The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 65 Charge against evil

With the Blade Knights officially stationed outside the city, the environment in Boris seems to be calming down.

But as three large infantry regiments mobilized from the east and south, the atmosphere in Boris City became increasingly tense.

The few days of quietness some time ago seemed to be just an illusion.

"A thousand-man-level elite army and two six-hundred-man level legions." Hardy clicked on the map: "The big army is here. This is the army of the Dwarf faction. Although the other two have not raised their flags for the time being, they are not needed. I think it must be the Lion Faction’s army.”

At this time, Dora was a little nervous: "Are they going to fight us?"

Enolin glanced at him and said calmly: "Calm down, don't get into trouble."

Then she looked at Hardy: "What do you think?"

"Not only do they not dare to fight us, but they are also very afraid of us." Hardy chuckled: "Their route is all along the trails close to the mountains and forests, so the speed is not fast. Why is this?"

Enolin understood, she nodded slightly and said: "Because they are afraid of our knights."

She is good at political affairs, but not good at military affairs.

In the past, she could not carry out her internal affairs at all. The reason was simple: she had no military advantage.

Many people say that the military is an extension of politics, but conversely, without sufficient military strength as a base, it will be difficult to display your political abilities no matter how good you are.

"As for the large infantry legion of the Eldor faction, they just want to take advantage." Hardy said his analysis: "The current king is old, and it is estimated that in a few years, a new king will be elected. They, the Eldor faction, I will definitely find a way to continue to put my own people on stage.”

Enolin had already considered such a thing, but she didn't dare to trust her own judgment.

After all, under the high pressure of the other three families, they had been struggling for so many years, and they almost lost confidence.

Now they are in urgent need of someone to give them advice and strengthen their position.

"Then what should we do?" Dora couldn't help but ask.

"My personal opinion is actually very simple." Hardy said with a smile: "Fight the Lion Faction, unite with the Two-Headed Dragon, and remain neutral with the Dwarf Faction."

"What if the dwarves are unwilling to be neutral with us?"

"Then think of a way to let the Silver Knights rush his infantry regiment." Hardy's eyes flashed coldly: "The fence-sitters are the most disgusting."

Several others took a deep breath.

They were very surprised by Hadi's 'evil spirit'.

"But this way, we will be fighting with the two families." Dora subconsciously licked her lips, feeling a little worried.

Hardy said in a calm tone: "The Jeanne family has always fought with three families, but now the two families are afraid?"

Dora smiled awkwardly.

Enolin thought for a while and said: "Then let's do what Hardy said and carry out our next activity."

Hardy touched his chin and said with a teasing expression: "Besides, there is another force that should start to explode."

In fact, several people heard it a little baffled.

The power Hardy is talking about is the players.

At this time, Bing Xixi was looking at the dilapidated stall in front of her. The not-so-beautiful porcelain was scattered on the ground, almost all damaged.

There were several children lying in a pool of blood. Although they were not dead, they looked very miserable.

Pedestrians came and went around, but no one wanted to help.

Xixi carried several children to the roadside and bandaged them.

Perhaps because they had been in a poor environment for a long time, these children had extremely tenacious vitality, and they soon woke up.

After seeing Xi Xi, these children burst into tears.

It's not that it hurts, they're not afraid of physical pain.

They were distressed because part of the porcelain that was finally fired was smashed and part of it was robbed.

They originally wanted to use these porcelain to improve the lives of everyone in the Atonement Church, but they did not expect that they would be blatantly taken away.

Xixi comforted them and said, "Okay, okay, don't cry. Let's go home first. Anyway, we have sold a few and made a little money. Let's buy some food and go home. Let's discuss it slowly."

Several children helped each other up and returned to the slums from the streets.

Someone soon came to pick them up.

The leader was a middle-aged man. When he saw the injuries on the child, he understood everything. He sighed and said, "We lowly people are not qualified to sell such good goods."

Xixi suddenly smiled ferociously and said: "In the face of death, there is no meanness or nobility, only equality! President, please help me find out who did this."

"You want to deal with them alone?"

"I alone am enough." Bing Xixi sneered: "They are just a bunch of sensual trash."

Then he returned to the dilapidated hut where he lived temporarily, took out a lot of rusty swords, and began to sharpen them.

He doesn't have many good weapons now, and these low-level weapons are easy to curl, so there's nothing wrong with preparing a few more.

Because he felt that he wanted to kill a lot of people.

By evening, more than a dozen long swords were sharpened.

He ate bread that was no different from a stone, and then waited until the middle-aged man came back.

"I found out, it was someone from the Lion family who did it. Payne Crowe's men saw the children selling porcelain, so they snatched away the ones that looked better and smashed all the others." Middle-aged The man's expression was calm, but there was anger hidden in his eyes: "They will probably come and arrest you, the producer, soon."

"It's an expected thing." Xixi stuffed long swords into his system backpack: "President, I'm leaving first, you guys hide first, because I believe that for a long time from now on, the nobles will They're all going to go crazy."

The middle-aged man nodded.

Xixi took advantage of the darkness and arrived at the gate of the Lion Family Castle. A private party was being held here. They did not entertain too many people, only a dozen nobles with whom they had close personal relationships were invited.

When Bing Xixi appeared at the gate of the castle, he immediately attracted the attention of the guards.

"People over there, leave here immediately, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

It's no wonder they were nervous. Xixi was wearing leather armor, and her whole body was filled with evil spirits and her expression was ferocious. Anyone who saw her at night would be nervous.

"I'm back from hell."

"I am an unfair enemy!"

"I am the enemy of evil!"

"I am the enemy of all evil!"

If the last time he shouted like this was just to show off, then now, he really meant it.

He took out the long sword from the system backpack, then roared loudly and launched a charge towards the castle.

Like a certain knight rushing towards a huge windmill.

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