The two daughters said, in response to the baroness’ words. 

“That person can’t be better. He’s familiar with the forest and knows more about herbs than anyone else.” 

“He’s also interested in cosmetics, so he’ll enjoy conversations with Nia.” 

Oh my god. There’s such a talented person in the countryside? 

My heart fluttered at the existence of “him” who I don’t even know the face of. 

If he has good skills, I should tell him this. 

‘You, let’s be colleagues!’ 

* * *

“What’s with that face?” 


Is this how it feels when you go out, thinking that your blind date is some handsome 180cm tall guy, but is met with a fanboy holding a body pillow of their waifu? 

No. This is even more disastrous than that. 

It was Kuhn standing in front of me. 

“Why are you here?”

“I’m here to collect herbs for the soldiers. I will also guide the noble lady as a bonus.” 

I overlooked the fact that Kuhn was someone who had fought many battles for a long time. 

In addition, he is an herbalist and makeup guru. 

‘These details obviously described Kuhn, but I was complacent.’

Kuhn nodded his head. 

“What else is there for you to do, other than follow me? This forest is dangerous so you must leave before the sun goes down.” 

….Yeah. It’s true that there’s no one as good as Kuhn for this. 

‘So let’s make full use of him today.’

I compromised with reality and calmly followed Kuhn. 

The forest was completely different from what I thought. 

“It seems like an ordinary forest.”

I was told that there were many dangerous plants in the war zone. So I thought there would be a plant with sharp teeth or a flower with poison dripping from it. 

But the forest seems so peaceful. 

All I see is light green grass and cute flowers, with various plants, from green trees to lush bushes. 

‘This is far from scary. It’s filled with many brightly colored plants, making the forest look like one pretty picture.’

Kuhn looked at me and said, clicking his tongue. 

“Don’t be fooled by what you see. The forest looks docile, but there are plenty of plants that will eat you here.” 

Kuhn picked up a stone from the floor and threw it. When stone touched a yellow flower resembling a sunflower, the yellow flower split itself as if opening its mouth and swallowed the stone.


Leave a refreshing chewing sound. 


I was so startled by the sight I had never seen before, I couldn’t even make a sound.

It wasn’t until a minute later that I stuttered with a shocked face. 

“W-what was that just now? What happened?” 

“You saw it happen, why are you asking? The plant just had a snack.” 

“W-who eats snacks in such a scary way?” 

“It’s pretty cute, isn’t it? Some people strangle these creatures with vines, while others stab them with thorns and anesthetize them. So don’t carelessly touch it because it looks pretty.” 

Suddenly, regret flooded in me. 

Hey, Baroness Alicia. 

You should have stopped me from the beginning. 

Usually, the female lead doesn’t listen to people even if they tell her not to go, but I’m different. 

If someone had told me, “If you want to protect your precious life, listen to me,” I would never have come. 

‘*sobs* who’s to blame but me?’

Anyway, I’m already all the way here, so I couldn’t just go back. 

‘I’m going to pick only the flowers that I am sure of. Then at least I won’t become an ingredient for a plant’s mukbang like that rock.’

I began to carefully examine the bushes with a scared face. 

* * *

“Kyaaa, so pretty!”

“Kyaaa, so sexy!”

“Kyaaa, I don’t need you!” 

I was overjoyed, despite the fact that I had come to a place full of man-eating plants. 

This is because the forest was full of roses. 

Rose flowers were a good ingredient for making cosmetics because of their riich pigment and strong fragrance. 

In addition, there are roses of various colors here. 

Purple that reminds me of grapes. Yellow that’s bright enough to hurt my eyes. Lovely light pink like cotton candy. 

It was so much fun thinking about the colorful cosmetics I can make with this. 

Kuhn looked at me panting and picking flowers as if I had found a treasure, and Kuhn laughed. 

“Do you like flowers that much?”

“Goodness. Flowers are great plants. Do you know how hard it is to be pretty when you grew up outside in the rough?” 

“Most women prefer jewelry over that.”

I frowned at his words. 

It felt like he was trying to lead up to the cheesy line, “I’ve never met a woman like you.” 

Stop it! I don’t want to hear that line from a guy like you! 

I hit the first player before Kuhn said anything corny. 

“I like jewelry more! How can flowers beat jewels? Jewelry is the best!” 

Kuhn kept his mouth shut as I prevented him from saying an overused line that lost its romantic touch. Then he grabbed his stomach and began to laugh. 

‘….He’s doing that again.’

I should get paid whenever I make him laugh. Then I would become rich.

I passed Kuhn with cloudy eyes and began picking flowers again. 

Kuhn, left alone, laughed like a crazy man, and after a while, he approached me and crouched down. 

He asked, collecting herbs with skillful hands. 

“But tell me. Which part of Kardien do you like?” 

“He’s handsome.” 

“…You’ve already made me speechless. But the risk he carries is too great for you to dismiss with one look.” 

Huh? What risk? 

My Lucian is the perfect boyfriend.

He’s beautiful, has a friendly personality, and the honor of being the best knight on the continent. What else could I ask for? 

Without knowing how I felt, Kuhn continued. 

“He was cursed by the devil.” 

“He was just born with red eyes.”

“You know it’s not that simple.” 



I didn’t want to admit it, but my heart skipped a beat. 

As I’ve known for a long time, Kuhn had lots of doubts about Lucian’s identity.

He was sure that Lucian was no ordinary human being. 

But I couldn’t agree with that. 

I spoke with strength. 

“You know better than anyone else because you’ve been to the battlefield with Lucian. He’s the sweetest and warmest person ever.” 

That was the only thing that mattered. 

As long as I’m there, the power of the devil won’t appear anyway. 

But Kuhn never listened to me calmly. The corners of his mouth raised and said with malice. 

“What if he’s actually not?” 

I couldn’t understand what he said at the moment, so I frowned.

Kuhn continued to talk. 

“Are you saying you won’t like Kardien if he’s no longer the sweet and warm person he is?” 

Why is he saying this?

I looked at Kuhn with a bewildered expression.

Kuhn bent his eyes gently. 

“Will you go out with me?” 

After a while, I got annoyed that he dragged out the conversation just to say that nonsense. 

“Oh, come on!” 

Turning my head angrily, my eyes widened. 

“…Kuhn, what’s that?” 


Kuhn turned his head as I said it.

The place that used to be a green field had turned red. 

When I looked closely, it looked like moss. 

Red moss covered the grass. 

‘Is it possible for moss to grow so suddenly like this?’

Unable to understand the situation, my eyes stayed widened. After a while, I covered my mouth.

The moss was wriggling and moving, and the amount increased. As if it’s heading for us. 

Kuhn swore.

“Damn it! Someone who I don’t want to see appears.” 

Then he took the basket that was in my hand. The basket was full of flowers that I worked hard to collect. 

Kuhn’s face was scrunched up as he was searching through the basket. 

“It’s because of this.” 

What he held in his hand was a purple rose. 

I realized something was wrong as Kuhn was acting differently. 

“W-why? What’s going on?” 

“That reddish bastard approaching us is a moss named Rose Hunter. This purple rose is his favorite prey.” 

It was an absurd story. 

I thought moss is just moss, but there’s a hunter moss?!

And it likes purple roses? 

‘Why is the moss so romantic? Is the moss a male lead from a romantic manhwa?!’ 

Even though I have met someone who only likes purple roses in my life, it’s the first time I’ve seen moss that only looks for purple roses.

Kuhn said with a smile full of hatred. 

“So this was the issue. If it weren’t for this crazy area, would the emperor have desperately wanted Kardien’s help? I’m sure they’ve sent the most skilled knights to end the war.”

I realized the dangers of this area again. 

I said, crouching down, feeling a rush of cold air. 

“I got it, so hurry up and throw the roses away. The moss is chasing us because of this rose, right? Then, we should be good if we give it to the moss.” 

“It would’ve been really nice if the problem can be solved that way… He responds to his sense of smell, not sight.” 

Kuhn’s gaze turned to me. 

“I’ll chase you even if I throw away the roses. Because you smell like roses.” 

“Will it come after me?” 

“Yeah. It’ll gradually expand itself. That way, it can chase its prey more easily and eat it.” 

“T-the moss eats people?” 

Then, do people here eat the moss too? It would mean that…

Kuhn said to me who was in fear for my life. 

“Fortunately, it doesn’t eat people. It only eats roses. But the fact that it’s dangerous doesn’t change. It has a deadly poison. When it touches the skin, it can cause death depending on the person.” 

My face turned pale as if I was facing a serial killer in front of me.

“What should I do?” 

“What do you mean? You have to run away.” 

Then Kuhn crushed purple roses and began to apply them to his face and arms. 

“W-what are you doing?” 

“He has a sensitive sense of smell. If there are two similar prey in front of it, it’ll jump at the prey with a stronger scent.” 


Realizing Kun’s intention, my eyes widened.

Kuhn looked at my trembling eyes and smiled with content. 

“Why? Are you touched by my chivalry?” 

“No, I was just wondering if you were crazy.”

“Well, I’ll take that as a compliment.” 

Kuhn, who burst into laughter, said. 

“I’m resistant to that poison. It won’t take much for me to deal with its poison.” 

Kuhn shouted, throwing the rest of the roses and basket. 

“So don’t think about anything and just run!” 

* * * 

Kuhn and I started running like crazy. 

Red moss multiplied at a frightening rate toward us. The long moss looked creepy like a big splatter of blood. 

‘I’m scared!’ 

I ran until I ran out of breath, feeling tremendous fear. 

How long has it been? 

I looked back with a rough breath. 

The moss that was chasing us was far away. 

I heard Kuhn’s voice next to me. 

“It stopped because there was a limit to proliferation. Still, it’s amazing that I chased its prey so persistently. It’s just like that guy.” 

“What do you mean that guy?” 

“Kardien. It’s just like him, from the red eyes to the obsession with purple.”

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