The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 63 As beautiful as a girl

I don’t know what kind of private cooperation the Jeanna family and the Two-Headed Dragon family negotiated at last night’s banquet, but one thing everyone knows is that the Saint Faction has indeed become powerful again.

In the past, the Saint Sect would disband within ten days every time the Silver Wing Knights were summoned.

Don't want to keep it for a long time.

But now the Saint Faction has found a flat place three kilometers away from the city of Boris and established a simple camp. The Silver Wing Knights seem to be stationed there in the future.

In just a few days, the situation in the royal city changed from offensive to defensive.

There is a lot of talk among the people about the rise of the Holy Girl Sect.

It also proves more and more that in the French royal family, only women are qualified to govern.

After all, the grand duke of the Jeanne family is now Dora Jeanne. In the past few decades, the Jeanne family has faced the other three royal bloodlines, retreating again and again, giving way again and again.

From being the strongest among the four royal bloodlines, he is now the weakest.

After Mrs. Sissi came back from Hexi County, in less than ten days, the Jeanna family became so fierce.

It seems that she has the image of the first saint who swept across France.

During the following period, Jeanna's family became very busy.

The previous scene of empty houses is no longer there. From time to time, nobles of all sizes ask the housekeeper to come and hand over greeting cards, intending to come as guests.

Some people visit directly, and some ask their female relatives to come and engage in lady diplomacy.

Ainoline was so busy that she barely touched the ground, as she had to deal with most of the things.

But she didn't feel tired at all. Even though she only slept four hours a day, she was still full of energy.

In contrast, Hardy was relaxed. He practiced swordsmanship in the morning and went shopping in the afternoon.

Buy various books, and then go to the tavern to get information!

Now he has recorded the surface information of all the core members of the four royal factions.

For example, how old is a person, what are his hobbies, etc.

Of course...he won't ask for more information.

Because in these pubs it’s difficult to determine what his ‘stand’ is.

If you inquire about some 'sensitive' information, maybe you will 'tell' someone about it when the pub changes hands.

But even so, Hardy was still being targeted.

That day, as soon as he came out of the tavern, he found two men standing outside.

Both of them are very conspicuous because their dress and temperament are very different from the civilians on the street.

Hardy looked over and found that one of them was someone he knew.


The other person still looks like a boy, but he gives off a very cute feeling.

Next to him was a relatively ordinary-looking young man.

When Prince saw Hardy, she walked over in small steps and said with a smile: "I knew I could find you here."

Another young man also came over.

"We meet again, Mr. Eckerd." Hardy said hello to Princes first, and then looked at the other young man: "Who is this?"

"He is Blake Bollan." Princes smiled: "He came to me specifically today and wanted me to introduce you to him."


A Chapo guy?

That is the true royal family now.

Of course, the current king is very old, and the next king will be born from the four royal bloodlines.

The orthodox heirs of the four bloodlines are all qualified to compete.

Hardy smiled and said: "I wonder what important matter Mr. Bolan came to see me, a little baron, for?"

"Do you come to this pub often?" Blake Bollan did not answer Hardy directly, but asked with a half-smile.

Hardy raised his eyebrows and immediately ignored him. He said to Princess: "If there is nothing important, I will leave first."

Princes was very sensitive, and he immediately understood why Hardy wanted to leave suddenly.

He hurriedly grabbed the person and said angrily to Blake next to him: "Why are you still like this? Apologize to Hardy quickly."

"I just asked him if he often comes to this pub. What's wrong!" Blake seemed a little afraid of Prince. He didn't have the arrogant tone just now, and his voice became very soft.

"You have a bad attitude."

"Okay, I apologize." Blake looked at Hardy and said seriously: "I apologize for my rudeness. But I also really want to know, what do you mean by coming here every day to inquire about our information?"

Hardy's eyes swept over Princes and Blake for a while, and then he said: "I am now a mercenary of the Jeanna family, collecting your information. Isn't it normal?"

Slinthes smiled: "Including mine?"

Hardy nodded.

"Then you know me very well, don't you?" Prince's smile became brighter: "But I still don't know you at all. Come on, go into the pub and have a few drinks, and let's have a good chat."

Seeing the other party's enthusiastic look, Hardy couldn't forcefully refuse, so he entered the tavern with him.

Blake next to him was a little unhappy, but after hesitating for two seconds, he still followed in.

The three of them sat down, and the bartender came over and looked at the Hardy three in surprise.

Just now Hardy bought information about several royal family members from their tavern, and now two royal family members came to their door.

Tsk tsk...interesting.

After he served the food and drinks to the three of them, he stood behind the counter and listened with open ears.

Princeps poured Hardy a glass of wine and said, "We all know that you came to the pub to inquire about information about the royal family."

Hardy nodded: "I didn't hide it either."

Rather, Hardy did this on purpose.

He now bears the label of the 'Jeanne' family, and everything he does will be considered to be under the instruction of the Jeanne family.

Then no one would doubt that he was asking for information about the royal family members to find out who wanted to harm him.

Want to snatch the Nightmare Saddle.

"Actually, we're not here to raise an army to accuse you." Princes explained: "I just want to have a chat with you and ask you to teach us swordsmanship!"

Hardy was slightly surprised. Is this Prince for real?

Do you really want to teach swordsmanship yourself?

At this time, Blake next to him whispered: "He may not be great, why do you believe him?"

Prince smiled and said: "Hadi is a very honest person at first glance."

"Well, I've always been very direct in doing things." Hardy nodded and admitted, "I've always said what I have to say, and I can't hide my feelings."

"Then do you think Prince is beautiful?" Blake asked in a conspiratorial tone.

Hardy chuckled and said without hesitation: "As beautiful as a girl."

Blake listened dumbfounded.

And Princes looked shy, angry and annoyed, and seemed a little happy at the same time.

Hardy took a sip of wine and said, "It's fine if you want me to teach you swordsmanship, unless you can come to the Jeanna family's manor as a guest. After all, it's not convenient for me to teach others outside, so as not to cause misunderstandings from the Jeanna family."

Blake became even more unhappy: "Princes, don't agree to him."

But Prince said: "Okay!"

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