The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 624 Rules and Power


In the Temple of Light, the Pope held a special meeting with the thirteen Red Lord Archbishops.

As the Saint of Light, Karina naturally wanted to participate.

Although she does not have much power and cannot govern the affairs within the church, as the external 'face' of the Church of Light, she must be in place in this situation.

This is also a tribute to the goddess of light.

The pope's figure became more and more stooped, and even though he was sitting on the high throne, he gave people the feeling of being short.

"I feel that I am weak and mentally weak, and I can no longer manage the affairs of the Holy See." The Pope's cloudy eyes glanced around the crowd, and then said in a slow tone: "So I will step down as Pope at the end of this month. Bit."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes showed a look of understanding.

They had already received wind of this matter.

"So tomorrow I will announce this at the Holy Advent in Guangting. At the same time, there will be a vacancy period of about a week." The pope said with a smile: "As for who will be the pope, you can sign up yourself, and I will put the list in the abdication Read it out during the declaration, and everyone in the entire church will decide on this matter."

The election of a pope is a big deal.

Everyone was eager to try, and all the men stood up.

Among the female cardinals, not a single one was listed.

This is normal.

In the history of the church, there has never been a woman as pope.

But at this time everyone's eyes became shocked.

Although the three female cardinals did not move, a girl stood up.

She was beautiful, and her long golden hair seemed to sparkle in the holy light.

Everyone was stunned for a while, and the Pope laughed so loudly that there were tears in the corners of his eyes.

The male cardinals all glared at her.

At this time, a very tall red archbishop stood up, his eyes full of contempt: "Saint Karina, did you sleep like a fool? Do you want to go back and catch up on your sleep!"

"Don't worry, I'm more sober than you, Archbishop Rani Waqa." Karina smiled sweetly, with her hands behind her back, cute and playful: "But you are quite old and confused. Perfect to be the pope.”

"There is no precedent for a woman to become the pope." Another cardinal came forward to accuse.

"But the law of the Holy See does not say that women cannot become popes."

Karina looked calm.

She doesn't value the position of the Pope, but she values ​​it very much.

The reason for not taking it seriously is that she has little interest in power.

The reason: Hardy wants her to become pope.

And after becoming the pope, he will be able to help Hadi in the future.

Everyone frowned.

At this time, the Pope laughed instead. He looked at the girl below with admiration: "She is worthy of being a woman of the Jeanna family. She is worthy of being a descendant who was able to lead the army to force our church to recognize the identity of the queen. Now, let's start Have you assumed the position of Pope?"

The other male archbishops all stared at Karina with dark eyes.

There was no queen in the world back then, and the first generation Jeanne was the first.

And now, Karina is going to be the first female pope?

"Why are you?" Rani Waka walked up to the girl, pointed at her nose and angrily shouted: "You have never made any contribution to the Holy See, and you have not served in the Holy See long enough. Experience, why do you become the Pope!"

Indeed, every pope has the experience of serving at the bottom level.

And every pope has experience in governing in the Church of Light.

"Just because I am the Saint of Light." Karina said matter-of-factly: "Just because I am fighting with the demons outside, just because... half of the face of the Holy Church of Light is earned by us, the Saint of Light. Therefore, I can also be the pope!”

What Karina said makes sense.

Although she has no power, the Saint of Light is recognized by the Goddess of Light after all.

And why can the Guangming Cult become the largest religion!

The reason is very simple. The brave man and the Saint of Light who defeated the Demon King several times and saved the world are actually members of the Light Religion.

And the Saint of Light has established the impression that the Light Religion will definitely save the world.

This is ‘living advertising’, and it is advertising that has been going on for thousands of years.

Under the influence of influence, the number of believers in the Guangming Cult is naturally increasing.

The male cardinals were silent.

After a while, someone said: "Even if you want to be the pope, you have to run according to the rules. No one will support you!"

"I support him."

Karina's teacher, Elena, stood up first.

Then came Sharon, who smiled and said, "I support my little niece too."

Finally, there was Archbishop Lapis. She also smiled coquettishly and said: "I also want to see a woman become the pope. I don't have the ability myself. Letting someone with the ability take the position can be regarded as getting what I want. So I Also support Saint Karina.”

At this time, three of the thirteen red archbishops supported Karina.

Although there are ten male cardinal archbishops, the problem is... everyone wants to be the pope and they are scheming with each other. The ten people may be divided into ten factions. They can easily find three other supporters to defeat Karina.

So in this way, the one with the most advantage is Karina.

The faces of the male cardinals became quite ugly.

"Hahahaha." The Pope laughed on the throne, smiling very happily: "Very good, very good, this kind of campaign is the right way. Old man, I also support Saint Karina."

Although the Pope is about to step down, he still has the right to vote. After all, this is the last dignity of a Pope.

The male cardinals looked at each other and said nothing.

The Pope smiled and said: "Okay, this matter is settled. Except for the three ladies, everyone else wants to sit in this position. There is no problem. I will announce this to everyone tomorrow."

Then he stood up and went to the back room.

Karina and the three female cardinals were about to leave when Goebbels suddenly stopped the former.

"Saint, please wait a moment."

Karina stood still and looked back at the other party in confusion.

Goebbels walked up to Karina and whispered: "Saint, I advise you to withdraw from this campaign."


"Let me give you a piece of advice." Goebbels said calmly: "Rules are not the real bargaining chip to protect you. When running for the Pope, just using rules is useless."

"You still need strength, right?" Karina chuckled: "I'm very strong."

"It's not just the power of the individual, but also the power of the group. Although you have three supporters, IMHO, they are just rules, not power." Goebbels continued sincerely: "If you are a real person It would be unwise to run for the Pope."

"Why are you telling me this!"

Goebbels showed a very warm and charming smile: "Because I don't want to see a real beauty disappear just like that."

Karina felt goosebumps all over her body and couldn't help but shudder: "What you said is a bit disgusting." (End of Chapter)

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