The Blackened Villain Of Kuai Chuan Is Not Easy To Tease

Chapter 410 Cold Blooded Young Marshal (31)

Lin Yi's sudden question made Hong Mian instantly stunned on the spot.

What's wrong with this development?

Under normal circumstances, no matter if Lin Yi knew what happened to Lie Hongzhang, when she saw her coming, shouldn't she have to ask a symbolic question, what happened to Lie Hongzhang?

Lin Yi was fine, he opened his mouth and sent Lie Hongzhang away.

Kapok couldn't cry a little, and two embarrassing tears hung in her eyes, and she didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

While Kapok tried her best to calm her breath, she carefully observed Lin Yi's reaction.

"Why did Sister Lin say that? Could it be that you..."

As Hong Mian spoke, she suddenly made a very frightened expression, as if she knew something great.

Lin Yi's eyes narrowed.

Not right!

This red cotton is very wrong!

But looking at Kapok's reaction, Lin Yi also confirmed one thing.

Lin Yi looked calm: "You are miserable, you killed the handsome."

Kapok: "!!!"

She killed the handsome man if something messed up!

Where is this going?

"Sister Lin, don't talk nonsense, how could I attack the handsome!"

"Oh, the commander isn't dead, that's why you want to eat."


"If you want to eat, just say you want to eat. You don't need to be so snot and tears. It's like crying as if the handsome dies. You can only eat."

Kapok: "..."

Kapok wanted to explode on the spot, angry.

Her hands hanging by her side were tightly clasped together, and her fingertips clasped her palms tightly, as if that was the only way to keep her calm.

This Lin Yi is pretending to be stupid with her on purpose!


If it goes on like this, she can't ask anything, she has to change her strategy.

Thinking of this, Hong Mian suddenly changed her expression, looked around cautiously, and then took a few steps closer to Lin Yi, lowering her voice.

"Sister Lin, don't get me wrong, I'm not here to ask you about your guilt, I'm on the same side as you."

Lin Yi frowned, didn't speak, just took two steps back silently and opened the distance between him and Kapok.

Seeing that Lin Yi did not refute, Hong Mian suddenly smiled coldly, and continued: "When I woke up in the morning, I found that the handsome was lying next to me, his nose was bruised and his face was bruised, and he seemed to be dying...

I know the big boss came to find my sister last night, but don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this. "

Saying that, Hong Mian looked around cautiously, as if to confirm her words, to make sure that there was no one else around.

Kapok: "Sister Lin, the commander is very angry now. The matter is very serious, but he is currently undergoing treatment. Will he come to you in a short while? Take advantage of this moment, Sister Lin, run with the strong wind."

After some remarks, Hong Mian spoke with sincerity, and even deliberately brought the swollen half of her face in front of Lin Yi's eyes.

As long as Lin Yi is not stupid, she can guess that her face was beaten by Lie Hongzhang.

So, it must be convincing.

However, unexpectedly, after hearing what Hong Mian said, the indifferent expression on Lin Yi's face did not change in the slightest, as if what Hong Mian said had nothing to do with her.

Kapok waited for two seconds, feeling a little anxious.

Why is Lin Yi still not responding?

Still can't believe in yourself?

Just when Hong Mian was hesitating whether to say something, Lin Yi finally spoke up.

Lin Yi glanced at Hong Mian's red and swollen face: "Did the handsome fight?"

Kapok was overjoyed when she heard the sound.


Lin Yi got caught.

Kapok: "Sister Lin, don't worry about me, we are sisters, don't say I just got a slap from the commander for Sister Lin, even if I take my life, I don't have any complaints. It's you, sister, you can't delay any longer. , if you delay for a while, I am afraid that the commander will come to you to settle the account..."


As Hong Mian was talking, Lin Yi suddenly raised his hand with a blank expression, and slapped Hong Mian hard on the cheek without warning.


Kapok's eyes widened in disbelief.

Kapok: "Sister Lin?"

Lin Yi's tone was light: "The commander beat him lightly, I'll help him hit harder."

Kapok: "???"

Lin Yi: "But looking at it this way, the commander and I are both on the same side. It's a little discordant. Come and bring the other half of your face together, and I'll give you a symmetrical shot."

Kapok: "!!!"

Lin Yi said, really raised his hand, ready to hit the other side of Hong Mian's face.

Kapok took two steps back.

Kapok: "Sister Lin, what are you doing? You hurt the commander. I'm helping you. Not only are you not grateful, but you are actually taking revenge for your kindness?"

Lin Yi: "Hehe!"

help her?

Lin Yi's face was cold, his black eyes seemed to be covered with frost, and he was cold and frightening.

Lin Yi: "Are you sick?"

The red cotton face turned green.

Lin Yi: "Go to a doctor if you are sick. Don't bother me. The commander just beat you up. If you bother me again, I will easily beat you to death."

Up to now, what Red Cotton still doesn't understand.

Lin Yi just couldn't believe her and thought she was here to talk, so she refused to admit it and even slapped her.

But since she came, she didn't plan to leave like this.

Thinking about it, Kapok stopped pretending, and her expression immediately became fierce: "Lin Yi, you can do it, I will remind you regardless of the past and kindness, but you don't know how to lift it up, but you said before that you want to make the handsome and handsome. I killed it together, the commander came to you last night, and was beaten back this morning, how dare you say you didn't do it on purpose?"

Lin Yi didn't lift his eyes: "Do you have any evidence?"

Kapok: "What?"

"Say that I personally said I was going to kill the commander, and that I wounded the commander, do you have any evidence?"

Cotton choked.

If there is evidence, why is she doing this?

Lin Yi: "There's no evidence that it's bright in broad daylight. Who are you playing a hooligan with?"

Kapok: "..."

The two dogs jumped up and down excitedly.

That's right, it's this familiar recipe, it's this old taste.

Kapok bit her lip, but Lin Yi raised her eyes slightly at this moment: "The commander didn't come to me last night, but there was a scoundrel who wanted to treat me wrong while the commander was away, okay? I didn't humiliate the prestige of the commander's mansion, and I cleaned up the people.

But you, so eager to put the crime on me and kick me out of the commander's mansion, shouldn't there be any hidden secrets? "

Lin Yi said, suddenly looking down at Hong Mian's belly.

Lin Yi's eyes widened: "Hong Mian, you are so daring, how dare you put a cuckold on the handsome man!"

Red Cotton is going crazy!

There was an uncontrollable look of panic on his face.

Lin Yi keenly captured the change in Hong Mian's expression.

Lin Yi said calmly, "Looking at your guilty conscience, you are panicking."

Kapok: "!!!"


She panics because...


Suddenly, there was a violent crash at the door, and then, the door of the room was violently kicked open from the outside...

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