The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 87 Planning for the Country

Leonard's smile was very proud and crazy.

The beautiful features became distorted.

After finally waking up from that gaffe, Leonard wiped his tears and said with a smile: "Death well, death well. Hardy, I owe you a favor, and I will definitely pay it back in the future."

Hardy didn't take it seriously.

When aristocratic families talk to each other, they are always 30% truthful and 70% false. They are polite on the surface, but no one knows what they are up to behind the scenes.

"I took note of what you said. Now you can take two or three people back." Hardy said with a smile: "But this army has to stay, and they have to pay a ransom."

Leonard rubbed his face and said, "It has to be cheaper."

Generally speaking, the real valuables among prisoners of war are nobles, while military prisoners are only small heads, unless there are a lot of them.

Hardy thought for a moment and said, "As a friendly price, you can just bring me fifty gold coins."

"Thank you."

Hearing the ransom price, Leonard couldn't help but pat Hardy's shoulder lightly.

This is indeed a very favorable price.

And Hardy also exempted himself from the high ransom as a noble.

"But you also have to do two things for me."

"Say." Leonard nodded vigorously.

"Tell your father when you go back. I'm a little cheaper with the prisoners of your Lion Faction. Later, a group of people should be brought over from your fiefdom."

Leonard looked stunned for a moment, then he nodded and said: "Awesome, it is great luck for the Jeanna family to get you."

"In addition, if you, the Lion Faction, want the prisoners of the Royal Guards, the price can be slightly higher."

Leonard was a little puzzled at first: "What does the Royal Guards have to do with our Lion family... Hiss, your plan is too vicious."

"It's not vicious. The three of you openly say that you want to unite, but secretly you are so vicious as you are using Ms. Ainolin's tricks."

Leonard's expression was a little confused.

In fact, he had known about this for a long time. When the three families made this plan, he was still very excited, thinking that the Jeanne family would definitely be very pitiful after being deceived.

The result... is tragic.

Seeing his awkward expression, Hardy stopped provoking him and continued, "You'd better leave this matter alone. It's up to your father to decide whether you want to take this bait or not. You'd better not say anything."

Leonard's expression immediately became solemn and he said, "I understand."

"Okay, you can go."

Leonard hesitated for a while, then said sheepishly: "Can you give me a horse..."

A few minutes later, Leonard left with three servants.

The main reason why Hardy let him go was to sell a favor to his mother.

There is no benefit in offending a powerful female magician.

Besides, she is still a student of E.P.R. Hardy also wants to have a good relationship with her and get more magic theory and knowledge.

Hardy then took up residence in the highlands.

The gate to the royal city was closed, and Hardy knew that he could not get in for the time being.

So if he wants to negotiate with the royal family, he needs more chips.

Now the royal family is the biggest enemy of the Jeanna family. In order to compete with the royal family, both the Lion Faction and the Two-Headed Dragon Faction can unite.

But the prerequisite for unity is to respect the Jeanna family.

Therefore, it is even more important to beat them first.

Then give sweet dates.

In the evening, someone was sent from the station to inform: Grand Duke Dora was awake.

Hardy chose Malok as the temporary commander here, and then quickly rushed to the Silver Wing Knights' station with more than a dozen cavalry.

When Hardy arrived at the coach's tent, he saw Dora sitting up.

Although his face looked very bad and his face was as yellow as paper, he did wake up.

When he saw Hadi, he first showed a grateful smile, and then said: "Hadi, thank you for turning the tide at the critical moment and preserving the most important army of our Jeanna family."

Hardy came closer, bowed and saluted, and said: "I am also a member of the Jeanne family now, so I should do what I should do."

"How is the situation at home now?" Dora couldn't help but ask.

Hardy shook his head: "I don't know. The royal family has sealed off the entire royal city."

"Wouldn't that be..." Dora is that kind of pessimist.

He can't help but think the worst about anything.

Victor also looked very nervous.

Hardy shook his head and said: "I don't think the problem is big. Before I came out, I had already stationed my army at the manor. The castle has the advantage of terrain, and there are nearly a hundred dead soldiers from the Jeanna family. More than 300 people rely on the manor and the castle. , even if surrounded by one or two thousand people, it can last ten days and a half."

Dora breathed a sigh of relief: "I hope so."

Hadi continued: "And the fact that the royal family has not opened the city gate until now shows that they have not completed their set tactical purpose. Time is on our side."

"Hardy, what should we do now?" Dora asked with a sad face.

At this time, several captains and corps commanders were already on standby in the coach's tent.

They all felt a little incredible when they saw the coach actually asking a junior about his future course of action.

But when I thought of Hardy's appearance as the Nightmare Knight, and then thought of Hardy's heroic appearance when he led them to charge, there was no objection at all.

"It's very simple, just fight a tough battle." Hardy said with a smile: "Conquer the territory of the Lion Faction and the Two-Headed Dragon Faction first, and extract as many resources as you can, so that they can bleed a lot of blood and nourish themselves." We ourselves can’t let them die.”

Dora was a little confused, but she still nodded pretendingly.

Hardy ignored whether he understood or not and continued: "Then we will give them some sweeteners to win them over to our side."

"What's the point of this?"

Hardy looked at Dora with some confusion. He didn't understand such a simple thing?

He scratched his head and said: "It's very simple. The old king should be dying soon and has only a few years to live. After this incident happened again, he must be so angry that he can't sleep well every day. I estimate that within a year or two at most, he will He must perish."

Hearing this, Dora finally understood. His eyes gradually widened like two round bells: "You mean..."

"How many years has it been since the Jeanne family sat on that throne?" Hardy smiled and said, "It's time for another queen."

"Sissi becomes queen?"

Dora felt ridiculous at first, but after the imaginary picture came into his mind, his body couldn't help but tremble.

Victor feels the same way.

The captains in the coach's tent, as well as the confidants of Jeanna's family, all looked excited.

If the Jeanna family can sit on the throne, they can confer more titles.

And these descendants of the loyal vassals who have followed the Jeanna family for two to three hundred years, can they also move up?

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