The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 588: Loyalty in everything you think and do

There were about forty silver heavy-armored cavalrymen escorting a black carriage.

This carriage looks very ordinary, but the carriage is much larger.

But inside the cabin, there are various low-key and luxurious configurations.

The fine white plush carpet, the dark red low wooden table, the windows with gold rims, and the falling curtains are also made of elven white silk.

This is a kind of carriage for long-distance travel. There are no chairs. Because it is covered with fine soft blankets, it is very comfortable to sit or lie down on it.

Karina was lying on her side, supporting her head with her right hand, looking at Hadi sitting opposite and reading a book with a smile.

Her eyes were full of tenderness, but also had a strange meaning.

"I didn't expect that you are quite brave enough to think and do it." She suddenly said with a smile.

Hardy's eyes moved away from the book and fell on Karina.

The way the other party looks now, he is a bit disheveled and fits his figure very well, which is extremely tempting.

"What do you mean?"

Karina glanced at him angrily: "You and mother, something is wrong!"

Hardy looked a little embarrassed and laughed.

Karina chuckled lightly: "So, apart from Sharina, is even my mother a substitute for me?"

"No." Hardy shook his head.

It's not true. After all, two-thirds of his soul was crushed. Hardy is not as 'affectionate' towards Karina as before.

The reason why he now likes Karina is that he knows that she is indeed his childhood friend, and he appreciates Karina's character.

Besides, he couldn't dislike a girl who was very kind to him.

But Karina didn’t believe it.

"Well, Selina has six points of my charm, and my mother has seven points of my charm. Together, they can barely be regarded as eight points of me." Karina said narcissistically: "It can indeed quench the thirst of lovesickness. of."

Hardy looked at Karina's expression carefully and suddenly asked: "Aren't you angry?"

"Why are you angry?" Karina was a little confused: "Is it about finding a substitute? It doesn't matter. I can't dedicate my body to you. It's my fault. I can understand you looking for a substitute. ."

Hardy put down his book.

The carriage shook, and he looked into Karina's eyes and asked: "I mean Sissi, that is, your mother's matter. Aren't you angry that I have a relationship with her?"

At this time, the two of them were already on their way to the church.

Two days ago, they arrived in Polis. Karina met her parents and talked about their family affection.

After staying for two days, they continued on their way.

In the past two days, Hardy and Sissi had no abnormal communication at all, and even their eyes looked normal.

Logically speaking, the two of them didn't reveal any flaws, but they just didn't understand why Karina suddenly knew about it.

Of course, now is not the time to investigate why Karina knew about his affair with Queen Sissi. This is meaningless and there is no need to deny it.

In front of Karina, if the other party knows, there is no need to defend or lie.

"No." Karina said with a smile: "Rather, I'm glad that you have such a relationship with your mother. This will make me feel that you are closer to me."

Hardy's eyes widened.

Karina looked at his expression and laughed so hard that her branches shook even more.

"As for my father's feelings..." Karina's smile lost two points, but only two points less: "Although I also sympathize with my father, I have long disliked him playing with little boys. . And...he once had undue thoughts about you. To a certain extent, I don’t have much respect for him."

Hardy felt a chill.

He knew that he was very handsome. He had red lips and white teeth when he was a child, and he was extremely cute.

When he was a child, he often went to Karina's house to play. At that time, he thought Uncle Abelon was very kind, but now he shudders to think that there is some kind of filth in that kind face.

"So, you didn't let me come to your place to play much later, right?"

Karina's eyes suddenly lit up: "Do you remember?"

"I remembered some things." Hardy touched his forehead: "But I still forgot a lot."

Karina's eyes were slightly red, she turned her body several times on the carpet, came to Hardy, and then rested her head on Hardy's lap.

"That's great. You will remember more of our past things in the future."

She hugged Hardy's waist, buried her head in Hardy's arms, and rubbed hard.

This will wipe away the tears from your eyes.

Hardy sighed softly, he no longer felt anything about the past.

But he could feel Karina's attachment and guilt for him, and couldn't help but reach out and gently stroke her blond hair.

This is the most comfortable hair Hardy has ever touched.

Smooth and soft, with a light fragrance with a bright scent.

After Karina rubbed Hardy's hand a few times, she suddenly hugged Hardy's right hand that was stroking her hair and pressed it against her left chest.

"You touched the wrong place. This is where it should stay."

Hardy rolled his eyes helplessly and slowly took his hand back.

Karina was wearing very thin clothes, and when she put her hand on it, it was soft and smooth, with a certain amount of elasticity.

It feels really good.

"Ryan's going to cry."

"He doesn't know how." Karina snorted: "He suggested that I follow you. He also knows my feelings for you and has already prepared for the worst."

"What's the worst case scenario?"

"If I gave birth to your child, he would be raised as my own."

Hardy covered his face helplessly: "Then I can't do anything to you."

Karina's expression was as expected, and she smiled sweetly: "You do have a bottom line, but I, Karina, don't. Since you are unwilling to take action, then I will give you benefits."

After saying that, she turned around and pressed the front of her body against the junction of Hardy's thigh and lower abdomen.

The two groups were in a very bad position.

"I circled twice to the left, twice to the right...ah!"

As Karina screamed, she was thrown to the opposite side by Hardy.

"Don't mess around. If you continue like this, someone will really die."

Karina looked at Hadi's clothes that were held up high, and smiled mischievously, her eyes swaying, she was very proud.

Hardy has blue dragon blood in his body, and his desires in that regard are much stronger than those of ordinary people.

If he continues like this, he really won't be able to hold it any longer.

Hardy looked at her like this and sighed: "Don't saints require a clear mind, purity and steadfastness? If you do this, won't you lose your identity as a saint?"

"Ah?" Karina looked like you were talking nonsense: "I am very loyal and steadfast. My love is only given to you two. I love you equally without any distinction." ( End of this chapter)

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