The Black Mist Enchantress

Chapter 26 - Way To Retrieve My Memories

The portrait showed two girls sitting on the seashore with one girl holding a white conch in her hands, and the other girl smiling sweetly holding her two pigtails. Mike took the portrait from his brother's hand and he recognized the smiling girl quickly as the four years older self of that girl was standing right in front of him.

Yes, it was Emmy who was smiling sweetly in that picture and the other girl was, Lamia, Alex's lost beloved. Everyone was quite shocked to see various pictures of the pair inside the trunk. Some were drawn at seasides, some at the manor, and from every picture, it was clear that the woman Lamia, was closely related to Emmy's family.

"Look at the dates brother, these portraits had been made just after two months of your engagement. That means, your woman escaped to earth after a crash landing at your engagement party."

Emmy suddenly snatched those dated portraits from Mike's hands, her hands shivered after confirming the date. She could not accept that these dates were just a few days before her family was barbarically attacked. So it meant that Lamia should have been here at the time of the assault and Emmy was the only survivor of that incident.

Emmy looked at Alex with fear in her eyes, she wished her conclusion to be wrong as it meant that Alex's beloved was no more in this world. Alex caught Emmy's alarmed expression, even he deduced the same conclusion from the dates of those portraits yet he was having a positive feeling.

" She is alive, I believe it. As per these, she must have been here at that time, but remember the pendant she wore, it enlightened me to come here after the incident in your family. So do not blame yourself."

Alex explained calmly taking those portraits back from Emmy's hands. He could see that his woman was rather happy with Emmy than when she was with him. The smile on her face showed it all. Alex even wondered, maybe because Emmy was so close with his beloved, this might be the reason why he was also comfortable around her.

Although Alex was consoling her, Emmy could only sigh as she felt really helpless at the moment. She had a close relationship with his lover, who was the woman beside her? how was she connected to her family? Emmy stood up and walked straight to master Rotrigues.

" Master, that day you said there was a way to retrieve my memories back. I want to get my memories back as soon as possible."

Emmy, then turned to look at Alex, " I had promised to find your beloved, but now it is also my responsibility to find her."

Now the whole attention was on the master, he knew that Emmy's memories could be retrieved but the procedure was a little painful for the young lass. Once the procedure starts, the person must go through the pain till the end. He was not sure whether Emmy could persist until the procedure gets complete.

" My child, yes, there is a way to retrieve your memories but…."

" Master, please, there are no possibilities of any but in my case. "

" Child, the procedure will be painful, really excruciating. I don't think you can persevere that much pain in your body and once the process has started, I cannot stop it in the middle. Please, think about it, whether you need it now or shall we wait till your body is prepared for tackling such pressure."

" I don't care about the pain. My life has only one goal and that is to avenge my parents. Now, only by getting back my memories, will I be able to open up the dead end."

" Alright, You are stubborn like your father, I couldn't dissuade him from making that decision then, now can't I discourage you. Okay, we will be able to start the process by evening and it will take the entire night to finish. Let us go back for now."

"Jordan, you clean this place and bring all the items to the living room."

After giving Jordan a simple but huge task, master Rotrigues slowly walked out of the basement with Emmy, following them Alex also left the room. Mike and the other two girls decided to help Jordan to finish his task.

The whole basement was cleared out by the four people until Juliet saw that at the corner of the room, there was a small hook. It was the same color as the brick so it was not easily noticed. The curious girl pulled the hook to see another truck falling from the top. Fortunately, Mike had a good reflex to pull Juliet out of the way, or else the heavy iron trunk might have collapsed over her.

The sudden falling of another mysterious trunk gave them goosebumps. When the other three were hesitating whether to open the trunk, it was Janet who bravely decoded the lock pattern. She could identify it soon because the trunk had the emblem of the Dagardian clan.

" It must be your aunt's trunk, isn't it Janet? should we wait for Emmy to open it?"

" No, Emmy should not be disturbed till tomorrow morning. First, we shall see what is inside this trunk and will inform her tomorrow. She will be excited and after regaining her memories, she could easily identify her mother's belongings."

Saying it, Janet opened the chest to find lots of parchments and portraits. Without looking at the papers, she kept it aside to check whether any important objects were placed inside the trunk.

Juliet took the parchments which were kept aside by Janet. She was surprised to see various portraits of one person. The artist drew only one person from various angles, and that face was pretty familiar to Juliet.

" Mike, I didn't know your brother was this much handsome."

Juliet's comment got the attention of Mike and Jordan who were busy looking for any other hooks inside the basement.

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