Biquge, the latest update of the blackest male master always wants to set my latest chapter!

After Su Yan finished speaking, he was ready to pull Gu Yan to leave.

The result was a pull.

Someone was standing there, motionless like a rock.

The blue eyes looked at Bai Hongyu.

He had been watching this man for a long time.

He came to seduce his master after only two days.

Damn it.

His eyes grew darker.

Light silver hair dangled.

Su Yan exerted a little pressure on his hand, and told him

"Let's go talk."

Gu Yan's attention then shifted from Bai Hongyu's body to Su Yan's body.

The look of gloom and sullenness slowly turned into grievances.

Resentful sight.

Then, he was obediently pulled out by Su Yan.

The two of them walked for a long time, and the room was still silent.

Until Su father reacted for a while.

Oh, no wonder the daughter was unhappy about the marriage.

It turned out to be in love with others.

Look at that kid, is he a half-breed? ?

Thinking so, Father Su laughed and rounded the field

"We are here today to plan to turn this marriage over."

When he was talking, he looked at Bai Hongyu.

Bai Hongyu's complexion was hard to look at, and he was completely green.

I don't know if it was because he was beaten by Su Yan's sentence.

Father Su holds up the tea cup,

"I heard that Hongyu has a girlfriend?

I also know that you just talked about breaking the engagement, just kidding.

In any case, I hope both of you juniors will be able to find someone they like. "

Su father suddenly mentioned Bai Hongyu's girlfriend, and Bai father also took a sip of tea with a smile and stopped saying anything.

What else can I say?

If a son has a girlfriend, can't his daughter have a boyfriend?

Gu Yan, who was pulled out by Su Yan, walked out of the corridor. Gu Yan hugged Su Yan and pressed people against the wall.

Gu Yan shook and stunned on Su Yan's shoulder.

"Gu Xi just left for two days, and the master forgot Gu Gu."

The voice is quite grieving.

It was originally just holding.

I don't know if I was talking about it.

Holding Su Yan deepened.

Le was out of breath.

Su Yan

"When you left, you said nothing."

It was he who said he would leave, not even a letter.

Blame her now.

Gu Yan looked up and looked at Su Yan's face.

There was another emotion in the resentful look in his eyes.

If it was just installed.

Now, I really feel sore.

He returned, and the host seemed unhappy and unhappy.

In the two days he hasn't seen, the host can go out to dinner with others.

What about marriage?

Is this saying that the owner is him the owner deliberately lied to him?

Gu Yan stared at Su Yan, his heart overflowed with sourness,

"Does the owner like the man who eats at the table?"

Su Yan looks at him

"You don't tell me why you left?"

She waited for a long time, he didn't seem to want to tell her.

As soon as Gu Yan heard it, he pressed the sourness and pulled out a stone from his pocket.

The stone was strangely shaped, as if it had been attached to coke and burned.

Su Yan look at the stones, and then look at the ancients


She didn't understand what it meant for a while.

Gu Yan said by Su Yan ear

"Isn't the owner like meteorites?

Gu Yan specially sought for the host. "

Su Yan reached out and pinched the stone.

Gu Yan was very pleased to see Su Yan asking.

"Whatever the master wants, you can get it for you."

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