The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 94 Is the main plot going to be advanced?

After Hardy returned to Jeanne Manor, he released the Nightmare Knight form.

Mainly because the magic power is about to bottom out, and if you hold on any longer, it will only affect your mental strength.

Seeing Hardy return to his familiar appearance, the three women were relieved.

Mrs. Anna came up first and asked: "Hardy, is Victor okay outside?"

Hardy looked at her strangely.

Didn't you meet him?

At this time, there was a burst of laughter around them, and Mrs. Anna appeared not far away, but she was wearing a black night clothes.

Mrs. Anna from before was wearing a lady's dress.

Mrs. Anna, who was wearing night clothes, walked up to the noble lady Anna amidst the surprised expressions of many people, and then turned into a ball of black mist-colored particles and submerged into Mrs. Anna's body.

Hardy frowned slightly: "Is this?"

Lady Anna smiled apologetically at Hardy, said nothing, and retreated into the castle.

Enolin whispered: "I will explain to you later."

Hardy nodded.

Madam Sissi approached Hardy and asked in a low voice: "What should we do next?"

"Lock up all the prisoners of war first." Hardy looked tired: "The manor will be tightly defended. The situation should be clear by tomorrow."

Madam Sissi nodded slightly, and then she whispered to Hardy: "You should also go to bed early."

Hardy said goodbye to the two women and returned to his military camp.

He did not go to rest immediately, but called Rogge and asked: "What are our casualties?"

"More than seventy brothers died, and more than fifty were slightly or seriously injured."

Hardy looked a little surprised.

When Rogge saw it, he knelt down on one knee and said with shame: "Master, I am very sorry, we have let you down."

Hardy was not blaming Rogge and the others, but was surprised that the team he led had amazing combat effectiveness.

With such a high casualty ratio, there was no morale collapse. This is already a sign of a top-notch military.

"It's okay, you did a good job." Hardy leaned against the tent and said in a serious tone: "All soldiers who participated in the battle will be rewarded. There will be additional bounties for minor injuries and serious injuries. As for the dead brothers, there will also be enough pension.”

Seeing that Hardy was really not angry, Rogge felt relieved and retreated.

Hardy then lay down on the carpet and fell into a deep sleep.

Not long after falling asleep, he came to a strange space.

Sophie, dressed in translucent white clothes, was already waiting for him.

I only wore this white dress.

Everything can be seen, and everything is vaguely visible, giving it a hazy beauty.

When she saw Hardy, Sophie's eyes suddenly widened.

She walked up to the man, looked left and right, turned around a few times, and asked: "Your spirit suddenly became so strong... Wait, how many people have you killed recently?"

Hardy sat on the edge of a wooden board that suddenly appeared, holding Sophie in his arms: "Many, many."

"That's no wonder." Sophie started to move on her own, and at the same time she could still speak softly: "The Nightmare Knight is the embodiment of killing. The more you kill, the faster you grow."

"If you don't talk about me anymore, how is the situation over there?"

Sophie pursed her hair and hummed: "The Demon Realm is very big, and it is still some distance away from where the Nightmare Knight is. But I did hear a strange thing."

"whats the matter?"

"There seems to be a new baby over there with the Headless Horseman."

Hardy was surprised: "Was the Headless Horseman 'born'?"

Sophie rolled her eyes at him: "It refers to the newly transformed Headless Horseman. This kind is a newborn."

"That's nothing strange."

He was just a headless horseman, and he had defeated two demon generals.

"But it's rare to see a headless horseman transformed in the human world." Sophie thought for a while and smiled: "I heard she is a great beauty."

"Separating the head and the body, no matter how you think about it, it won't be any more beautiful!" Hardy objected to this.

"I used to know two female headless horsemen. They were actually very good and beautiful." Sophie explained seriously: "In addition, the separation of the head and body is also an advantage, and there are many special ways to play."

Hardy subconsciously trembled: "The special gameplay you mentioned, is it serious?"

"What do you think?"

When Hardy woke up the next day, he felt the emptiness in his waist and the relaxation in his spirit.

The succubus is like this, she can refine her essence and replenish her energy, or she can absorb both essence and energy, it just depends on whether she is willing to help.

Although physically empty, Hardy looked less tired than yesterday thanks to his mental strength.

As soon as he went to the main hall of the castle, he saw many people inside.

In addition to Ainoline, Madam Sissi, and Madam Anna, there were also several men wearing white armor.

But not the Blade Knights.

They both have white armor, but the Silver Wing Knights' full-body armor is grayer, while the white armor on these men is bright.

Very bright and reflective.

Enolin was arguing with a man at this time. When she saw Hardy, she immediately showed joy, waved and said: "Hardy, come here, you can reason with these people, I can't make sense anyway."

Hardy walked over.

Then he saw an old acquaintance among this group of people, Occam.

Occam also saw Hardy, and he subconsciously wanted to hide aside.

The leader of this group stood directly in front of Hardy and said with a straight face: "Nice to meet you, the black knight from the devil world!"

Hardy raised his eyebrows slightly.

He looked up and down at the man in front of him.

The other person has short brown hair, resolute eyes, and a calm temperament.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Hardy asked.

"Temple of Light, Archon of the Heresy Bureau, Lahabi White."

Hardy's expression suddenly became strange: "The Heretic Inquisition Bureau of the Temple of Light actually came to Jeanna's house? What do you mean?"

"Don't worry, we are not here to cause trouble, and we have no intention to be enemies of the Jeanna family." Lahabi put his hands behind his back and said in a proud tone: "We are just here to confirm one thing, the new Saintess Karina Minter, when will you come to the temple to report?"

Hardy felt even stranger: "Even if Karina is a saint, your Heretic Inquisition Bureau shouldn't be doing this."

Lahabi explained: "Now the temple is short of manpower, I just help run errands."

"We are very busy right now, and you should know that we don't have time to deal with these things for the time being." Hardy didn't want to get involved in the political disputes in the temple at this time.

Rahabi nodded: "I understand that you have to decide the new king of France. It is at this time that it is even more necessary for the new saint Karina to come and report her duties. After all, the new king needs the blessing of the saint. Only then can you wear the crown after being recognized by the Goddess of Light."

Hardy recalled it, and it seemed that there was such a thing.

Logically speaking, Karina should have given her blessing to the new king several years later.

But thanks to him 'changing' the course of the main line of the game,... the birth of the new king was forced to be advanced a few years.

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