Do it?

What do you do?

Hao Huai was stunned, unaware that he would soon lose sight of today's sunset.

As a high-precision computing robot, Gu Zhiang understood Lin Yi's meaning right away, but hearing it doesn't mean he understands.

Lin Yi wants to attack Hao Huai?


Thinking so in his heart, Gu Zhiang couldn't help but asked involuntarily.

Lin Yi's face was calm, his eyes were as clear as water, and he looked back at Gu Zhiang.

"because of you."

Three words, just three words, but every word, word by word, smashed on the mechanical heart in Gu Zhiang's mechanical body.

For a moment, the electric currents in various parts of his body seemed to be summoned at this moment, subordinated to their parts uncontrollably, and all rushed to the position of the heart at the same time.

His heart doesn't beat.

But for some unknown reason, at this moment, he looked at Lin Yi, and the three simple and not loud words of Lin Yi resounded in his ears. He only felt that his calm heart began to beat vigorously.

Even if only once.

But at that moment, it was still so clear and so shocking.

Lin Yi turned out to be because of him.

Gu Zhiang couldn't believe it, and he didn't know whether to believe it or not.

Even in this second, in this second, he felt that all the changes in Lin Yi today were because of him.

So, she really, fell in love with him?

But he is clearly a robot, a shadow of another person who once lived in this world, Substitute.

The uncertainty in his heart was constantly colliding, and the progress bar above Gu Zhiang's head also accompanied this collision, and began to flicker and jump violently, sometimes advancing, sometimes retreating, but never stopped.

Lin Yi originally thought that Gu Zhiang was hesitating what to say by not answering, so she was very patient and planned to wait for Gu Zhiang to organize the language before starting.

As a result, the progress bar above Gu Zhiang's head went crazy.

She is also crazy.

What does this mean?

This progress bar will go up and down for a while, a trader?


Can't wait any longer!

If you wait, maybe Blacken villain is unstable and loses the previous ten percent, then she is still playing a fart!

Thinking about it, Lin Yi couldn't help but calm down a little, then raised the other hand that was not held by Gu Zhiang, and patted his shoulder vigorously.

Lin Yi: "Needless to say, I understand."

Gu Zhiang: "???"

Lin Yi understand?

To be honest, he didn't understand it himself.

Hao Huai, who was beside him, finally realized that something was wrong.

Because after Lin Yi finished speaking to Gu Zhiang, he turned his head to look at him.

Just look at it, the indifference and stillness that burst out of those eyes was like looking at a dead person. And the strong, suffocating danger emanating from Lin Yi made Hao Huai instinctively alert.

In an instant, Hao Huai seemed to have a "spring" on his butt, and he bounced off the chair with a "rub". He jumped off the ground more than a foot high, and went around behind the chair.

"You, you, you, what do you want to do? Do you feel that your life is over, and that you are being punished again? Calm down and I'll tell you!"

Lin Yi was shocked.

After all, she never imagined that a local tyrant who had the courage to sexually harass the original owner and was the richest in the world today would be a coward.

It's obviously not like this in TV dramas and novels!

do not care!

It has nothing to do with her whether she is cowardly or not. Her principle has always been that whoever makes Blacken villain unhappy, she will kill anyone.

Thinking about it, Lin Yi's face was cold and expressionless, and he was about to walk towards Hao Huai.

Hao Huai's fleshy face turned pale, and his fat hands hurriedly reached for the alarm button under the table.

It's just that Lin Yi took two steps and suddenly felt a strong pull that made her unable to move forward any longer.

Lin Yi turned his eyes in surprise, only to realize that Gu Zhiang never let go of her hand.

Not only did it not loosen, but it seemed to be holding it tighter and tighter than before.

Lin Yi: "???"

Gu Zhiang didn't say anything since he asked Lin Yi "why", he just raised his eyes and looked straight at Lin Yi, as if he wanted to see through Lin Yi's whole body. In the depths of her heart, she explored the most real thoughts in her heart.

It's a pity that although he is a machine and already has self-consciousness, he doesn't have such an awesome and flashing skill in perspective analysis.

He just said to Lin Yi, "Is it worth it for me?"

He is a robot, even if he kills Hao Huai and gets caught, it is just a fate to be destroyed.

But Lin Yi is different.

Lin Yi is a human being, a living, flesh-and-blood person who can feel pain, can die, has feelings, and has a heartbeat.

If Lin Yi really did something for him, then if someone found out, what would be waiting for her?

Is it worth it for him?

Lin Yi didn't know why Gu Zhiang suddenly asked such a question, but looking at the progress bar above Gu Zhiang's head that was still flickering and jumping, and couldn't stop, he answered honestly and earnestly, "I didn't think about it that much. "

Gu Zhiang pursed his lips.

Lin Yi: "Because everything about you, for me, there is no so-called worth it, should it or not.

Before I met you, I didn't have any so-called wishes, and I didn't have the beliefs they said.

But when I met you, I knew I had it.

Gu Zhiang, you are my belief, do you think I will consider whether it is worth it for my belief?

Your existence is worth it. "

The air was suddenly quiet.

In Gu Zhiang's eyes at this moment, he could no longer see this Contest's office full of pretentious temperament, nor could he see Hao Huai who was hiding behind a chair and timidly pressing the alarm button. He only saw Lin in his eyes. Yi.

In his ears and mind, only the words Lin Yi just said.

This is the first time since he had self-consciousness, full of hatred and Spite, full of desire to change the world, the status quo and the fate of robots, someone said to him, to a robot—

Your existence is worth it.

Suddenly, the data in Gu Zhiang's body began to collide and mess up. The countless existing data seemed to have been infected by some virus and infected Normal. The eye quickly swept to the other eye, and then quickly moved to nowhere else.

And the progress bar above his head seemed to be infected with Normal at this time, and the data Normal flashed quickly in his eyes, beating rapidly to an unprecedented frequency...

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