Blue gum's heart suddenly tightened.

The next second, before the cold mechanical female voice in the phone finished broadcasting, Blue Eucalyptus had already threw the phone out.

With a bang, the phone fell to the ground and was torn apart.

Yu Yan was still laughing loudly, but Blue Eucalyptus's hand gripping his neck tightened.

Soon, Yu Yan couldn't laugh anymore.

The suffocation from his neck made his face turn purple, and the blood vessels in his face, neck, and forehead were all exposed, and both eyes began to congested and bulged.

Blue Gum: "Where is Lin Yi, say!"

Although he told him intellectually that with Lin Yi's ability to beat Zhou Chongming, it was impossible for a little Yu Yan to do anything to her, but emotionally he couldn't control himself.

Concern is chaos. Lin Yi is the only person in the world that he cares about.

Even if there was only a one in a million chance, he couldn't let Lin Yi do anything.


At this moment, Yu Yan was deeply and personally feeling the feeling of Death approaching little by little, but he didn't feel any fear at all.

On the contrary, the angrier Blue Gum got, the more excited he became.

Because he knew that Blue Eucalyptus was like this, which meant that he cared about Lin Yi.

Originally, he was worried that a Devil like Blue Eucalyptus would not be swayed by Lin Yi, but he didn't expect that the current effect is actually better than expected.

Yu Yan: "I...won't tell you...where is can kill if you have the ability...I..."

Blue Eucalyptus didn't speak right away, just raised his eyes and stared at Yu Yan.

However, at this moment, the original human form has changed little by little into the form of a vampire.

His gray pupils turned blood red, and black blood vessels began to appear on his pale face, and even the blue veins on his forehead began to stand out.

The muscles around his cheeks were trembling, and he was trying to restrain himself, restraining the urge to tear Yu Yan into pieces and drink blood and eat flesh.

Suddenly, his arm squeezed Yu Yan's neck, pushing him back quickly.

Yu Yan only felt that his body was light, and then his back hit a hard object.

The pain and suffocation caused fine beads of sweat to ooze out of his forehead. His consciousness was gradually blurred, his mind was swollen, his body was weak, and even the whites of his eyes began to gradually move upwards.

But he still gritted his teeth and refused to beg for mercy.

He must take advantage of this time to destroy the blue gum!

Completely wiped out!

Yu Yan: "As long die...I'll...let Lin Yi go...I promise...otherwise, she will die..."

Blue Eucalyptus's hands were shaking, and his whole body was shaking. He gritted his teeth and stared at Yu Yan, but he couldn't do anything.

He is angry, he suffers, he struggles, he hates even more!

He could kill Yu Yan now, but what about Lin Yi?

If Lin Yi is really in danger...

Blue gum dare not think about it!

Yu Yan saw the struggle in Lan Yan's eyes, and continued: "Didn't you always want to die... Go die... If you die, it's good for everyone..."

Yu Yan's words suddenly made Blue Eucalyptus drop her head.


All this time, he wanted to die, and when he died, nothing would happen.

But now that he already has Lin Yi, he doesn't want to die anymore!

Why is God doing this to him?

When he wanted to die, he was not given a chance to die, and when he did not want to die, he was forced to die again.

"Haha..." After a moment of silence, Blue Eucalyptus suddenly let out a low laugh, and then he released the hand that was holding Yu Yan's neck.

Yu Yan, who suddenly gained freedom and breathing, fell to the ground and began to cough violently. Physiological tears continued to infiltrate along with the cough, but he couldn't help thinking about it.

Blue gum can finally die!


On the other side, in the funeral home.

Lin Yi sat in the office and waited for a long time, but did not wait for the original owner's Master to come back, and his cold face gradually began to show dryness.

She frowned tightly, and for a moment, suddenly got up and walked out of the office.

The original owner's Master was hiding in the fire escape at the moment, holding Lin Yi's phone that had been turned off, but there was a look of relief on his face.

Although cheating the apprentice is a bit inauthentic, but thinking about Lin Yi's lifelong happiness, it seems that cheating is not a big deal.

Just how long will that kid Yu Yan take?

He's been out for so long, if he can't figure it out, Lin Yi should be suspicious.

He has to keep cheating!

Thinking of this, the Master couldn't help sighing silently.

However, before the sigh had completely fallen, a loud noise suddenly rang out from the quiet fire escape, and then, the tightly closed door of the fire escape was kicked open from the other side.

The Master was startled by the sudden sound, and when he turned his eyes, he saw Lin Yi standing at the door of the fire escape, staring at him gloomily.

Master: "..."

you see!

What is he saying?

Got caught.

But the Master didn't panic when he saw Lin Yi, he just smiled lightly: "Lin Yi, what's wrong?"

Lin Yi glanced at the Master's hand, her cell phone with a black screen, and instantly sensed something was wrong. The aura of the whole body instantly became cold and dangerous, especially the pair of black eyes, staring straight at the Master, actually made the Master involuntarily. shivered. did the little girl's eyes suddenly become so scary?

Could it be that he thought he was going to steal her phone?

Subconsciously, the Master began to explain: "Lin Yi, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to steal your phone, I just... hey! I'll tell you the truth!

It's that kid Yu Yan. He said he wanted to propose to you, but he wasn't ready, so let me delay here for a while... hey, hey? What are you going to do? Lin Yi? "

Before the Master could finish speaking, Lin Yi turned around and rushed out of the fire escape.

The Master stood there and shouted several times, but Lin Yi didn't reply, and the Master couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

"What are you talking about!"

Lin Yi ran out of the funeral home at the fastest speed, got in the car, and kicked the accelerator to drive the car at high speed.


But go to his uncle!

If that bitch didn't do anything, she would pull her head off and kick it as a ball!

Lin Yi went crazy and stepped on the accelerator all the way to the bottom.

On the way, she used the car phone to dial Blue Eucalyptus over and over again, but all the reminders were that the other party had turned off.

Although the blue gum will sleep during the day, the mobile phone will never be turned off.

Lin Yi's heart beat faster, and she always felt that something bad was about to happen, so the car drove faster and faster.

Finally, the car arrived at the foot of the mountain where the mid-level villa was sitting.

From a distance, Lin Yi could even see the shadow of the villa in the middle of the mountain, standing alone among the mountainside.


Suddenly, an explosion accompanied by firelight came into Lin Yi's eyes...

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