Xing Xian's kiss fell deeply again.

Everything Lin Yi wanted to say was blocked by Xing Xian's kisses.

Lin Yi was a little speechless.

If you can't wait, you can't wait, and if you repent, you will repent, but can we find a relatively safe place?

The top of her head is now a cliff of ten thousand feet. If Xing Xian uses a little force, she will go down with half of her body.

With a little more force, the whole body will go down.

She even saw the scene when she fell from the cliff.

It is as free as the wind!

Lin Yi raised his hand subconsciously, wanting to pat Xing Xian's back to remind him.

Don't take her life by doing something astringent, and she won't mix it up after it spreads.

However, Xing Xian suddenly pulled his lips away before Lin Yi could make any move.

He buried his head deeply into Lin Yi's neck, hugged her tightly with both hands, wrapped her broad and hard shoulders around her, and his fair skin was dyed red by the burning fire beside him.

His breath was hot, like hot air waves around her ears and neck.

"Even if you didn't forgive me, don't push me away at this time."

The instant Xing's gossip ended, Lin Yi's raised hand suddenly stopped in the air.

She suddenly understood.

It turns out that his blackened villain is still alone.

Even if he let go of the past, bid farewell to the source of all his pain in the past, and let the woman go in person, there was still a huge void in his heart.

He should be afraid of being abandoned, afraid that he is the only one left.

Even though he was treated like that by that woman in the past, he endured it, just because that person was his only relative in this world.

If that woman is gone, he will be the only one left in heaven and earth.

Because they still have the same blood in their bodies.

But Lin Yi is different.

Even though Lin Yi said he wanted to accompany him, there was nothing special between him and her after all.

She is free and can go at any time.

Like, she used to do.


Xian Xian is afraid!

Realizing this, Lin Yi's heart suddenly tightened.

After a pause, she raised her hand and placed it lightly on Xing Xian's shoulder, pressing her fingers slightly.

Lin Yi's thin lips opened slightly, and he said slowly, "It's all right, it's all over, you will have me in the future.

Although I am late, I will be with you for a long time. "

Lin Yi's words were like the Milky Way filling the sky above his head, instantly spilling into Xing Xian's heart, illuminating the dark corners that he had been keeping closed for as bright as day.

Xing Xian's body trembled slightly, then he raised his head, looked down at Lin Yi, raised his hand, and stroked the hair above her head gently and reverently.

Xing Xian: "Okay, stay with me for a long time."

Xing Xian's lips fell again, and together with Xing Xian's complete delivery.

His body, his heart, starting from today, are all Lin Yi's.

It's Lin Yi's alone.

All his future life will be for Lin Yi only.

Pain and numbness hit at the same time, Lin Yi couldn't help biting his lips.

At the critical moment, she still did not forget to remind Xing Xian.

"Take it easy."


"It's easy for us to fall."


Xing Xian's eyes were dyed with restraint, and the whites of his eyes were also dyed with a few strands of blood-red silk because of the restraint, making his originally coquettish eyes look hazy.

"Okay, I'll try my best..."

Do your best... okay!

You are a blackened villain, you have the final say.

Lin Yi accepted her fate, she closed her eyes gently, and let Xing Xian lead her.

Gradually, the stars that were originally very far away from her seemed to be getting closer and closer, and she could even clearly see the frequency and rhythm of those stars shining in the galaxy.

Suddenly, a star broke out playfully and wandered on the edge of the Milky Way.

It looked back, watching.

But it didn't seem to give up, and it reentered the galaxy and merged into thousands of stars.

It constantly shuttles to the edge of the Milky Way, constantly detaching and merging in, but it does not affect the night sky in the slightest, but makes this charming and psychedelic night more and more intoxicating.

Finally, the stars were far away from Lin Yi again.

She seemed to have fallen to the ground, but her body was trembling uncontrollably.

Xing Xian was lying on her body, and her body was tense as if every muscle was stiff.

He raised his head slightly, his eyes filled with blurred water light.

In this world, there is finally a person who belongs to him completely.

No abandonment, no rejection, no betrayal, no escape.

belong to him only.

Lin Yi, belongs to, Xing Xian.

At the same time, the progress bar above Xing Xian's head began to flicker and jumped continuously.

At the moment of freezing, the progress of Xing Xian's power of love reached 100%.

However, the two dogs were gone.

In every world, when the task is completed, she will be reminded in her mind that the task has been completed and the Ergozi who can go to the next world suddenly disappears.

Everything around her world began to freeze, and then without giving her any breathing time, everything in front of her began to twist and spin.

Lin Yi didn't even have time to say goodbye to Xing Xian.

【Two dogs? 】

A bad premonition suddenly rose in Lin Yi's heart, and he subconsciously called Ergouzi in his consciousness.

But in the past, Ergouzi, who would take the initiative to jump out even if he didn't call, this time, there was no movement.

How could this happen suddenly?

Was it still there before?

The next second, Lin Yi's consciousness suddenly fell into a trance.

When she woke up again, everything in front of her had changed.

White walls, white ceilings, white beds, white everything...

It was the white room she had been to before.

Although she only went in once, she was impressed.

Lin Yi didn't know why she came here suddenly, she looked around, but couldn't find anything like a door or a window.

Lin Yi's eyes were deep and cold.

Suddenly, the pure white room in front of him began to change.

The originally white walls, floors, and ceilings began to permeate other colors, various, black, green, blue, red... All the colors were mixed together and penetrated thickly and slowly from the walls. , flowing, and soon dyed the pure white room into a dark and terrifying color.

This scene is like a horror movie, but Lin Yi is not afraid at this moment.

Because at the moment when those colors appeared in the room, her brain flooded into countless memories like a flood that had opened the floodgates.

"Lin Yi, even if you go underground, even if the galaxy turns around and the world turns around, you can only be mine."

"Lin Yi, my wish is very simple. In this huge world, I only want one of you."

"Sister, from now on you will be mine alone, and we will always be together."

"Lin Yi, starting today, I'm no longer someone else's best actor, I'm just yours."

"Lin Yi, I'm here to find you."


Countless memories poured in, Lin Yi just felt that her brain couldn't go along and would burst open anytime, anywhere.

Her consciousness became more and more unclear, and her head hurt more and more. Finally, she lost consciousness and fell down.

In the last second of losing consciousness, all the messy voices and memories in her mind, only one sentence remained——

Lin Yi, you remember, from beginning to end, I was the only one.

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