The explosion and vibration that were stronger than before finally made people panic. Everyone looked flustered and ran outside.

Lin Yi's eyes were cold, and he turned to look in the direction of the explosion, only to see the fire that had already shot into the sky before, had already lit up the whole sky, and the dark smoke billowed upwards, Shrouding the Heavens covered the moon, It was like a demon king came into the world, with the power to destroy the whole world.

Gu Zhi'ang's hand was still holding Lin Yi. Seeing this situation, Gu Zhi'ang was holding Lin Yi's hand and squeezed it tightly.

He is not a hero, and he never thought of saving all beings. In his life, only Lin Yi is the most important.

But at this moment, in the face of disaster, even if he is a robot, he feels depressed in his heart.

Especially, at this moment, I also felt the heavy heart of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi turned to look at Gu Zhiang and said only four words: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Gu Zhiang: "..."

This was originally what he wanted to say, but Lin Yi said it ahead of time.

And I don't know why, but after hearing Lin Yi say this, the heaviness in his heart was relieved a lot.

Gu Zhiang's eyes shone brightly: "I'm not afraid of anything, I'm just afraid that you are not by my side."

Lin Man here was stunned by the strong explosion and vibration, and subconsciously relaxed the strength of his hand on the phone. Su Chen's eyes were fast and he took advantage of this moment to immediately pick up the phone and swipe the screen to answer the call.

When Lin Man wanted to stop it, it was too late.

The phone was open to the public, and there was a serious and anxious male voice.

"The explosion at Liuyun Port caused a fire. The cause of the explosion is unknown. The captain asked everyone to return to the team immediately."

Su Chen: "Yes, I happen to be nearby, and I will arrive at Floating Cloud Port in about ten minutes."

"Okay, then you go directly to Liuyungang. Firefighters have already arrived nearby. You go directly to join the main force."

"it is good!"

Su Chen was about to hang up after speaking, but the other party stopped him at this moment.

"Su Chen!"

This sound is obviously different from the previous tone.

Su Chen sensed something was wrong, and the depression between his brows became even more deadly.

Su Chen paused: "what's the matter?"

"It's dangerous and the situation is unknown, careful."

Su Chen was silent for two seconds: "You too."

Hanging up the phone, Su Chen looked at Lin Man again, but at this time Lin Man's face was already pale and bloodless.

She had already stood up and stood in front of Su Chen, looking at her posture, as if Su Chen was going to step over her body.

Su Chen's tone was very stern: "Manman, let me go!"

"No! You can't go! I won't let you go!"

Lin Man shook his head desperately, and firmly rejected Su Chen's words.

Su Chen said every word: "I have to go!"


Lin Man suddenly shouted, stepped forward and hugged Su Chen's body tightly: "I can't let you go, I've lost you once, I can't lose you again, this is not an ordinary fire, I can't stand by Watching you go to death!"

Already lost him once!

Lin Yi and Gu Zhiang were standing beside them. When they heard this, they all noticed Su Chen's reaction.

However, as expected, Su Chen didn't have any special expression when he heard this sentence.

He let Lin Man hold his body stiffly, and his pupils, which were darker than ordinary people, became deeper and deeper.

Suddenly, Su Chen spoke, his voice as heavy as his tone.

He said, "Manman, I'm not Su Chen."


Gu Zhiang said before that Su Chen probably already had self-awareness, but now it seems that it should be confirmed.

Lin Yi turned his head and glanced at Gu Zhiang, but found that Gu Zhiang's eyes were holding a kind of darkness that people couldn't see through.

Lin Man's body trembled suddenly, raised his head in disbelief, and looked at Su Chen. Su Chen put his hands on Lin Man's shoulders.

"I know everything, Manman, I know I'm not the real Su Chen, I'm just his stand-in, I'm just a robot..."

Lin Man was really frightened this time. She suddenly let go of the hands holding Su Chen, and took advantage of the situation to break free from Su Chen. She shook her head and stepped back with a pale face.

"Don't say anything, I don't want to hear anything, I just know that I can't let you go, you can't go, and you can't leave me!"

"Manman, listen to me, although I know I'm not the real Su Chen, since the day I knew I was a robot, I have never complained or resented.

Do you know why?

Because of you!

Like that Su Chen, I deeply and passionately love you, and we also deeply love the identity of a firefighter.

Every time I charged into the field of fire, every time I rescued the trapped people, I could feel the former Su Chen, and I could really feel that I exist.

I am grateful that I can replace Su Chen as a firefighter to guard the city, and I can replace Su Chen to stay by your side and watch your joys and sorrows.

Because of this, I chose to continue Su Chen's life so unswervingly.

That's why I have to go now.

Because this is my and Su Chen's common choice. "

When Su Chen said this, Lin Yi seemed to see through him, another person, another soul contained in his body.

That soul is also hot.

Lin Man's tears couldn't stop falling at this moment.

Why is this happening?

Why would he know?

Why did he still make the same choice as Su Chen when he knew it?

Lin Man didn't speak, but Su Chen couldn't bear to look anymore.

Although the comrade-in-arms did not say it clearly on the phone, there were some things that they knew without saying it.

This time, I am afraid that there will be no return.

But he still chose to go.

This is not just him, but also the real Su Chen's choice.

Su Chen took a deep breath and turned to look at Lin Yi and Gu Zhiang.

He didn't say anything, but the next second, he suddenly rushed out, his steps were firm, and he didn't look back!

"Su Chen!"

Realizing what happened, Lin Man couldn't help chasing after Su Chen's back and shouting, but Su Chen's footsteps didn't even stop.

Lin Man grabbed Lin Yi: "Cousin, cousin, I..."

"Lin Man, let me ask you a question, do you love him?"

Lin Man was suddenly stunned.

Lin Yi: "It's not the dead Su Chen, but the one standing in front of you, who has Su Chen's memories and memories, and Su Chen's face, but is a robot with a completely different soul and mind, do you love him?

Think about it before answering. "

How can you not love?

In the beginning, I loved his Su Chen's face and shared memories.

But now, he is him!

Lin Man: "I love him!"

Lin Yi nodded: "Okay!"

Turning his head, Lin Yi looked at Gu Zhiang: "Let's find him."

Gu Zhiang didn't speak at the beginning. He looked at Su Chen, listened to Su Chen, admired his indomitable progress, and was surprised by his non-complaining and hatred.

And at this moment, looking into Lin Yi's eyes, Gu Zhiang suddenly understood.

Gu Zhiang raised his eyebrows and smiled hotly.

"it is good!"

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