Yall… this one is really sad. Thank you to Vis for donating!

Susan sobbed and continued. 

“The chief told me not to insult John who died with this useless story. The important thing is that the child tore John to pieces. T-that’s why I kept quiet. And everyone continued to think of him as a devil… if I kept it that way, everything would be much easier.” 

By turning a blind eye to the fact that the child had committed a heinous crime, she was also able to escape the guilt of being an accomplice to the abuse of the child.


“…When I had my child, I kept thinking about him.” 

She knew the child had a mother, too. Even though he was born with red eyes, his mother must’ve still loved him.

His mother must’ve worked hard to make that doll for the child in her belly.

The child must’ve missed his mother.

The belated guilt tormented Susan. 

It was heartbreaking seeing Susan cry and cry. I could feel the agony she felt after living with this immense guilt for so many years. 

Nevertheless, I couldn’t tell her that everything was okay. 

‘In the end, you’re only saying this for your own benefit.’

I couldn’t say that out loud because of the young siblings approaching us.

The young siblings hugged their mother with half-asleep faces. 

“Mom, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

“Did the noble princess bully you?” 

“Don’t cry.”


I left the room as I watched them.

If I didn’t leave, I might say harsh things to her in front of the children. 

I left the house in my sleeping gown. As soon as I stepped outside, the cool night breeze wrapped around me. 

Cowering in the cold, I looked at the night sky. Gazing at the white moon floating in the night sky, I clenched my teeth. 

‘What did I think of Lucian up until now?’

I was aware of this because I read the original novel. 

That he had an unhappy past. However, I had never thought deeply about exactly what he endured.

Because he’s so pretty with his smile. 

Because I like him in love. 

I was afraid that the image I had of him would disappear. I was afraid that he would turn yandere. 

A disillusionment came over me.

‘Do I even deserve to say anything back?’

I did the same thing as she did. I was also a bystander who pretended not to see his pain and denied his anger. 

No, I was more wicked than that. 

At least they didn’t try to change Lucian into the version of him they liked most like I did.

I recalled a conversation I had with him. 

[Lucian, I had an interesting conversation with noble ladies at the banquet today. They asked if I loved my partner.] 

[So what did you answer?] 

[Of course I said yes. My Lucian is beautiful, soft, strong, and loves me more than anyone else. There’s no reason not to love you.] 

Lucian laughed as if he had heard something funny. 

Even though I was serious. 

I pouted and asked. 

[Why do you like me, Lucian?] 

[Because you’re you.] 

[Hey, that can’t be it. There must be a better reason. For example, it could be that I’m a beauty, I have a good temper, I’m sexy, I’m cute enough to bite. One of those must be the reason.] 

[Yes, all of those are my reasons.] 

Lucian, who was smiling, caressed my hair and said. 

[But it’s also true that I just like you for you, Nia.] 

He just loved me. 

Purely, without any reason. 

I squatted down and burst into tears. 

While crying like a child, I felt a pair of warm hands on my back. 

Estelle was looking at me with a worried face. 

I spoke, my face covered with tears. 

“Estelle. I think I’ve done something terribly wrong to Lucian.” 


“No matter how scared and afraid I was, I shouldn’t have left him alone like that.” 

I grabbed Estelle’s hand and said. 

“I want to go to Lucian right now.” 

Estelle didn’t find me strange. 

She didn’t scold me, saying, ‘What do you mean right now?! Did you forget what state Lucian is in right now?!’ 

She just smiled and said as if comforting me. 

“Go, Nia.” 

Side Story


In this cellar with no sunlight, there lives Lucian, who just turned 10. 

Lucian looked miserable. 

A neck piece connected to the chains hung around his neck, making him look no different from a beast in chains, and his skinny body revealed the outline of every bone.

His large shining red eyes gave him a somewhat mysterious appearance.

This is the horrifying sight of a child who had lost everything. 

Lucian mumbled with his cracked lips. 

‘…I’m thirsty.’

In order to quench his thirst, he had to drink the droplets of water on the floor of the cellar. 

Lucian raised his head slightly and looked at the old man in front of him. 

The old man sleeping on the floor was the village chief.

On days where he was drunk, he would come to the cellar and beat Lucian mercilessly. 

It was that day last night. 

The chief kicked Lucian, punched him, and spat on him. 

Lucian clenched his teeth to stop himself from screaming. Because he knew that if he made any noise, the beating would get worse.

The beating stopped only after the chief fell asleep.  


Seeing the village chief snoring, Lucian gently moved his body.

The chain connected to Lucian’s neck was not very long, but it was long enough that he could move a few steps. 



The sound of iron chains rang loudly in the quiet space.

The chief’s eyebrows flinched and his eyes opened.

Lucian instinctively pulled back as soon as he made eye contact with the chief. 

The chief’s eyes were burning with hatred. The chief said in a voice that made him seem sickened at the sight of Lucian. 

“Hah, you’re not dead.” 

“……. ” 

“Even after I beat you like that, you don’t die. You’re really a vicious demon.” 

The chief said, his hands trembling. 

“Since you killed my son. I have to somehow deal with you, demon, with my own hands.” 

Lucian thought the chief was leaving the cellar with frightened eyes, but he soon came back. He had a sickle in his hand which gleamed brightly. 

Lucian thought with a scared face. 

Should I say sorry? 

Or should I ask him to forgive me? 

But the words couldn’t come out of his mouth.

Because he didn’t feel sorry for the chief at all. No. If only he had the strength, he would have torn apart and killed the old man in front of him like he did to his son. 

The chief looked at Lucian’s eyes and held up the sickle. 

“You’re quite an unfortunate bastard. Even if you’re the devil, you can still die if I destroy your heart.” 

The chief swung the sickle over Lucian’s soft body. 

Lucian smiled the moment he felt the pain.

It’d be better if I died.

Whenever Lucian fell asleep, he would think that to himself.

He always hoped that he wouldn’t open his eyes again.

As the sharp metal passed over his body, he hoped that what he had been hoping for would come true.


‘I’m still alive.’

Lucian was devastated. 

When I open my eyes, I’ll be in the dark again. 

There will be no one except bugs with their many legs occasionally passing by him. 

He would be constantly thirsty, and be in pain from the intense hunger.


“Are you alright?” 

In front of Lucian, whose eyes opened in surprise, was a girl with golden hair. 

With a pure white face, and blue eyes… She was his beautiful savior.

After that, Estelle taught Lucian a lot of things. 

How to speak and write… 

And emotions. 

“Lucian, you feel good when you eat delicious food, and you feel comfortable lying down under the warm sun, right?”

Estelle smiled at Lucian as he nodded.

“See, you’re not the devil. You’re a very normal and lovely child. I’m sure many people will love you in the future.” 


Lucian wanted to ask Estelle. 

What if this is not the real me? 

If the evil devil that kills people was really me, would you still like me? 

Lucian answered his own question.

Of course. There’s no way she’d like that terrifying appearance.

Even if she is the saintess.

So Lucian kept his innermost thoughts hidden. 

And he blindly followed Estelle’s words like a baby bird following the mother bird. 

He devoted himself to protecting the weak, and never killed anyone if he wasn’t on the battlefield.

He even valued the lives of small wild flowers. 

He was always kind to everyone. 

And as time passed, she appeared. 


She was so cute and pretty. 

Glittering, she smiled brightly at Lucian. She told him that she liked him.

Estelle’s words were true. 

‘Such a beautiful person loves me? I can’t believe it. I’m so happy.’

For Lucian, everything felt like a miracle. 

So Lucian cherished Pernia. 

He wanted to cherish her more than anyone else. 

He  wanted to love. 

He wanted to be loved. 

However, the time he had to be drunk on the sweetness of love in complete happiness was too short. 

Suddenly, Pernia began to look at other things.

The longer she did that, the dark feelings in Lucian’s heart stirred. 

‘Don’t talk to others.’

‘Only look at me.’

‘…Please love me only.’

Lucian constantly suppressed the emotions infesting within him. 

‘You can’t say that. She won’t like it.’


His desire for her grew. Eventually, she refused him when she couldn’t stand it and expressed her true feelings. 

[I need some time away from you.] 

At that moment, something that had been tightly squeezed inside Lucian broke. 

Lucian’s red eyes fluttered. 

Like when he first killed a person a long time ago. 


I don’t want to hold back anymore. 

I’ll have her as much as I want. 

However, the consequences of his desire was too cruel.

Lucian was trapped in a barrier of white light, and his beloved woman had left his side. 

He wanted to chase after her right away, but the barrier of light wouldn’t let him. 

No matter how hard he punched, or scratched the barrier, he couldn’t get out.

A few days later, Lucian chuckled. 

“…Look at yourself. No one loves you.” 

It was a fact that he had known for a long time. So it was not surprising to him. 

Nevertheless… his heart is broken.

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