The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 89 I can find foreign aid

Lady Anna is soft and warm.

Even Hardy had to admit that he liked this feeling.

But the question is...can the incense in the tent be used randomly?

The elves have always suffered from fertility problems.

Male elves play with statues, fish, and play simulated chess every day, and they don't like to get along with female elves very much.

I think female elves are troublesome and cannot be understood.

Therefore, the fertility rate of the elves is extremely low.

It wasn't until a certain female elf developed the 'incense in the tent' that the situation improved.

It can greatly awaken male elves' desire for fertility.

This thing has miraculous effects on male elves, and also has good effects on males of other races.

Hardy just sucked a little and felt his body become weak.

Fortunately, his mental strength was not affected.

Three ice picks took down Mrs. Anna.

She pouted and said aggrievedly: "I just used a little bit. It just made your body a little weak and I wanted to hug you. You'll be fine in less than five minutes."

Hardy frowned, and then he felt that his physical strength was gradually recovering.

Then he magically destroyed three ice picks and said, "Get up."

"Don't get up." Mrs. Anna took advantage of Hardy's strength not being fully recovered, and twisted her waist left and right: "Let me hold him for a while longer."

So I kept going back and forth, bumping and bumping.

Hardy couldn't help but take a breath.

The incense in the tent originally had special effects, but at this time the two of them were in a more or less abnormal state.

Mrs. Anna seemed to have noticed something. She blushed and kissed Hardy before leaving him.

Then she said: "I'm going to inform Dora and Victor."

Then the body became transparent and disappeared in Hardy's mental perception.

After waiting for about two or three minutes, Hardy's body returned to its original state. He turned over and continued to rest.

If it weren't for the special effect of the incense in the tent, he believed that he could control his physiological state.

After all, she is a person who can persist in farming for three days under the extreme oppression of the succubus. Mrs. Anna... hmph.

Hardy slept until midnight and was woken up.

The messenger came from Silver Wing Station and said that Coach Dora had summoned him to discuss important matters.

Hardy probably guessed something and rode to the coach's tent.

Dora and Victor were both there, and Hardy also saw Mrs. Anna standing behind them.

Anna had no expression when she saw Hardy coming in.

Dora noticed Hardy's gaze and said with a smile: "Anna has some skills. She can get out of the encirclement and bring very important news."

Since Anna pretended to have never been to her place, Hardy naturally wouldn't expose anything.

But when he looked at Victor, he always felt strange.

"Hardy, Anna brought Enolin's instructions." Dora covered her chest and continued with a smile: "There is nothing at home for the time being. Now we have more time to make arrangements."

Dora probably told the news that Anna brought, and then said: "Next, we should make some fine adjustments to our plan."

"It's better to stay the same in the face of all changes." Hardy thought for a while and asked: "How long will it take to pull the siege equipment from the northern fiefdom?"

"No matter how fast it is, it will take more than eight days." Dora replied, and he was quite amazed: "You are really bold to want to attack the royal city."

Hardy smiled and said: "There is not enough time to bring the equipment here. Madam Anna, can you enter and exit the royal city freely?"

"It's not a big problem." Mrs. Anna smiled.

Hardy thought for a while and said: "The royal family will definitely attack the castle desperately. Now their only hope is to capture Ms. Ainoline and Mrs. Sissi before they are qualified to negotiate with us."

"Do we have any 'friends' in town?" Hardy asked.

Dora shook her head awkwardly.

Hardy frowned slightly: "You can't even count on the Temple of Light?"

Dora smiled bitterly and said: "They used to have a good relationship with our Jeanne family, but they began to gradually separate from us more than a hundred years ago. Although Sissi married Abelon, our relationship has improved a bit, but They still will not interfere in the internal struggle of the royal family for our Jeanne family."

Hardy shook his head helplessly.

When the first generation Jeanna was born, the Temple of Light stood unconditionally on the side of Jeanna's family.

Not to mention the internal war within the royal family, if the first generation Jeanne wanted to attack a neighboring country, they would help at their own expense and start another crusade.

To put it bluntly, future generations are not responsible.

Hardy muttered a lot in his heart, but on the surface he said: "That can only go a wrong way."

"What kind of crooked way?"

"Can Mrs. Anna stay here and make plans at noon tomorrow?"

"No problem." Mrs. Anna nodded.

Dora asked: "Do you want to wait for the other two cavalry regiments to come back?"

"Well, I'm just waiting for them." Hardy said with a smile: "You can't make a decision until you see the results."

"Then let's wait until tomorrow."

Hardy did not return to the highlands this time. There should be no big problem since Mallock, his deputy, is managing there.

He found a tent to rest in the Silver Wing Station.

By noon the next day, the two knight squads that were 'out' sent scouts back to report on the battle situation.

The results were great.

Not only did they greatly kill the enemy's active forces, but also plundered a lot of loot. Members of each team also captured members of the enemy's nobles.

Dora looked at the list, laughed and handed it to Hardy.

After Hardy read it, he asked Anna to take the list and said: "After you go back in lurking, first find the people of the Lion Faction and the Two-Headed Dragon Faction, and tell them that if they remain neutral in the next war, then these The ransom for people and things is reduced to half.”

Lady Anna looked at Dora.

Dora nodded to her: "Listen to Hardy."

Hardy continued: "Then you go to the slums and find people from the Atonement Society... If they are unwilling to see you, you go to a soldier named 'Bing Xixi' and talk to him about a business deal."

"What business?" Anna asked.

"Tomorrow evening, we will attack the city gate of the military passage." Hardy squinted his eyes and said: "If the people of the Atonement Society can help open the city gate around that time...then the members of the Atonement Society, as long as There are no more than three hundred people, and I am willing to grant them citizenship of Hukaro City, and give each citizen an acre of wasteland for reclamation."

Everyone in the coach's tent looked at Hardy in surprise.

Hardy spread his hands helplessly and said: "Since we don't have any power in the city, we can only find foreign aid."

"Is it possible?" Victor asked.

"Besides this method, do any of you have any other options?"

No one answered.

"Anna, just do what Hardy said." Dora waved her hand and said: "The more times like this, the less you can question the coach's decision, especially when you have nothing to do."

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