The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 608 Zhuang Zhou Mengdie

Tiana sat in her office, her face ashen.

Only a few people know about her relationship with Hardy in the game.

For example, Dove, or some members of the Silver Moon Witch team.

But Dove is the only one who knows that she likes Hardy’s ‘dad’.

But the problem is that, based on common sense, Dove will not 'betray' her at will. After all, Dove herself has a boyfriend, and she also has an extraordinary relationship with Hardy.

More importantly, the other person's voice really sounded like Hardy's.

That kind of lazy tone when chatting with yourself, and the language is still French.

"Let's do the video."

Upon hearing this, Tiana's expression changed again.

She had a dark face and hesitated for a while before saying, "Okay, whichever communication number you use, I'll add you!"

"Wait a minute, I have to register again. When I register, I will give you my number and you can add me."

When Tiana heard this, the corners of Tiana's lips raised unconsciously. She was sneering.

As an artificial intelligence in a fantasy world in the game, how could Hardy know what communication software is, and it is impossible for him to know how to register the so-called software.

The words themselves are inconsistent.

More importantly, the other party re-registered the number, indicating that the other party was hiding his true identity.

Tiana then looked at the number that was called to her and saw that the calling address was Meicheng.

And this is Donkey City!

Two cities thousands of miles apart, how could the other party defraud me?

She bent down, took out the voice recorder from the drawer that had been prepared but not used for more than two years, and put it on the table.

Then she waited quietly for the call from the other party.

Logically speaking, this is obviously a fraud, and the other party knows her privacy, so she should call the police immediately.

I took out the recorder and prepared it for this.

But she didn't know why, but she still felt that she wanted to see what the other person looked like now.

She has always been a very patient person, but for some reason, the wait seemed extra long this time.

Every ten seconds, she subconsciously glanced at her phone.

At the same time, I felt that time seemed to be stretched infinitely.

Just five minutes had passed and she was getting a little impatient when her phone screen finally rang.

A user nickname was sent from an unknown number.

‘The past is gone’.

This username seemed to have been typed randomly, at least Tiana thought so.

She added it as friendly. Looking at this new user who didn't even have an avatar set, and whose profile and circle of friends didn't have any content, she hesitated for a while, and finally chose to click 'Video'.

Tiana felt a little confused. She knew clearly that this was fake, so why could she not help but contact the other party.

The video connection sound only rang twice, and then the other party appeared on the screen.

Looking at the familiar face, even the green and childish face, Tiana gradually widened her eyes, and then opened her beautiful cherry-colored lips.

"What, are you surprised to see me?"

A slightly hoarse teenage voice came from the video.

Tiana's heart was beating wildly and her blood pressure was frighteningly high. She even felt that if she didn't join in the control, the blood vessels in her head would be broken by the intense blood flow.

She subconsciously closed her eyes and pinched her eyebrows with her left hand, forcing herself to calm down.

This is Hardy, but not Hardy, because he is much younger and more naive.

In her impression, Hardy was calm and domineering.

The one in the mobile phone video looks much more cheerful and youthful.

“Has the current artificial intelligence fraud technology reached this point?”

Tiana still couldn't believe it was Hardy in the video.

Because it is a game character after all, how could it jump to the real world.

And she heard that the current AI fraud technology is so powerful that it can generate video footage of adults in real time, with natural expressions and movements, making it easy for people to be deceived.

Unexpectedly, I also encountered it.

But when she looked at Hardy in the picture, she couldn't help but feel a little sad.

If only this were true!

Hardy jumped out of the game and into reality. She only dared to think about this kind of thing in her dreams.

"It seems you still think I'm a fraud." The young man in the video showed a helpless expression: "Is there any way to prove that I am real? By the way, you can enter the game and see. You should now You can only see me unconscious in the study, or protected by Petola. After all, my soul has already come to this world."

This is indeed a good idea.

Tiana was stunned for a moment, she pursed her lips, and she already believed it was true.

The heart seemed to be beating harder and harder.

"I...I'm going home have a look." Tiana was almost speechless with excitement: "You...just wait, don't leave!"

"Okay." The young man smiled and then hung up the video.

Tiana stuffed her phone into her pocket almost immediately, then stood up and walked out quickly.

The female secretary happened to come over with coffee. When she saw Tiana, she asked, "Mr. Yan, do you want to go out?"

"Yes, it's urgent!"

Tiana answered casually and left without squinting.

The female secretary looked at the disposable cup in her hand, shrugged, and drank the coffee herself.

Tiana took the elevator down to the parking lot on the ground floor of the company, drove her luxury car and went home directly.

He was driving extremely fast and even ran through a 'yellow' light.

In the past, she always drove slowly, focusing on safety, but now, this habit that she had persisted for nearly ten years was broken.

But even if she drove fast, it still took her more than half an hour to get home. There was no way, the traffic in Donkey City was too congested.

Although it is not a peak working period, it is still quite crowded.

When I arrived at the villa area, I opened the door and saw the aunt I invited was cleaning.

After seeing it, the other party asked in surprise: "Mr. Yan, why did you come back so early today?"

"You don't have to cook my food today. You can eat it yourself later. I'm sorry."

After leaving such words, Tiana went directly to her bedroom, closed the door and locked it, then took off her coat and lay down in the virtual cabin.

About half an hour later, she climbed out of it, with excitement and ecstasy on her face. She tremblingly took out her cell phone from her coat, found the call history, and dialed the number again.

This time the other party didn't answer immediately. Tiana suddenly became anxious and couldn't help but start thinking wildly in her mind.

Did something happen to Hardy when he came to this world? He doesn't know much about things in this world. Will something happen to him?

Every time the phone rang, Tiana became more anxious.

She even started shaking her legs subconsciously.

Fortunately, more than thirty seconds later, the phone was connected, and a familiar voice came from it: "Hey, is this Tiana?"

"It's me, it's me!" Tiana's voice contained a hint of crying: "Where are you, I'll find you right away."

"Here in Me City." The young man's voice was a little helpless: "I have no money in this world and can't move around. Fortunately, this family has a lot of snacks at home, so I can survive for a few days."

"Just wait, I'll be with you within six hours." Tiana wiped away her tears: "Send me your location!"

The phone hung up.

The location was sent quickly, and Tiana immediately opened the online ticket purchase software and chose the fastest flight.

She put on her coat and rushed out of the house immediately.

Taking a taxi, getting on the plane, getting off the plane, and taking a taxi, these steps seemed so long in her anxious mood.

After she rang the doorbell of a certain door according to the address given by the location, her fingers were trembling and her lips were trembling.

The door opened, and a beautiful young man stood in the room, looking at her with a smile.

She burst into tears and hugged him directly.

The door closed, and then there was an excited chirping sound.

Tiana was kissing Hardy's face crazily.

Still crying.

She is so excited right now, so crazy!

By the time she recovered from the ecstasy, it was already more than two hours later.

The beauty, who was 1.7 meters tall, hugged a boy who was one head shorter than her and one size smaller, and rubbed her hard against him.

The carnival just now had completely satisfied her, but she still couldn't bear to let go of the boy in her arms.

"Why did you come here!"

Tiana's eyes were watery, bright and big: "This is actually not a dream."

In her opinion, Hardy now is the prince in fairy tales.

The kind that would make her dreams come true.

"Since you went back and saw Petola, you should know that we have completed our plan." Hardy said seriously: "I did not expect that there would be an unexpected surprise, and I could actually follow the teleportation array of the God of Space. , come to this world!”

After hearing this, Tiana sat up straight in a daze. She looked at Hardy nervously: "Do you know that you are a character in the game?"

This kind of thing sounded too strange, and she was afraid that Hardy wouldn't be able to accept it.

Hardy actually laughed: "You think it's a game, but why do you think it's a game?"

Tiana was silent.

At this time Hardy still spoke to her in Francie's language.

"Moreover, Zhuang Zhou dreamed of a butterfly, who is a human and who is a butterfly, and whose dream this is, who can tell clearly!"

Tiana's eyes widened again at this time.

She was shocked again.

Because Hardy said this in the language of this world.

"you you you!"

After saying the word 'you' three times in a row, Tiana looked at Hardy as if she had seen a ghost: "Are you related to this world?"

Hardy nodded. He walked to the window naked and opened the curtains here. It was obviously a young boy's immature body, but he also had well-proportioned muscles, which looked very beautiful.

It was already night at this time, and the room was very dark. The light from outside poured in and hit the boy's body. The separation of light and darkness was very obvious, making him look like a smaller Greek statue.

Tiana swallowed.

She thought about it again!

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