Biquge, the latest update of the blackest male master always wants to set my latest chapter!

Xiaohong looked up, blank.

Su Yan

"What do you want it to do?"

Su Shi

"To kill it."

Su Yan was silent.

Look at them both.

After a long time, she spoke

"it is as expected."

Su Shi turned his head


Su Yan shook his head

"Crimson, the Lord is seventh."

She said this slowly.

In his mind, Xiaohua wondered

"Host, what are you thinking? What really happened?"

Su Yan

"I can tell if others are good or evil to me."

Xiaohua nodded


Su Yan

"I never saw him being malicious to me, but I didn't want to approach him."


"Ah? Why is that?"

Su Yan pulled down his sleeves and covered the kiss marks on his arms.

She speaks

"Probably the power is similar, so I can't see whether he is good or evil to me."

Xiaohua suddenly became nervous

"Host, does he want to harm you? What then?"

Su Yan shook his head


It's just that I have been a little confused about this matter, and now I have answered it.

As for the others, what was he thinking and doing?

Regardless of her affairs.

there is always a solution to a problem.

Su Yan talked, the calm look, always able to stabilize people's hearts quickly.

Just like the little flowers now.

I was just nervous and relaxed.

The host is the best.


Life is just like this.

The thorn bushes suddenly growing from the back door of the affiliated middle school were also cut off.

According to expert analysis, which thorn bushes should always be there.

It had been raining a few days ago, and it all stirred up.


Although all people think this is a lot of bullshit.

But I still accepted this statement.

After all, life still has to pass.

As time goes by, the senior high school entrance examination ends.

Su Yan went back to school to get the report card.

As soon as I arrived at the school gate, I saw a bright red Ferrari supercar stopped from the school gate.

Then, a boy in sportswear came down from the car.

At the front door of the co-pilot, he clicked.

The door of the first officer was opened.

A woman came down from the car.

Wearing white dress.

They did not feel too tired to have a kiss in front of the school.

Then I saw the woman walking towards the school gate.

Su Yan looked at the woman.

It's Qin Xuanrou.

Look at the guy driving Ferrari.

Not Bai Hongyu.

Although the appearance is not Bai Hongyu handsome.

But that man has energy.

It looks very wild.

Qin Xuanrou looked at Su Yan and smiled at her.

"It's been a long time, Xiaoyan."

Su Yan's eyes fell on the man again.

Then nodded


At a sound, the two continued to go inside.

Qin Xuanrou turns the ring on the ring finger

"I'm getting married."

Su Yan


The two walked side by side, as if they knew each other, as if they didn't know each other, but just happened to go along.

Qin Xuanrou showed a gentle smile

"I'm not with Bai Hongyu, are you proud?"

Even if she said that, her tone was still like the breeze.

Su Yan glanced at her,

"That's your business."

After talking, the two were speechless.

After walking about ten meters away, I heard Bai Hongyu growling suddenly

"Qin Xuanrou!"

The voice dropped, and saw Bai Hongyu running from behind in a wolf, followed by, while holding Qin Xuanrou's shoulders.

His eyes were full of red blood, and there were folds on his clothes, and some wine.

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