Lin Yi smiled.

Surrounded by the fleeing and embarrassed warriors of the Qiushui tribe, the breeze blew by, blowing her black hair that was like ink dyed on her shoulders and dancing with the wind, making her whole person look cold and enchanting, but it was hidden in the air. With a dangerous, breathtaking cold.

Xing Zhao didn't let her go without going?

Saying that she doesn't want to be ashamed?

Lin Yi just took it step by step, walking towards Xing Zhao unhurriedly, and Xing Zhao began to retreat subconsciously.

Every time Lin Yi took a step, he took a step back.

Suddenly, Xing Zhao didn't know what he hit, he stumbled under his feet, and he fell to the ground with an unstable center of gravity.

He instinctively turned his head, but met a pair of dead eyes.

The man was trampled to death by a mad iron-eating beast, a huge hole was stepped on his chest, blood was dripping with bloody wounds, and his intestines and internal organs were flowing everywhere.


Rao was Xing Zhao, who was also startled by this sudden scene and couldn't help screaming.

He hurriedly moved to the side and used his hands and feet to dodge, trying to avoid this hideous and terrifying corpse, but after a few steps, he suddenly remembered something, and looked back again.

Lin Yi actually walked to his side, looking down at him like a torch.

For a moment, Xing Zhao's heart seemed to jump out of his throat, as if he was about to stop beating.

Xing Zhao: ""

Lin Yi was too lazy to talk nonsense with Xing Zhao: "I'll give you two choices, either you get up and follow me, or I'll carry you."

Xing Zhao: "No! No! I won't go with you, I won't go with you!"

"Oh, your second choice, okay."

Lin Yi said lightly, looking at Xing Zhao who had already stood up and was about to run away again, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the clothes behind Xing Zhao calmly.

Xing Zhao's clothes were pulled, his hands and feet still kept running, but no matter how hard he tried to swing his hands and feet, he just threw himself up in vain.

Lin Yi looked at Xing Zhao's antics with a blank expression, and then the wrist that pulled his clothes exerted force, and Xing Zhao was lifted off the ground by his feet, and he was caught in the air.

"You let me down! Let me down! I won't go with you! I won't go with you!"

Xing Zhao was held by Lin Yi like a pig, but he still roared unwillingly in his mouth.

Lin Yi turned around and walked away. After walking a few steps, he was really annoyed by his arguing. His face sank slightly, and then he slashed at the vagus nerve on the back of Xing Zhao's neck.

Xing Zhao suddenly felt a tingling in the back of his neck and lost consciousness.

Lin Yi looked at Xing Zhao, who had passed out, and his expression softened a little.

Well, that's quiet.

how nice.


Xing Xian felt that he was someone who had been walking in the desert for several days and nights. He was so dry that he longed for a long-awaited rain.

He was lying weakly in a piece of yellow sand, surrounded by boundless, uninhabited people, the scorching sun above his head, and the scorching sun seemed to be burning at any time and place.

He looked at the sun, but his vision became more and more blurred, more and more blurred.

But he didn't want to sleep.

He seemed to be waiting for someone, and he couldn't sleep before that person.

Thinking so, suddenly, a cold and beautiful face appeared in front of me.

Although there was no expression on that face, the eyes seemed to be full of worry.

The water that the man got from nowhere was feeding him bit by bit through his lips.

It's Lin Yi!


The person he was waiting for was Lin Yi. She was right in front of him, blocking all the scorching sunlight, leaving her alone in his world and in his sight.

Cool water entered his throat, and the sweet and comfortable feeling spread all over his body in an instant, and Xing Xian seemed to feel that his body had regained some strength.

His vision became clearer and clearer. Looking at Lin Yi who was constantly feeding him water, he couldn't help raising his hand to grab her wrist.

But when he lifted it up, he found an inexplicable piece of clothes in his hand.


Xing Xian was a little suspicious.

"Master, Xing Xian seems to be awake."


"But why does he keep looking at the shards of your clothes?"

After the skull said this, Lin Yi also noticed that Xing Xian's behavior seemed a little strange, and after thinking about it, he explained to Xing Xian: "You hold on to my clothes and don't let go, I can't let Xing Zhao run away, I had no choice but to cut off my clothes."

Suddenly, a cold and familiar voice sounded in his ears, and Xing Xian couldn't help stunned when he heard this. ..

This is Lin Yi's voice.

How is it so clear, it doesn't seem to be in hallucinations or dreams at all.

Xing Xian's eyes widened subconsciously, and finally, he saw everything in front of him.

It turned out that he had woken up.

It turned out that Lin Yi did not leave, she was still there.

Xing Xian laughed, and that smile seemed to have been silent and bleak for a long time in the winter, and finally saw the spring and the recovery of all things.

He clenched the clothes shards in his hands, but he didn't want to throw them away, but carefully placed them on his chest.

Even if it is just a piece of clothing, it is a treasure for him because it is related to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was dumbfounded.

What kind of hobby is this to keep her clothes shards close-to-body?

Collect junk?

Xing Xian stretched out his hand again and grabbed Lin Yi's wrist that was exposed from the cuff. It's just that although he is awake now, his body has not recovered and his strength is not great. If Lin Yi wants to break free, it will be an easy task. .

But she didn't break free.

Xing Xian moved his dry lips, and in a hoarse voice, he said the first words after waking up to Lin Yi: "I'm sorry."

His voice is very low, very light, and coupled with that physiological hoarseness, it sounds extraordinarily magnetic, and the magnetic force is fatal.

Lin Yi pursed her lips.

"I'm sorry for what?"


Because he knocked her unconscious at the beginning, tied her to a tree stump in an attempt to burn her to death, and later took her away from her sleeping and let her fight against a ferocious and cruel tiger with her bare hands, and also for what he did, Everything.

One by one, one by one, if it weren't for his trust and lack of defense, how could he have succeeded.

It's just that he understood too late.

Lin Yi understood what Xing Xian meant, but in fact she wasn't very angry for a long time.

Especially after Skull knew about Xing Xian's past.

It's just that she can't show it easily.

When dealing with men, you have to be ruthless when you should be ruthless. There is nothing wrong with pua, but you must grasp the scale.

Otherwise, the dog man will not know how to cherish it!

Lin Yi glanced at Xing Xian blankly: "If an apology is useful, what should the police do?"

Xing Xian: "???"

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