The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 80 The Knights have been surrounded

When Hadi's army arrived at the military thoroughfare in West City, they saw the gate closed.

With the arrival of the army, the soldiers on the city wall looked very nervous.

Hardy waved.

Rogge, who was next to him, immediately understood what Hardy meant. He stepped forward and shouted: "This is His Excellency Hardy, Viscount of the Jeanne family. We need to leave the city, why don't you open the city gate."

After the guards above panicked for a while, a young man finally came out and shouted: "The king has an order. There are important things to deal with today. The army cannot leave the city."

Upon hearing this, Hardy knew that things had developed as he expected.

Although there are not many troops stationed here, a strong attack will still be very time-consuming and will cause huge battle losses.

He didn't talk nonsense at the moment, turned around and said: "Half of the scout team will follow me... Rogge."


"Take the others back to Jeanne Manor." Hardy looked into the distance and said quickly: "Remember, after returning to the manor, you will only obey Madam Sissi's instructions. No one else can command you. Do you understand? ?”

Rogge knelt down on one knee with firm eyes: "Yes!"

Hadi immediately rode away from the main city gate.

The main city gate is used for ordinary access. The door does not open very wide and can only accommodate two people passing side by side at a time, because it is not suitable for large armies to travel.

But when Hardi rode over with more than a dozen horses, the civilians near the city gate saw it and immediately stepped aside.

However, there are caravans and carriages blocking the inner passage of the city gate when entering and exiting the city.

They could cut in line, but they couldn't make the caravans that had entered the inner passage of the city gate go backwards, so they could only follow slowly.

The few guarding soldiers did not stop them and allowed them to pass through the narrow city gate and out.

More than a dozen people and a dozen horses passed through, and it took them two or three minutes to get out even though they had already jumped in line.

If a large army goes on an expedition, plus the logistics team of food, it would be impossible to get out from the main city gate in less than half a day.

Therefore, the old king did not prohibit them from leaving the city through the main gate.

They even hoped that the Na family's troops would leave the city in small groups.

This will make it easier for them to defeat them one by one.

But Hadi only brought out a dozen scouts, and there was no such large-scale expedition.

After leaving the city, Hardy immediately led the scouts to a high ground.

The terrain here is not vast and is not suitable for the garrison of large armies, but the height is sufficient and suitable for reconnaissance.

Looking down from the high ground, the surrounding situation can be seen much more clearly.

On the strategic high ground near the forest farm, the lion flag is flying.

"It's really withdrawn." Hardy rode on the war horse and shook his head helplessly.

Although the people in Jeanna's family have good personalities, they really have poor strategic vision and political acumen.

Now that I think about it, it’s quite impressive that they managed to survive a few years without completely falling apart.

Then he looked around and saw four armies stationed near the Silver Wing Knights in the distance.

If you look more carefully, you will see that the largest infantry regiment is the Royal Guards, followed by two medium-sized infantry regiments with the lion flag, and finally a medium-sized infantry regiment with the double-headed dragon flag.

"The enemy's four infantry regiments combined should have more than 3,000 troops." Hardy looked at the station of the Blade Knights, frowned and said: "The Blade Knights plus Victor's infantry regiment should have about 1,000 troops. But what’s strange is why the Knights didn’t go out to fight before and allowed the infantry to surround them so close.”

The cavalry regiment needs a certain distance to launch a charge attack.

The light cavalry is better. It can speed up to the point where it can attack the enemy's formation within fifty meters.

But the heavy cavalry must be at least 100 meters away.

The Silver Wing Knights are all heavy cavalry.

Now, the enemy's four infantry regiments have been suppressed to a range of about 80 meters.

It can be seen that the battle between the two sides is about to break out.

However, the distance between the four infantry regiments was quite far, and they were spread out to station themselves, presumably to prevent the knights from escaping.

"I have just taken office, and you are giving me such a big 'test'." Hardy sighed uncomfortably, turned to the cavalry and said: "You and I will rush in through the gap between the four infantry regiments. No matter what situation you encounter, you can’t hesitate or get distracted, do you understand?”

More than a dozen scouts nodded.

If Hadi said to let them rush in by themselves, they would probably be reluctant.

But Hardy took the lead and rushed in, and the situation was different.

This is the difference between 'charge me, you guys' and 'charge me'.

Hardy raised his riding whip and rushed down to the high ground first. He used the edge of the woods on the roadside to cover his body as much as possible, and then galloped between the Royal Guards and an infantry regiment of the Lions.

No one stopped them.

There was no time to stop him.

Peter Clovis saw Hardy's figure passing by from the simple observation deck of his military camp, and even smiled proudly: "I'm just waiting for you to come in."

When Hardy and others were still about a hundred meters away from the Silver Wing Knights' station, they asked the scouts to display the angel statue flag of Jeanne's family.

The door to the Knights opened quickly.

Hardy rushed in with the scouts, and the soldiers quickly closed the door again.

I'm afraid that if it's a second too late, enemies will rush in.

As soon as they entered the camp, they saw the dead and wounded on the school field in the center of the military camp.

The wounded were wailing lowly, and several chaplains accompanying the army were trying their best to rescue the seriously injured.

But there are obviously not enough manpower.

The air was filled with the smell of blood.

The soldiers around him all had uneasy eyes.

Hardy's heart tightened, and his morale looked very low.

At this time, a middle-aged man who looked like a corpsman came out of the tent. When he saw Hardy, he immediately shouted in surprise: "Sir Hardy, it's you, that's great."

Hardy stepped forward and asked, "How come the casualties are so serious? Where are your Excellencies Dora and Victor?"

"They are all in the coach's tent." The corps commander said with a sad face: "Both Your Excellencies are injured, and Your Excellency Dora is not awake yet."

Hardy walked quickly into the tent and saw that Victor's head and hands were bandaged.

His eyes were dull and dejected.

On the other side, two priests were working together to treat the wounds of Dora who was lying down.

Hardy walked over and took a look and found a deep flat diamond-shaped wound in the middle of Dora's chest.

Blood was still slowly pouring out of it.

The shape was small, and it should have been a stab wound from a short sword or dagger.

Hardy asked: "How is the situation with Sir Dora?"

One of the priests raised his head and replied: "My life has been saved, and the wound can be stopped bleeding, but it will take at least two or three days to wake up. He lost too much blood."

Hardy turned to look at another man from the Jeanne family and asked: "Sir Victor, what happened? Why did your infantry regiment suffer such heavy losses?"

Those lying on the ground were all leather-armored infantry.

The soldiers in the knights, except for the logistics troops, the rest of the knights are all covered in white armor, which is easy to distinguish.

"My father came to the high ground with a dozen cavalrymen and informed me to go down the mountain to station and let the soldiers rest for a while." Victor's face was full of shame: "But I didn't expect that we were ambushed after we came down...and then the soldiers in my personal guard A spy assassinated my father."

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