No Yuzan's voice is very nice, like the gurgling spring water flowing down the mountain in the night, slowly flowing through Lin Yi's eardrums, straight to the bottom of my heart.

Lin Yi: "You can't do this. No matter how dark it is, you have to let it have gaps, because that's where the light can come in."

She seemed to have had a long and complicated dream, in which many people and scenes appeared in a mess.

"But, she's already in," he said.

Lin Yi is not happy anymore.


Lin Yi abruptly sat up from the bed, a big guy's face was bulging like a puffer fish.

Lin Yi was dizzy and instinctively tilted his head, but he didn't know the posture caused by such an action, which was especially suitable for kissing.

The originally calm expression finally cracked.

The arrow is on the string, ready to fire.

But in the end, only a helpless smile remained.

There is always a man's face in the dream, but that face will always change, until finally, it suddenly merges into one person.

Anyway, she doesn't plan to continue to be the princess of the Chen country and any other meticulous work, and she doesn't bother to entangle with those previous relationships with the original owner, so she can just pretend to be stupid.

Lin Yi's palm was driven to stick to Yuzan's chest, and the scorching temperature of the skin was transmitted into Lin Yi's palm through the fabric, just like a pile of dry wood met a kind of fire.

Lin Yi slowly raised his hand and touched Wu Yuzan's cheek, his fingertips with scorching temperature touched Wu Yuzan's skin, causing his body to shrink involuntarily.

The distance between the two was already very close, so close that they could almost smell each other. When Lin Yi approached so suddenly, the atmosphere between the two suddenly became charming and indescribable.

Lin Yi bent his body and stood just a few feet away from Wu Yuzan, staring fixedly at Wu Yuzan's dark, obsidian-like eyes.

Wu Yuzan hugged Lin Yi gently, glanced at the crescent moon hanging high above the night dome outside the window, and said in a low voice, as if speaking to Lin Yi, but also as if talking to himself: " Next time, I won't let you go so easily."

How do you express it?

Chen Shisan, also a meticulous work of Chen Guo, lurks in Zhao Guo, passing news between Lin Yi and Zhao Guo.

getting closer.

If it can't be reached, she has the final say, right?

There was an even breathing sound in the ear, but Yuzan: "???...!!!"

Sure enough, when Chen Shisan heard Lin Yi's words, he immediately widened his eyes in horror, with a look of disbelief on his face.

What the hell!

For a while it seems to be on campus, and for a while it seems to be in some strange primitive rainforest...

Thinking, Lin Yi moved his body and got closer and closer to Wu Yuzan.

"The princess doesn't know her subordinates?"

But Lin Yi's expression was too calm, and his eyes were too dull to see anything unusual.

In the next second, Lin Yi actually closed his eyes, his lips brushed over Yuzan's lips, and his head was tilted on Yuzan's shoulders.

"do not know!"

Lin Yi's words caused Wu Yuzan's thoughts to swell and shudder for a moment. He was enveloped by the aroma of wine on Lin Yi's body, and the feeling of intoxication became stronger and stronger.


But those eyes were too dark and cold, and even if they were looking at her now, there seemed to be no gap for her to enter.

Absolutely not!

Lin Yi: "Who are you?"

The tip of Lin Yi's nose had already touched the tip of Wu Yuzan's nose.

Where does the light... shine in?

Lin Yi followed the voice with a cold face, and saw a person standing beside her bed at some point.

But he is so good at drinking, how can he get drunk if he only drinks so little?

No Yuzan didn't quite understand what Lin Yi meant: "Huh?"

"Does the princess know who she is?"

Ergouzi: […]

The man has to be pulled out and she's in.

Lin Yi went crazy and wanted to see that person's face clearly, but that person was right in front of her eyes, but she couldn't tell the difference.

But at this moment, Wu Yuzan also raised the corner of his lips and showed a smile.

Realizing this, for a split second, Yuzan Wu only felt as if his heart had experienced a battle between gods and gods.

It wasn't the alcohol that made him drunk.

For a moment she seemed to be in ancient times, and then she seemed to be in modern times.

Wu Yuzan's body was instantly tense, and his calm black eyes couldn't help but start to surging into stormy waves.

"Lin Yi, the person without Yuzan."

Wu Yuzan opened his mouth, but found that his voice had become hoarse: "This is... the expression you want?"

And the head still hurts very much, it hurts like a crack!

No Yuzan's body was stiff and tense as he sat on the chair, feeling the softness of falling into his arms.

Lin Yi's fingertips ran across Wu Yuzan's eyes, Wu Yuzan closed his eyes subconsciously, and quickly opened them again.

Lin Yi felt that his brain seemed to be even more dizzy, and his body was limp and weak, and even the appearance of Yuzan without Yuzan in front of him gradually began to appear overlapping double shadows.

Who scare her early in the morning?

However, this person was found in the original owner's memory.

Seeing Lin Yi looking at him, Chen Shisan stopped pretending and said dissatisfiedly, "What happened to the princess recently?"

But Lin Yi's head was so dizzy that she... wanted to sleep.


Lin Yi blinked and stared blankly at Chen Shisan for a while, then asked a question that directly hit the soul.

Lin Yi groaned inwardly, and then he felt as if there were 10,000 lovely grass-mud horses galloping past his head!

She just couldn't find a gap, and she couldn't get in even if she wanted to. Who was so quick to take one step ahead of her?

The man was wearing a gray shirt, which Lin Yi thought looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it for a while.

Still haven't figured it out!

Time and space seemed to stop at this moment, as if someone had pressed the pause button.

Wu Yuzan also slowly raised his hand, held the hand that Lin Yi was stroking on his cheek, and then led that hand, moving it down little by little, until it came to the position of his chest.

"Princess, you are awake."

Lin Yi: "???"

Who is in?

It's like, that person's face is a mosaic!

I finally wanted to evade the ticket to watch a blockbuster, but I took off my pants, so will you show me this? Lin Yi fell asleep.

She stretched out her hand and wanted to pull the person to see clearly, but the person couldn't tell her the time.

Lin Yi didn't answer Wu Yuzan's words, her lips were about to touch Wu Yuzan's lips.

Lin Yi slept soundly.

Looking at Lin Yi's clear, bright, yet deep, waveless eyes, Wu Yuzan suddenly woke up.

Not until your uncle's time!

Lin Yi: "It won't work anyway."

Lin Yi is in a hurry!


Then Lin Yi woke up.

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