands to reason that it can capture a small city.

So now she is very confident again.

Except for the demon clan affairs, everything else seems to be going well for her, so until now, she still thinks that she can conquer all men in the world with her status and beauty.

If there is an exception, that man is not normal.

For example, the current brave man, or the Hardy in front of him.

Ye Jieka's eyes stared slightly.

Both of them are teenagers from France, and it seems that they are still friends.

And speaking of brave men, she thought of the Saint of Light!

She is jealous, very jealous!

Beautiful, with a good figure, strong strength, and eyes full of confidence.

It is not the kind of confidence that is arrogant and looks down on others, but the kind of confidence that I am the most beautiful in the world.

Until now, Yejieka still remembers that more than a year ago, when Kievan Rus was not conquered by the demons, she summoned the brave team that came to Kievan Rus.

When she met the Saint of Light, she saw the Saint looking at her from beginning to end, and then the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

It's not obvious. If it weren't for her good eyesight, she might have thought it was an illusion.

Just that slight curl of the corner of her mouth showed that Ye Jieka was thinking of killing someone at that time.

But...she can't mess around.

The Brave Squad is the key element for their survival in Kievan Rus. No matter which king of Kievan Rus, he will not do anything to the Brave Squad.

Although she couldn't do anything to the Saint of Light, Yejieka still tried to seduce the brave man at that time.

She wanted to 'retaliate' against the Saint of Light because the two looked like a match.

As long as the hero is snatched away, the so-called Saint of Light will be a joke.

The result...failed.

The brave man's eyes didn't even bother to take another look at her body.

There was even a hint of dirty look in his eyes.

And now, this similar expression appeared in Hardy's eyes again.

And it's more obvious than the hero's eyes.

Ye Jieka's expression turned completely cold, even angry.

"Sir Hardy, what do you mean?"

Hardy chuckled and said, "I've made it very clear, you have no self-awareness."

Ye Jieka gritted her teeth and said word by word: "Speak clearly, I am recruiting with good intentions..."

"You have no peace of mind." Hardy interrupted: "I am a person from Francie. The Jeanne family has been kind to me and trusts me extremely. In this case, you actually want to recruit I still use this method that is almost public, aren't you obviously trying to sow discord? Is this a good intention? "

Ye Jieka sneered: "That's because you think too much."

"Besides, I said you have no self-awareness because...who do you think you are?" Hardy said with a smile: "You made a promise with an invisible and intangible 'future', without saying how much territory it would be or what title it would be. , there is no real meaning, just a few empty words, you want to trick me into leading an army to your command? Do you think I am a fool, or are you using this method to deceive too many people, and you also deceive me? Do you think you are a fool?"

Yejieka stopped talking, and there was already anger in her eyes.

In fact, Ye Jieka didn't have any confidence in recruiting Hardy.

But there is a saying that goes well, you have to give it a try. It doesn’t cost any money anyway, so what if it works?

This is the mentality of opportunists.

And in most cases, even if it fails, Yejieka will not have any negative side effects due to her status as queen.

But he didn't expect that he would be humiliated by Hardy now.

This was the first time since she became queen that she had been scolded in person.

"Since you don't want to, just leave." Yejieka stood up without hesitation and said angrily: "We don't have to meet again in the future."

Hardy stood up and smiled: "By the way, although you are quite beautiful, you are far behind compared to Queen Sissi."

This is a killer statement!

Yejieka can accept Hadi's scolding and humiliation. As a rebellious queen, she grew up in an environment where she was never treated well.

But she did not accept that a man, and a man she valued very much, would praise another woman's beauty in front of her and belittle herself.


Yejieka swept the Elf porcelain off the table, and the pieces fell to the ground.

Her face was twisted, and she even picked up a cup and tried to smash it into Hardy's face.

But at this sudden moment, she felt a chill in her heart, the movement of her hand suddenly stopped, and then she put the cup down.

"Sir Hardy, I'm sorry, I lost my temper." She gave a forced smile.

Hardy's face was calm: "It's okay, Queen, you are under too much pressure. You need to have a good rest. If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

"Gregory, go see Mr. Hardy off."

Soon, Gregory opened the restaurant door and left with Hardy.

Yejieka sat down and covered her face with one hand, feeling a little scared.

Not long after, Gregory came back.

There was anger in his eyes.

"That Hardy deserves to be damned, he actually dared to humiliate Her Majesty the Queen. Do you want me to..."

Ye Jieka waved her hand and said, "You are no match for him, but he deliberately provoked me."

"What do you mean?" One-eyed Gregory's eyes were filled with shock: "Does he want to do you harm?"

"Logically speaking, this shouldn't be the case. I am also a queen after all. Although I am an exiled queen, according to the rules, he should not and cannot attack me." Ye Jieka carefully analyzed Hadi's behavior and then said: "But if we actively hurt him, it doesn't mean the same thing."

"You mean...he wants to get rid of you?"

Yejieka nodded: "Yes, I highly doubt this. If I did it first, he would have enough reasons. We can't stay here any longer. Gregory, get ready. We have to leave this country within three days." .”

After being silent for a few seconds, Gregory said: "As you wish, Your Majesty." (End of Chapter)

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