The sudden sound attracted the attention of the entire bar.

It stands to reason that in the xyz bar, even if there is a riot and some people make trouble, everyone will just glance at it lightly, and then turn around and do their own things.

It's like Lin Yi overturned the table before.

However, this time, everyone did not turn their heads, but one by one, their eyes widened, or they looked in the direction of the voice in horror or disgust.

Because the man who was smashed by Lin Yi's head on the table just now fell down beside the girl he brought. ..

At this moment, he was holding a knife in his hand, pressing it hard on the girl's neck. The fair skin of the girl's neck had been cut by the man, and blood was seeping out.

"Get out of the way! Do you hear me? Get out of the way for Lao Tzu!"

The man roared and roared, the ugly face was covered with blood at the moment, and the two eyes were bulging out, which was particularly hideous.

The girl who was originally just bowing her head and timid, now trembled with fear on her face, and her big eyes were filled with tears.

"help me……"

Lin Yi looked at the man and the dagger in his hand coldly, his originally cold brows became more and more cold and gloomy at this moment.

The man kidnapped the girl and retreated to the door step by step. Lin Yi was not hurried, and approached the two of them step by step.

"Did you hear what Lao Tzu said! Get out of the way for Lao Tzu! How dare you meddle in your business! Don't you have a gun in your hand? If you have the ability, you shoot! Let's see if it is Your gun is fast, or Lao Tzu's knife is fast!"

The man yelled at Lin Yi, but Lin Yi was not polite, he raised the gun in his hand and aimed it straight at the man's forehead.

"No, no, don't shoot!"

Sister Hong, who was on the side, saw this posture, and hurried towards Lin Yi.

Sister Hong: "Lin Yi, you can't shoot here, it's the downtown area outside, not to mention that the sound of gunfire will attract the officers, my entire door and wall are made of glass, at such a close distance, outside Pedestrians are bound to be accidentally injured.”

Sister Hong anxiously explained to Lin Yi, and the man who was kidnapping the girl laughed proudly when he heard this.

"Yes! You shoot! Shoot from here, you can kill me, but there will also be innocent people outside who are accidentally injured by you, oh, your shooting is so accurate, maybe you can kill two directly. !

Hahaha, let Tama you mind my own business, let you pretend! "

Hearing the words of the man and Sister Hong, the coldness and irritability between Lin Yi's brows and eyes disappeared in an instant.

Her cold face returned to its former expressionless face, "What am I supposed to do?"

Lin Yi's casual words made the man, who was still laughing proudly, instantly panic.

"What do you mean?"

The man with glasses who came to look for Lin Yi before, now has his eyes fixed on Lin Yi, and seems to be very interested in how Lin Yi will solve this predicament.

All the people in the bar had anxious expressions on their faces.

No one knows that this scene at the scene has already been passed to another place through the glasses on the bridge of the glasses man's nose.

Empire State Building, 117th floor.

A man in a suit is sitting lazily and recklessly on the leather office sofa at the moment. His beautiful peach eyes are like sparkling waves, staring straight at Lin Yi in the picture.

His slender, white fingers, like green onions, were tapping on the tabletop.

His eyes were filled with scorching heat and turbulence, like a volcano about to erupt, covering the sky and covering the sky, trying to drown Lin Yi in the picture.

haven't seen you for a long time.

Did you miss me?

Lin Yi.

At the same time, the atmosphere in the xyz bar was stalemate. Everyone was staring at Lin Yi and the man who was kidnapping the girl. The man seemed to be annoyed by Lin Yi's actions without putting down the gun, and the blade that touched the girl's neck cut down with force.

More and more blood gushed out from the girl's neck, and the girl was already in tears at this moment.

She didn't know why she was going to face such a dangerous and terrible thing just to meet a netizen.

But at this critical moment, Lin Yi said, "Do you think this can threaten me?"

She hates people threatening her the most!

There was panic in the man's eyes: " are can't shoot, here is..."


Before the man could finish his words, suddenly, a muffled gunshot resounded in the bar.

Everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath, and then held their breath, even the timid ones didn't dare to look again.

The girl was so frightened that her legs became weak and she fell directly to the ground.

However, the accident that everyone expected did not happen.

Except for the man who had a gun in his eyebrows, who had fallen to the ground and couldn't believe it when he was dying, everything else was quiet.

On the street behind the glass window, there are still people coming and going, and it is very lively. The glass window has not been damaged, and the bullet has not hit it.

What... what's going on?

At this distance, shouldn't it affect the pedestrians outside?

Why did the man die when the gun was fired, but everything was fine outside?

The air was quiet for a moment, and the first voice in the crowd was Sister Hong's voice.

"You crazy woman!"

Sister Hong shouted, and everyone turned to look at Lin Yi.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but hold their breath again, their eyes widened, incredible.

Because Lin Yi at this time, although still maintaining the posture of raising the gun to shoot, but in front of her muzzle, she has the other hand sideways.

It was her left hand, which blocked the muzzle of the gun impartially. It was penetrated by the bullet, revealing a huge blood hole.

Handsome group!

Everyone was stunned, and looked at Lin Yi, filled with admiration, admiration, and fear.

What kind of person is he, so brave, calm, and cruel!

Sister Hong was so worried, she immediately called someone to dispose of the man's body and took the girl away, while she reprimanded Lin Yi anxiously and worriedly: "You are crazy, in order to slow down the impact of the bullet, you actually used yourself hands do buffering.

don't you have your hand? "

Lin Yi slowly put down his left hand with the blood hole, pinned the pistol to his waist again, turned his head to look at Sister Hong as usual.

"It's okay, I avoided the bones and tendons in my hand. At most, it's a trauma, and it will be better in half a month."


Sister Hong simply didn't know what to say.

"Even so, you can't take your own body seriously like that!"

Having said that, he is about to pull Lin Yi to bandage.

However, at this moment, an order came from the earphone of the man with glasses, and the man with glasses immediately walked towards Lin Yi when he heard the words...

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