The Black Mist Enchantress

Chapter 17 - Together We Shall Fight

Emmy consoled him gently and he cried out like a baby. Those happy memories were haunting him for the past three years but now he felt relieved after sharing it with another person.

"Let's get back or else the others will think we are seeing each other. "

Alex laughed at Emmy who was trying to cheer him up. Everyone had tried to accompany him in those forlorn times, but he couldn't accept anyone. However, the little lass who he had thought to take as bait for exacting revenge, was now his ally. The one who calmed the tempest inside him for years, the one who will miraculously make him the emperor of the great nation in the future.

Meanwhile, the other four people inside the house started to have breakfast and they didn't bug the two for having a secret conversation. Janet was behaving as usual so Jordan concluded that she might have forgotten what all happened yesterday at the beachside in her drunken stupor.

"Started without us, guys, I am famished."

"Oh my dear Emmy, usually you are not a foodie, though today all of the boys prepared the food. Don't you dare you touch the pancakes, it was specially prepared by Mike. " Juliet whispered to Emmy. However, it was heard by all who were present at the table. Mike blushed furiously, still, he liked the way his wife was selfish even for the pancakes he made.

"Alright, no one is going to steal your love pancakes. Emmy, wait for a bit, I will make another set of pancakes for all. " Alex carefully put the pancake plate in front of Juliet and patted her head "Here you go my dearest sister."

Alex went to prepare another set of pancakes with a happy smile hanging on his face. Except for Emmy, the others were excited to see Alex's behavior which changed from cold frozen wind to sweet summer breeze.

" Brother, thank you for giving me back my old brother. I am happy now. Everything will be okay from now onwards" Mike followed Alex to the kitchen. He was happy to see his brother coming back to his cheerful self, nevertheless didn't enquire the reason for the change. The sudden change in his brother has elevated the whole mood of the holiday and all decided to have a yacht race.

On the beach, the girls were watching the boys. Emmy observed Janet who was watching Jordan carefully. Janet turned to Emmy and both together said "Jordan!".

"Emmy, sorry dear. In the morning, it was my act. I clearly remember what happened yesterday night. He promised me that he would be the one for me who can help me to get out of hell. But at night when he thought I was sleeping, he said something about avenging his family and all. So even if he loves me, he won't accept my love for now."

"What do you want to do in that case ?"

Although Emmy put up a question to Janet, in her mind she was ready to help her another friend to find her love.

"I want to know his problems and help him in whichever ways it is possible for me."

"Are you sure about this, choosing him will make you have the same fate as my mother's. You will have to face the wrath of the Dagardian family and that could put him in danger too."

Janet stood up and looked at the boys who were walking towards them after finishing their race.

"I will never put him in danger and help him to cease his enemies. This time I will follow my happiness like my aunt however won't end up like her. I will protect my love and all my friends."

The three boys reached the parasol under which the girls were resting, without wasting a moment, Janet held Jordan firmly by his shoulders and kissed him without any constraint while the others left them to have their moment.

" Don't think of me as a timid frail girl. I can assure you that my physical strength is the top among the Dagardians but I have not bothered to show it. From childhood, my mother trained me without anyone's notice and made me physically as well as mentally strong. I do not know who are your foes but I will help you in your revenge but please don't let go of me."

Jordan was stunned firstly because of the sudden kiss, then as he was regaining himself from that shock, Janet's confession bomb completely quashed him. He took a moment to stabilize his accelerated heartbeats then took her hands in his own hands.

"You cannot offend my enemies as they are really powerful. Let me avenge my family, then I will come to take you to our heaven of paradise till that you staying beside me can be dangerous for you."

Janet pulled her hands back and with her head lowered, she stood there without saying anything.

"Either we shall fight together or whatever our relationship is ending at this moment" Janet looked up and Jordan could feel her determination as her eyes turned cold. In front of him was standing a bold girl with an iron will.

"The first time I saw you, I felt as that we were fated to be together but I am still scared of losing you. I can't think of a life without you from yesterday. Are you sure that you want to jump to the pit of fire with me? Once I have made you mine, you cannot escape anymore."

Janet nodded firmly " Together we shall fight for our happiness, trust me I won't be a burden for you. I can protect myself." Jordan took control of the situation and kissed her hard on her lips. His hands clasped her waist tightly so that he could control his emotions. Janet felt pain but she knew that it must be hard for him to control his inner demon.

After having an intense intimate moment, Jordan slowly explained to her about his family and how he became one of the alpha guards of the great Esbertraz clan.

"Does Alex knows that you are an alpha guard of the Esbertraz who he is considering as his enemies?"

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