The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 628 There is still a conflict

Hardy saw the Pope again and found that his blood was very low.

It felt like I was holding on with just one breath and would fall down at any time.

"Did I cross the line?" Hardy asked with a smile: "Where did I cross the line? If mortals should not interfere with the affairs of the divine religion, then why should the divine religion interfere with the affairs of mortals?"

Everyone had weird expressions.

The pope's face, which was already gloomy due to poor health, looked even darker.

He asked: "What do you mean by this!"

"There have been palace coups in several small countries around us in France. No matter how you look at it, there are shadows of your Light Cult in them."

Hearing this, the red archbishops had strange expressions.

The Pope sat up slightly.

Ryan looked at Ha in surprise.

The brave man has not received any education in this area since he was a child, so he does not understand much about politics.

Karina, on the other hand, looked calm.

In fact, she had already guessed these things.

During the time she was studying in the church, she also saw a lot of dirty things in the church.

"We have always been friendly with France. Mr. Hardy, you can't slander us at will." The pope's tone was light and threatening: "If you insult us, you are insulting the goddess of light."

Hardy smiled with disdain.

"The teachings of the Goddess of Light do not allow you to provoke wars, nor do they allow you to control other people's countries." Hardy looked up at the Pope on the high platform, with a sharp light in his eyes: "And... when Fran When the countries around the west are secretly controlled by you, our fate as France may not be much better!"

These words directly broke his face.

Karina turned to look at Hadi, admiring but also asking curiously: "So you want to push me to the position of pope because you have so many things in mind?"

She felt like she had become more and more mature since Hardy crushed part of her soul.

She and Ryan's two friends have been faintly left behind.

Hardy smiled, noncommittal.

In fact, this is just a temporary statement.

His intelligence network was not strong enough to reach out to Francie.

But this does not prevent him from putting his hat on the opponent.

But now it seems that this hat has been put on the right one.

The Pope's expression became ugly, and the ten male cardinals also had strange expressions.

Some people look at the sky, others look at the earth.

Others were expressionless.

On the other hand, the three female cardinals looked curious as if they had witnessed a big drama.

The Pope stared hard at Hardy.

His expression was frighteningly cold.

At this time, both Karina and Ryan's bodies were a little tighter.

The two of them have been fighting the demons on the front line for nearly three years, and they have a very keen sense of murderous intent.

"Hardy, he wants to kill you."

Karina whispered.

Hardy actually felt it too.

He felt that the Pope's 'weakness' seemed to be an act.

After a while, the Pope slowly stood up and said: "Since Mr. Hardy feels that our Church of Light is uneasy and kind, from now on, we will no longer send any priests to France."

This is a naked threat.

In this world, the Light Priests are the primary healing force.

Although the priests of God actually know some healing arts, their average level is not comparable to that of priests of light.

If the Bright Priest disappears from France from now on, then the nobles and wealthy businessmen in the entire country will hate Hadi to death.

But Hardy was unmoved, and just smiled lightly: "This can't happen, because Pope Karina Minter will not do this."

Everyone looked at each other.

The pope's face was gloomy, and he stood up: "Your Excellency Hardy, your words are too sure. Not only do you not take our church of light in your eyes, you don't even take the goddess of light in your eyes. Do you think... If you really act wild here, our goddess won’t punish you?”

At this moment, he pulled the tiger skin of the goddess of light and started to get close to her.

"I believe the goddess of light can see who represents justice and who is evil." Hardy smiled without fear: "Does she really care about an organization that uses her banner to subvert other countries from time to time? "

Hearing this, the magic in the Pope began to flow.

The sickly look on his face was gone, replaced by a cold chill.

A large amount of light power poured out of his body, almost condensing into substance.

Hardy sighed softly, now he was ready to transform.

But at this time, a familiar voice came from his mind: "Do you need my help?"

It's Aya.

"I can take back the light power in him." She continued.

Hardy shook his head: "No need. Since you are very busy over there, you don't need to come to my place often."

"You want to push Karina to become the pope. For such a big thing, I must come and take a look."

"Then just watch."

"Okay." Aya's voice was filled with a smile: "I'll just watch you show off your power."

At this time, ten male red archbishops also stood up.

They planned to work with the Pope to take down the three people in front of them.

After all, this is their base camp.

As long as these three people are taken down, the army outside will collapse without attacking.

However... they forgot that the three people in front of them were the three strongest people in the entire human world.

Moreover, the three of them grew up together and have a perfect tacit understanding.

Just when the Pope reached out and was about to use the spell, Ryan moved first.

A blue firebird jumped onto the stage like lightning. As soon as the Pope stretched out his hand, he flew backwards and hit the wall.


Fortunately, the Pope has a triggering light protection, which directly blocks all damage.

Although he was embedded in the wall, he was not injured.

With a wave of his hand, Ryan was directly enveloped in a white magic cover.

"Holy Law - Cage!"

Very interesting magic, used to control sinners.

In the eyes of the Pope, all three of them are sinners.

But how could Ryan be controlled so easily? With a swing of his sword, the white cage immediately shattered.

Hardy did not immediately participate in the battle, but fired a magic light ball towards the outside of the hall.

The ball of light passed through the door of the hall and burst into intense light in the air.

This is the signal Hardy told in advance. As long as this magic ball of light appears, the army will directly attack the Church of Light.

At this time, Karina spun around...the hem of the nun's skirt was fluttering.

The big golden cover protected both her and Hadi.

Then dozens of light spears shot at the light shield, but they were all bounced away.

Two giant holy crosses appeared in the sky, and the light enveloped Karina and Hadi.

This is the magic of light judgment, which can shock people's souls.

Five men in red took action.

It's a pity that Karina's protective magic and resistance to mental attacks are also full.

Their offensive magic has no effect at all.

"Don't worry Hardy, I'll protect you."

Karina smiled coquettishly and tenderly. (End of chapter)

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