The Black Mist Enchantress

Chapter 56 - Hatching Plans To Snatch The Beauty

" I will talk with your father, he will find a way but I told him a lie to reduce his anger towards you ."

Victor knew something was amiss when he was suddenly summoned by the king directly to his chamber. So it was due to his mother's pleads that his father was able to enquire about the other days' matter.

" Mother, I think father thought Arona framed me and then set me up in order to make me marry her. Fortunately, this time I was really innocent. Father might have investigated this matter and the results showed him that I was drugged by her, so that's why he gave me a promise that without my consent, no one could force my marriage. "

Samorea sighed in relief as the thing which she was scared about, didn't happen. She decided to lay her plan with her son.

" Son, I told him that the princess Arona set you up and wanted to make you lose your pride in front of the elders so that they would decide your marriage as soon as possible. I said she might have felt jealous as you found your true love. "

Victor raised his eyebrows, now he got the reason why his father was suddenly gentle with him after the banquet day matter. So it was because the mother played her sympathy card, good! Although that stupid woman trampled his plans unintentionally his mother gave way to another wonderful idea.

Thinking of her son, Samorea was heartbroken many times. This son of her was the only one for whom her heart hurts, he was not given any priorities in the court as the elders saw him as an illegitimate son, for the reason that he was born out of wedlock, whereas the other son of the king was praised every time and was even given the title of the crown prince.

After the queen went back to her place, Victor asked Rasber to meet up soon.

" I want more details about a person, pack your bag and set for the journey as soon as possible. I want the results before Alex comes back."

" May I know who the person is?"

" Lamia Shagues."

" Who? You mean that woman who is the goddaughter of the Esbertrazian clan elders, how can I visit the dark clan? "

Victor looked at the setting sun and from the first day he saw her, he knew something was amiss.. her mysteriousness attracted him towards her. Victor had played with a lot of beauties but this one gave the feel of completeness. Her attitude and manners reminded him of a sleeping lioness. He wished to possess such a woman but again it was his stepbrother who was blessed for it. 

" Yes, it is the same girl. You are not making a journey to the dark clan instead go to the Salian Envoy College and check out how Alex met this woman there."

" Yes, I will make preparations straight away but why check the family college? Why do you think that they met only there? "

" I have seen how distressed Alex was when he was here but one day he suddenly asked the father to let him go to this particular place and then his life changed. Look at him now, there isn't even a bit of sadness left in his eyes and his soul is as if it was revitalised. I'm sure that something inspired him there."

" Okay, will do that.. But what about your marriage which is going to take place in five days? Elders are adamant this time. What should we do about princess Arona? I heard that she has locked herself inside her room and is stubbornly requesting a visit from the crown prince."

Victor scoffed thinking about that stupid woman, she tried to harm his little lioness with poison. Also, her over smartness made their plan spoiled and put the Agnartic clan into turmoil. The usage of the banned poisonous items was now exposed as she used the highly lethal Navjuan.

" I will marry her because one person needs to be there to take up the blame for the grave sins I commit. You handle the task which I have given you and rest, I will be taking care of."

" Yes, there is one more thing which I need to report. Princess Arona mentioned something about hurting her own sister as a rival in the banquet. I bet that woman, Lamia, would be soon checking on this thing." 

"Alright, you may leave. I know what to do about that problem."

Returning to his bed-chamber, Victor glanced at the bed and smiled lustfully. He really wanted to snatch his elder brother's woman and keep her locked inside his chamber forever. In his mind, he began to hatch the perfect plan to snatch the bride.

" I want to make you my queen but before that, I need to depart some people to their afterlife or else they could possibly be an obstacle for our life."

Lying down on the bed, Victor thought how he plotted against the two princesses of the Agnartic clan. He instigated misunderstandings between the sisters taking into the fact that the eldest one was close with Alex and the youngest one was head over heels for the same.

" Alex, your good days are numbered from now."

Meanwhile, Alex was sitting with Emmy telling her things which he knew about different clans and his past at the Salian clan.

" Your mother would have been proud of you if she was alive now."

" Yes, she will be, isn't her son looking much handsome and he even found her a beautiful, charming little daughter-in-law who looks timid but is highly vicious."

Emmy tickled Alex as she always found it weird the way he used to give her compliments, sometimes she feels it as if he is directly insulting her but nevertheless, Emmy was happy to the bliss in his eyes, they had found their lustre back and was looking lively.

" Have you ever tried to ask the elders why your father treated your mother and yourself unfairly ??"

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