The Black Technology Boss In The Wandering Era

Chapter 107: We Must Get Wang Chen Back

"What? Devouring vines?"

"Damn, a million, how can this be out of the city."

"Where did the seeds come from? Isn't that thing already extinct?"

"I still have to think, there must be something left in the hands of the rebels."

"Wash and sleep."

The appearance of the swallowing vine really hit Du Gang too late.

Many mercenaries who were ready to try their luck were also blocked at Gate 1.

For this thing, although most mercenaries have not seen it with their own eyes, as mercenaries, some iconic things still have to be understood.

Although the devouring vine is not the most powerful mutant plant, it is one of the most hated plants in the base.

Because it can damage the base of the base and fundamentally pose a threat to the base.

This is also an important reason why the Earth Federation spent energy to exterminate this thing.

The seeds of this thing are actually kept inside the rebel army, which is not good news for the Earth Alliance.

The mercenaries couldn't get out now, and Du Gang could only let the nine-tailed fox go through the underground passage of the base to bypass the area where the swallowing vines appeared.

At the same time, the air vehicles of the base and the warships that are coming to support are ordered to conduct a net search of the surrounding area.

Since the other party wants to take people away, they will definitely not use a large army, which will only become the target of the base.

At this time, in an underground passage outside the base.

Brother Hao and his party have successfully evacuated from the base along the secret passage.

The whole plan was easier than they thought.

Although the ab and two teams responsible for attracting attention must have a hard time, they have nothing to lose on their own side.

"Boss, the front is the exit. It is estimated that the people at the three-headed dog have released the seeds of swallowing vines. Let's evacuate quickly."

The front is almost at the end of the tunnel.

This was originally an underground crack, but it was discovered and rebuilt by the people of Juqianzhuang, which turned it into a secret passage connecting the internal sewer system of the base.

"How is that person?" Brother Hao nodded, opened the tablet on his wrist and asked while checking the status of the mecha.

"I'm still asleep, I won't be able to wake up for a day after this injection."

"Put a mecha on him, don't die." Brother Hao nodded after listening, motioning them to open the packages on the ground in front of them.

This is the spare material prepared when they came, not only a few sets of mechas but also some ammunition for supply.

Soon, Wang Chen had a bloated looking mecha on his body.

This is a specially prepared survival mecha. Although it looks bad, it actually works pretty well.

After watching his subordinates debug it, Brother Hao pulled the insurance of the weapon in his hand and said, "Go!"

The exit of the tunnel is in a small hole in the hillside.

After the group quickly sprang out of the hole, Haugeti turned to look at the direction of the base.

Sure enough, in the dim night sky, countless fiery red rays of light had already ignited there.

Apparently the base was using the flames to suppress the approach of the Devouring Crawler.

"Boss, how long do you think this swallowing vine can contain the base?"

"Do it for one more hour, that thing will only be strong when it grows up, so let's go, I guess the people who are chasing us have already come out."

"Uh, isn't there a swallowing vine? They dare to come out?"

The little brother next to him was a little puzzled.

"The base also has its own channel that can bypass the swallowing vine area. Come on, as planned, we will take the No. 3 route and shut down all communications, so that we won't be discovered."

Brother Hao explained it casually and then directly turned off the team's voice.

Not only that, but also silenced all the external signals of the mecha.

Then some animal skins were taken out from the package and distributed to everyone one by one.

Although the radio is blocked, the heat source of the mech itself will still be detected.

Fortunately, they came out in disguise this time, and all the mechas carried an external radiation source.

In the eyes of the profiler, they are just a few moving beasts.

And these first batches are also to deal with the aerial reconnaissance of those flying vehicles.

They didn't think about taking Wang Chen back as quickly as possible, but instead prepared to take it slow.

First leave the base and hide in the wilderness, then take a detour.

On the way, there are supplies that they put down when they came, and they are not afraid even if they stay outside for a month.

Sure enough, just after putting on the animal skin and walking far, there was a roar in the sky.

A behemoth slowly descended from the clouds, and within the huge black shadow, countless flashing lights were beating non-stop.

The Battleship of the Earth Alliance has arrived!

The Thor-class cruiser, the No. 43 battleship Firth, is one of the core combat powers in the current Earth Alliance space fleet.

Originally, it was in outer space and the fleet to monitor the changes of the surrounding alien herds.

Because the earth has begun to move, the activity of these beasts will increase day by day as the temperature drops.

Especially since the earth has been anchored here for a hundred years, many alien beasts have even built new nests on the surrounding rocky planets.

Relying on their powerful breeding capabilities, these alien beasts have formed a large scale in the galaxy.

In addition to overseeing the movements of these beasts, the fleet's mission also requires protecting the Navigator space station in Earth orbit.

That is the eye of the earth and the only supply port for the fleet in outer space.

If it weren't for the exaggeration of this time, it would not be here as a cruiser.

Compared with the previous one, the Thor-class, which is the main guard of the fleet, is much stronger.

With a length of nearly 800 meters, it is easy to be in awe just by looking at it.

Brother Hao, who was hiding not far away, was also a little flustered when he saw the appearance of this battleship.

Except for the super-large rebel forces in the Western Hemisphere, ordinary rebels probably don't even have the courage to look directly.

Hurrying to make a hidden clean up, the group straightened the animal skins, and then lay down on the ground.

If the lights were turned on, they could only see the hides and couldn't see them hiding inside.

"Base commander, the Firth has arrived in the surrounding area and is performing a search mission. Please synchronize the relevant information to the shipboard server."

The Firth, which was quietly suspended in the sky, was in contact with Du Gang in the base at this time.

It's been a long time since a B-class researcher was kidnapped.

The captain of the Firth also flew over in a hurry, but as soon as he arrived, he saw the growing and swallowing vine in the west of the base.

In just ten minutes, the body of this swallowing man was about to cover 80% of the area around the base.

Although it looks a little thin, it is obvious that the base has no way to mobilize personnel on a large scale.

Fortunately, the flame launcher on the base wall is frantically spraying flames.

When the air brigade in the base is loaded with explosives, this damn thing will not be able to make waves.

"I'm Du Gang, the head of the base, please search from the current angle, and be sure to find Wang Chen!"

Du Gang grabbed the communicator and said eagerly.

"Okay, don't worry, do you need me to help clean up this shit?"

"No, hurry up and find someone, it's just a little vine, you can get rid of it at any time!"

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