Zhou Chongming's smiling face suddenly changed.

Because Lin Yi wasn't the only one who said this.

He clearly heard the voice of Blue Eucalyptus, which should have been in a coma, just behind him, it sounded impressively.

Before Zhou Chongming could react, he felt that an important part of his lower body was caught off guard, and the pain caused his whole body to twitch.

Immediately afterwards, his arm was firmly grasped by a huge force behind him. At the same time, his back was stomped on with his feet. Under such confinement, he was completely unable to move.

Blue gum's face was completely black.

Those black, tortuous blood vessels seemed to have completely occupied his fair face, and the blood-red eyes were strikingly distinct in the darkness.

He glanced at Lin Yi, who was pinned on the car, and saw Lin Yi's body being imprisoned by Zhou Chongming. He only felt that the blood was surging all over his body, and the beasts lurking in his body began to roar.

Zhou Chongming dared to put Lin Yi under him!

Lin Yi is the only one who has taken the initiative to approach him in the past thousand years just because he is him!

Thinking of this, Blue Eucalyptus suddenly said, "Lin Yi, don't look."

Lin Yi was startled when he heard the words.

She didn't know why blue gum suddenly said such a thing, but at this moment, she clearly saw the humbleness that was almost a prayer in blue gum's eyes.

This is her blackened villain!

Lin Yi didn't want to see such a blue eucalyptus, let alone the humbleness in his eyes, so she obediently closed her eyes.

That's why... why did the blackened villain want her to close her eyes?

Is there anything she can't watch without spending money?

Seeing Lin Yi closed his eyes, the blood-red eyes of eucalyptus were suddenly covered with icy coldness.

In the next second, he used one hand to forcefully pull Zhou Chongming's arm off his shoulder.

Although Lin Yi closed her eyes and couldn't see what was going on, she couldn't stand Ergouzi broadcasting live in her head.

【啊啊啊啊啊,太残暴了,黑化反派竟然将周崇明的胳膊给拽下来,撇啦! 】

Lin Yi thought for a while: [Just pulled an arm? 】

So what's not to see?

Ergouzi: […]

So what else do you want to pull?

【啊啊啊啊啊啊,更残暴了,黑化反派竟然掐着周崇明的脖子,一个乾坤大挪移,把他按到地上了。 】

In fact, this sentence does not need to be broadcast by Ergouzi, and Lin Yi can guess the same.

Because she clearly heard a loud noise, right in his ear.

Even, she could clearly feel the splashed flying stones rubbing against her cheeks and hair, almost flying past.

However, after the loud noise and the flying stone passed by, Zhou Chongming's breath suddenly came from her side.

Zhou Chongming did not expect that the blue gum, which he had stuffed into the wall a second ago, suddenly burst out with such a powerful force.

Zhou Chongming smiled.

He knew that Blue Gum was his most satisfying work for a thousand years.

And the source of energy for this work seems to be the human woman.

That's it!

Thinking about it, Zhou Chongming took advantage of the moment when Blue Eucalyptus turned his head to look at Lin Yi, and hit Blue Eucalyptus's abdomen with his only remaining hand, then grabbed one of his legs and shot him into the air. Hit hard.

The moment Blue Gum was thrown out, he quickly came to Lin Yi. With a crazy and evil smile on his face, it seems that he has discovered the weakness of blue gum, which makes him more excited than losing an arm.

Although Lin Yi is extremely fast, when facing unnatural creatures like vampires, his weaknesses as a human are still exposed.

For example, the speed is not as fast as Zhou Chongming.

She relied on her fighting instinct to resist, but Zhou Chongming grabbed her and stood on the roof of the car, standing behind her at the same time, pulling her hair and causing her whole head to tilt to one side uncontrollably.

Zhou Chongming: "Have I said that you are very fragrant, eh?"

Zhou Chongming's disgusting voice sounded in his ears, and Lin Yi's face was terrifyingly cold.

But when she looked up, she found that the blue gum, who had just been kicked away, came swiftly in her direction.

Zhou Chongming also found out, he opened his mouth, revealing sharp fangs.

Zhou Chongming: "You said, if my eucalyptus baby sees me biting you, will he go crazy?"

Lin Yi: "!!!"

Your blue gum baby?

Don't make a big face.

She doesn't know if the blackened villain will go crazy, she is definitely not normal anyway.

Thinking about it, Lin Yi used martial arts to stretch out his hands and slapped Zhou Chongming's face behind him.

At the same time, Zhou Chongming had already bit down on Lin Yi's neck.

He has wanted to do this for a long time!

But at this moment, looking at the blue eucalyptus rushing over, and the anger like a volcano erupting on his face, Zhou Chongming's inner excitement was beyond words.

There was a crazy smile on the corner of his mouth.

Blue gum, did you see it?

However, just as his fangs pierced Lin Yi's skin and the smell of blood drifted from the tip of his nose, the smile on his face suddenly stopped.

Because Lin Yi seemed to be restrained by him and became a piece of fish on the chopping board, but the fish actually sat up in shock and inserted his fingers into his eyeballs.

The eyes are the weak point of a vampire. If other parts of the body are injured, they can recover almost immediately without even feeling the pain.

But not the eyes!

Severe pain rushed into his brain, and Zhou Chongming tensed and shrank.

He couldn't believe it!

Lin Yi, a human woman, in the face of such a situation, she didn't cry or make trouble, but she could still calmly and dig his eyeballs!

Although her back turned to Zhou Chongming, Lin Yi could not feel or see his expression and reaction at the moment, but she was convinced of her technique. After feeling Zhou Chongming's eyeballs with her right index finger and middle finger, she pressed him with force. The eyeballs were pulled out directly from the sockets.

At this time, Blue Eucalyptus had also rushed to Lin Yi, and he pressed Zhong Zhou Chongming's shoulders with his crazy hands and pushed him out.

Zhou Chongming slammed into the mountain, the mountain swayed, and the surrounding sand, gravel and vegetation fell, but Blue gum refused to give up.

He was distracted, pressed his right forearm against Zhou Chongming's neck, controlled him, and then looked at Lin Yi worriedly.

Lin Yi's body had already fallen to the ground from the roof of the car.

The place on the neck that was scratched by Zhou Chongming's teeth was like being burned by fire, and the pain made her want to roll.

It's just that as a girl, she can't let the blackened villain find out, she can only grit her teeth and hold her face.

His mother's daughter!

This vampire hasn't bitten yet, just scratched his teeth, why is it so painful!

And Blue Eucalyptus saw the wound on Lin Yi's neck from a distance, and went completely crazy...

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