The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 75 Even a small disturbance can make money

The place where the flames shot into the sky was naturally the grove behind Princes Manor.

Sissi frowned and said worriedly: "Will it burn us?"

"Don't worry." Hardy said calmly, holding a glass of wine: "It's several streets away. If it really needs to be burned, it won't be here until at least tomorrow."

Mrs. Sissi rolled her eyes at Hardy: "How can you say such sarcastic words."

Hardy smiled and said: "This is a fact, not to mention that such fires are usually handled by magicians."

"That's true." Mrs. Sissi nodded.

As a profession, magicians generally like to stay in a quiet place and study magic theories.

But there are still some 'born' magicians running around, and some are recruited by the royal family to become court magicians.

Sure enough, soon several black figures flew into the air and arrived at the fire scene.

Then there was a small area of ​​heavy rain.

The fire was quickly contained.

Upon seeing this, Mrs. Sissi went back to her room to sleep, and Hardy also returned to the military camp to rest.

By the next day, the situation was still good and the whole of Polis was calm.

But on the third day, news came out.

Princes Eckerd is missing.

The whole city exploded.

As one of the heirs of the Ikede family, Prince is considered relatively favored, and he is very capable and can make money, which has alleviated a lot of pressure on the Ikede family's economy.

Then the whole city searched for Princes.

Hardy stayed at the Jeanne family's manor, motionless.

The only clue that could lead to suspicion on him was the manservant named 'Saxton', because he was responsible for helping deliver the letter.

But even so, it's just suspicion.

After all, no outsider knows the contents of the letter. On the surface, Hardy and Prince Edward have "no grudges" and their relationship is okay. There is no "reason" for him to kill Princess Prince.

This is the benefit of Hardy never revealing his 'purpose' for coming to the royal city.

Of course, if someone really wants to cause trouble for him, this is also an excellent opportunity.

It's just that at that time, Hardy was not so easy to talk to.

In the past two days, Hardy has been living a "separate" life in Jeanne's manor, trying to reduce his sense of existence as much as possible.

Generally speaking, if you want to get rid of the suspicion of murder, you must not do stupid things like "the more dangerous the place, the safer it is."

Don't jump around in front of the 'snooper's eyes, don't come into the sight of any snooper and let them notice you.

In the past two days, Hardy and Madam Sissi chatted often, and they became very familiar with each other.

Women are not very good at enduring loneliness, and neither does Mrs. Sissi.

Hardy is handsome, speaks well, and is very knowledgeable. He always gives Mrs. Sissi the feeling that he is a high-end version of Tiao Tiao.

Chatting with Hadi became more and more enjoyable.

Then on the fourth day, a group of people suddenly appeared outside the door of Jeanne Manor.

The leader is Peter Clovis.

He sat on the tall horse, looked down at Hardy, and said with a proud smile: "In the name of the prosecutor, I will arrest you, a murderer, Hardy!"

The Clovis family is indeed mainly responsible for the security of the royal city.

At this time, Enolin and Dora were socializing outside, and only Mrs. Sissi, Mrs. Anna, and Hardy were at home.

Hardy smiled disdainfully: "Peter Clovis, if you want to frame me, just say so."

"Then tell me, where were you when Princes disappeared?"

Hardy sneered: "I heard a very powerful philosopher say that you should never defend yourself, otherwise you will never be able to clear your suspicion. If you want to arrest me, you have to present the evidence first, otherwise I will You are slandering me, do you want a knight's duel?"

As he spoke, he took out the white gloves he had prepared two days ago and threw them to the ground.

Looking at the white gloves falling on the ground, Peter Clovis looked a little ugly.

He was quite confident in his own strength, but he didn't quite understand what Hardy's strength was.

At this time, Mrs. Sissi also walked out, followed by twenty red-cloaked sword-and-shield warriors.

This is the famous 'death warrior' in the Jeanna family.

"Peter Clovis?" Mrs. Sissi is usually dignified and gentle, but now her face is full of majesty: "If you want to find out the cause of Princess's death, go and find out. Don't come to our house to cause trouble, otherwise I don’t mind taking you into the manor now and locking you up for a while.”

Seeing Mrs. Sissi's cold expression, Peter Clovis felt a little guilty. He snorted and looked at Hardy again.

Hardy deliberately looked at Peter Crowe with a proud and arrogant attitude.

"You're so lucky! Someone is protecting you." Peter Clovis snorted.

Hardy smiled and said: "Then you are out of luck. Don't let me see you when shopping in the future. Once I see you, I will throw you a white glove once. I will see how many times you can refuse!"

Peter Crowe's face turned green thinking about that scene.

Everyone cares about face. If Hardy throws white gloves at him every day and then fights every day, will he still be able to stand in front of others in the future?

"Don't go too far!" Peter Clovis said through gritted teeth.

"Who went too far first?" Hardy squinted his eyes and smiled: "I have said before that our barbarians in Hexi County are not as gentle as your Boris royal family."

Madam Sissi almost laughed out loud when she heard this.

It took a lot of effort to hold it in, so much so that the northern hemisphere seemed to have grown a lot bigger.

"What do you want?"

Hardy smiled and said, "If you don't pay me some compensation, this matter will not go away."

"One hundred gold coins, I will have someone deliver it before night."

Hardy nodded: "It's okay, this matter is over. And... don't let this happen again, otherwise I won't be so easy to talk to next time."

Hardy flicked his fingers, and a circle of blue flames surrounded Peter Clovis.

The horse was so frightened that it jumped around and almost made Peter Cross fall off the horse.

Then Hardy pressed down with one hand, and the blue magic flame disappeared.

Peter Clovis looked at Hardy deeply, turned around and walked away in embarrassment.

A small incident was resolved like this.

Madam Sissi returned to the garden and angrily said: "It seems that the Lion Faction still wants my family to die. As long as there is an opportunity, they will start to make small moves."

"This is normal." Hardy smiled: "Besides, Peter Clovis himself has a little friction with me."

At this time, Mrs. Sissi looked at Hardy, her eyes full of curiosity: "You can actually do magic, and you look pretty good at it. You must have practiced it for a long time, why didn't you show it before!"

Hardy asked: "Why does it have to be revealed?"

"If Karina knew how powerful you were, maybe she would have chosen you." Mrs. Sissi's face was full of regret: "Actually, I personally would rather Karina be with you."

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