The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 85 It’s time for us to express our feelings

The battlefield was red.

Even upwind, you can smell the strong smell of blood.

Hardy did not release the Nightmare Knight form. With his current magical ability and physical fitness, he could maintain the Knight form for more than three hours without any problem.

He scanned the battlefield, looking at the flesh, flesh and organs, without any fluctuation in his heart.

It is difficult to distinguish the appearance of the enemy who was run over by the heavy cavalry legion.

We are all reduced to flesh, you are in me, and I am in you.

Those knights who fell from their horses also met a similar fate.

Therefore, armor has a very important purpose at this time, for identifying one's identity.

Even if the armor is deformed by being stepped on, there are always clues to the identity of the deceased from the emblem engraved on it or the style of the armor.

Some knights went to clean up the battlefield, while others dismounted and rested.

But none of them disarmed because Hadi did not give the order.

About two hours later, the person in charge of cleaning the battlefield came back. He looked at Hardy and said: "A total of sixteen brothers fell from their horses. Only one was lucky enough to survive. The others can't be found."

"Can you find their armor?"

The man nodded and said: "Everyone's armor has been recovered. The next step is to clean it."

"May I have your name?"

The man took off his helmet, allowing Hardy to see his face.

"I am the honorary knight of Hukaro City, Mallory." The man was quite young. He looked at Hardy with admiration in his eyes: "Although I have not yet reported to your command, in fact, I He is already your vassal."

Mallory is a knight who has lived in Hukaro City for generations. Whoever is the lord of Hukaro City will have his family as vassal. But relatively speaking, his superiors are still the Jeanne family. This is not true. changing.

Hardy looked at this man in surprise. For Hukaro City, he needed to build his own team to manage it better.

After all, managing a small mountainous area and a real city are two different concepts.

As for Mallory in front of you, you can pay attention first.

After all, they have fought together, so their starting loyalty should be relatively high.

"Tell the other captains or the corps commander to wait half an hour and gather at the coach's camp."

After that, the huge black knight broke away from the knights and walked to the station alone.

Mallory nodded, now happy to carry out Hardy's orders.

When he arrived at the station, under the enthusiastic gaze of many soldiers in the infantry regiment, Hardy released the form of the Nightmare Knight.

Victor stood in front of the coach's tent and looked at Hardy strangely.

He also watched the previous battle from a high place. The black knight led the white armor knight to charge. Whether it was timing, formation shift, or tactical turn after the charge, the black knight did it perfectly.

This upended his view of Hardy.

More than an hour ago, Victor thought that Hadi was just a young man who was very good at politics and proficient in tactics and strategy.

In fact, this is already very powerful.

At least everyone in Jeanna's family can't compare to him.

But now... Hardy is actually still a real strong man.

Nightmare Knight.

This profession is not unique to demons, but the probability of humans being able to change jobs into this profession is too low.

The required conditions are just too harsh.

The higher the job transfer requirements, the stronger the young man's basic abilities are.

What's more, he's very handsome.

How could there be such a perfect young man in this world?

Although Victor is already in his thirties, he looks more mature compared to Hardy who is in his early sixteen years.

But now he feels that he is a joke and has lived in vain for more than thirty years.

"Hardy, thank you very much." Seeing Hardy walking over, Victor smiled.

Although he was a little jealous, he was more impressed and happy.

Such a powerful young man is a vassal of their Jeanna family.

"How is the situation with Sir Dora?" Hardy asked.

"The injury has stabilized." At this point, Victor was obviously much happy: "The priests said he will wake up in a few hours."

Hardy also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, he and Dora are acquaintances, and besides, Dora is not annoying. It is indeed a good thing that the other party can survive.

"What to do next?" Victor asked as he walked into the coach's tent: "Although I am stupid, I can see that the other three royal bloodlines are not simply trying to weaken us. They want us to let them down. The lives of everyone in the Na family.”

Hardy also walked into the tent and asked, "Do you have any ideas, Mr. Victor?"

"Don't have any ideas?" Victor shook his head: "I am still in the dark. If I make a decision, I will probably only harm everyone."

Hardy frowned: "So..."

"You make the decision." Victor smiled: "This time I will follow your command."

Hardy looked at Victor with some surprise.

Generally speaking, upper-class nobles want to save face, and they rarely listen to the words of their subordinate vassals.

As for a staff member... in modern terms, he is a data analyst.

There is no decision-making power.

"Really, I'm not kidding." Victor said sincerely, "I'm not the kind of person who likes to hold on to power and not let it go."

Hardy understood. He nodded, found a chair to sit down, and said, "Let me think about the current situation."

Victor smiled to show that he understood. He also sat down and closed his eyes to rest.

About half an hour later, the captain and corps commander of the cavalry regiment arrived. The white armor on each person's body was stained with a lot of blood.

The handsome tent was very crowded and smelly, with a strong smell of blood.

But no one cared.

The eyes of the white-armored knights switched between Victor and Hardy.

After a while, Victor stood up first and said: "The next wartime decisions will be made by Hardy."

Hardy stood up and nodded to Victor in thanks.

After all, it is in a public place, and the face that should be given to the 'host' is still given.

"I won't say any unnecessary nonsense." Hardy looked around and found that everyone looked at him with respect. There was no one who was unruly: "Now we have to stabilize the situation. Who can tell me how to escape? Which direction did the two infantry regiments go to?"

Malok raised his hand and said: "Mr. Hardy, I know this. The remaining infantry regiment of the Lion Army went to the west. The Legion of the Two-Headed Dragon Family hid in the woods, but looking at the birds and beasts in the woods If there is any movement, they should move back to their own territory.”

"So what's the situation with the city gate defenders?"

"Not only is the military passage closed, but the main gate of the city is also closed." A man with a Chinese-character face hugged his helmet and smiled: "Therefore, the deserters of the Royal Guards cannot return to the scene at all. They were all caught by us and tied up outside."

After hearing this, Hardy chuckled and said: "It's pretty much what I expected, so now we have to divide our troops into three groups. Temporarily split the 600-man cavalry regiment into three."

Everyone looked at Hardy.

"Now you nominate three people who have titles and are good at leading troops."

There was no need to make any recommendations, and three people immediately stood up.

Hardy smiled and said to them: "Each person will bring two hundred cavalry. One group will follow me to capture the strategic high ground near the forest farm. One group will go west to raid the territory of the Two-Headed Dragon. Its main task is to attack their military facilities. . It would be best if we could capture a few direct bloodlines of the two-headed dragons."

"The third branch is going south to raid the territory of the Lion Faction. The tactical purpose is the same. Do you understand?"

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