Biquge, the latest update of the blackest male master always wants to set my latest chapter!

Su Shi pinched his face, shaking it left and right

"After you snakes become human, will IQ drop?"


"would not!"

Su Shi's voice is cold

"Oh, it was so stupid."

Xiaohongqi flushed


It doesn't like others saying it's stupid.

Or say it seriously.

Su Zhe held his head, but also resisted the thought of pinching it.

"Can't you be bigger and smaller?

It ’s difficult to leave a small snake and leave? "

Xiaohong heard.

It didn't speak, and moved elsewhere.

If it were in front of others, maybe nothing could be seen.

But Su Shi knew too much about Xiaohong.

If it hadn't been before, I would have been stupid, and nodded.

Don't speak now ...

Su Shi's eyelids moved.

It seems that something happened when he left this day.

"What happened today?"

Xiaohong twisted her head

"Hum, don't tell you!"

Su Shi

"It takes a little time for your car and hat to be the same customized version.

If you say it, maybe it will come to you soon. "

Xiaohong suddenly lighted up.

Xiao Hong came to Su Shi and whispered

"Someone came and controlled me with the stone in my body, and told me some inexplicable things."

It's milky and yucky, trying to make it clear.

Su Shi frowned.

Look up Xiaohong up and down.

"You get along well with that peony."

Xiao Hong shook her head,

"Of course! It said that it would not control me, and that even if it was forced to occupy my body in the future, it would keep me conscious and know what happened."

After listening to Su Shi.

Then look at Xiao Hong's forehead.

That shabby stone was shining with a cyan light.

This stone seems to be one with Xiao Hong.

Looking at the half stone, Su Shi smiled rarely.

"It turns out that stupid has stupid benefits."

Little Red Dazed


Su Shi pinched his face

"This set of talents with a lot of luck, you have been out of you for thousands of years.

Even Shishi can't help you. "

what is this?

Silly snake? ?

Ghost stone is the holy stone of the underworld.

But because of this piece in Xiaohong's body, it is only a small part of Mingshi.

It is impossible to exert all its power.

Of course, this power to control the human heart cannot reach its peak.

The sky above is a bit confusing.

If you change to others, you will have more love, money and fame, of course, you want more.

It's simple to make seductive control.

But Xiao Hong has a simple mind and well developed limbs.

In addition to eating, eating, is the antenna baby.

No matter how tempted, that's what you eat.

On that day, the mysterious woman named Nanxun appeared and called out this underworld stone, which could have been brought back to the underworld in minutes.

However, Su Shi choked an apple and said something to eat, which made Xiao Hong instantly sober.

To manipulate, you need greed.

Comrade Xiaohong ... This mind is too clean.

No control.

One snake and one stone, even reconciled! !!

Su Shi thought for a while, then bowed her head,

"What did that man say to Mu Shi?"

"He said he hopes that one day, if Su Yan starts, Ming Shi can help him."

After speaking, Little Red Milk sounded yucky

"But that person seems to be in pain.

After speaking, he left quickly. "

Su Shi

"you recognize?"

Little Red Tits Voice

"I don't know. It's a man, dressed like you."

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