The organ that was placed yesterday has disappeared.

Instead, there are several normal books.

Lin Yi had a cold face, his eyes were as sharp as falcons, and he quickly glanced around the entire bookshelf.

The next second, she started directly and searched again.

It's just that this time she searched the entire bookshelf, but couldn't find a mechanism that could open the secret passage from yesterday.

Lin Yi sneered in his heart.


The speed is very fast, and the agency was withdrawn in only one night.

But will she just give up the person who doubts herself?

Absolutely not!

The organ is gone, but the secret passage is behind the bookshelf. Wouldn't it be okay if she dismantled the bookshelves?

Thinking about it, Lin Yi turned around and left the study quickly.

At the other end of the corridor, Fan Ye was standing at the door, covering his body and staring at Lin Yi's every move.

Zuo Fei stood behind Fan Ye and saw Lin Yi leave, he could not help but secretly exhale: "Boss, Miss Lin should have given up."


Fan Ye smiled inexplicably.

It is not Lin Yi who can give up so easily.

Sure enough, after a while, Lin Yi came back, not only back, but also with a fire axe in his hand.

She just went downstairs to ask the servant.

Zuo Fei looked stunned.

"Miss Lin is carrying... an axe? What is she doing?"

Fan Ye's eyes were full of pampering: "What can I do, of course, tear down the study."

Zuo Fei: "???"

So boss, are you all right?

Someone wants to demolish your study, how can you still laugh!

Soon, there was a crackling sound in the study, and Zuo Fei felt his heart skip a beat every time he listened to it.

He hesitated to ask Fan Ye: "Boss, do we want to persuade Miss Lin?"

Fan Ye shook his head: "No, it's useless if you don't dismantle it."


Zuo Fei wanted to say more, but seeing Fan Ye's expression, he could only swallow all the words that came to his mouth.

Lin Yi is still very elegant in dismantling.

She first removed all the books on the shelf and put them aside. When the shelves were all empty, she swung the fire axe and smashed it at the place where the secret passage appeared yesterday.

Soon, the wooden bookshelf was smashed to pieces, revealing the wall behind.

Lin Yi saw that he was almost done, threw the axe aside, and started directly.

It took a lot of effort to remove all the bookshelves covering the secret passage, but this time, Lin Yi was stunned again.

What about the secret way?

In front of the solid and clean wall, where is there a shadow of a secret passage?

what happened?

Lin Yi was stunned.

She stepped forward to check it carefully, but found nothing unusual.

This time, she was a little unsure.

Even if Fan Ye took measures to block the secret passage, the newly built part would be different from the one next to it.

But the wall in front of him was neat and tidy, and there was no so-called difference at all.

Lin Yi stood there, his eyes covered with frost, staring coldly at the wall in front of him, motionless, lost in thought.

Suddenly, someone approached from behind, Lin Yi didn't move.

Until that person took her hand, frowned, and said with resentment and distress in his tone: "I don't like this study, let the servant smash it, how can I do it myself?" Lin Yi turned to look at Fan Ye, I saw that his expression was calm and sincere, and there was no guilty conscience at all.

Lin Yi frowned even more.

But she didn't question.

If everything last night was not a dream, then Fan Ye took measures after hypnotizing her to make everything seamless.

Even if she asked, she couldn't ask anything.

If everything last night was a dream... that's even less of a question.

Lin Yi took a deep breath: "I'm hungry."

Fan Ye smiled when he heard the words: "I have the servant ready, let's go down to eat."

As he said that, he passed his fingers through Lin Yi's fingers, clasped his fingers together, and led Lin Yi out of the study.

Before leaving, Lin Yi looked back again.

If it was someone else, he would doubt at this moment that everything last night might really be a dream, but Lin Yi would not.

She was certain, certain, and certain that everything last night was true.

No matter how powerful Fan Ye is and how flawless he is, Lin Yi always believes that in this world, as long as it exists, it will definitely leave traces.

Just like those pictures that she had forgotten, now, little by little, they have surfaced.


After the meal, Fan Ye ordered the study to be reorganized, and all the bookshelves that had been smashed by Lin Yi were carried out and thrown away.

And I don't know if it was for the convenience of Lin Yi to smash it again, this time Fan Ye simply let the whole wall empty.

Lin Yi knew and didn't say anything.

She's not going to smash walls anymore.

Because she already has another way.

Night falls soon.

The moonlight at two in the morning was cold and bleak, and the whole villa fell into silence.

Lin Yi didn't feel sleepy at all.

She stood neatly by the window, looking

When the new round of security personnel passed by, Lin Yi opened the window, jumped from the second floor, and flew out.

Her body landed lightly on the ground, and then ran non-stop to the backyard of the villa.

She remembered every detail after entering the secret passage last night, and naturally she could roughly calculate the approximate orientation of the secret room connected by the secret passage.

Since the secret way could not be found, then she would not look for the secret way.

Why don't you just find the secret room?

It only took a lot of effort to avoid Fan Ye and the security guards patrolling the villa.

Soon, Lin Yi arrived at the destination.

There was a lawn in front of him, Lin Yi squatted down and began to search carefully on the lawn with both hands.

She wants to find her lost memory, she wants to figure out what is the relationship between her and Fan Ye, and she wants to know what that room and everything in that room meant to her last night.

Lin Yi's cold and calm face was unusually cold under the moonlight, and his eyes were like ancient wells, deep and cold.

She couldn't keep looking, she had to hide herself every five minutes from the patrolling security guards.

In this way, after tossing for more than ten times, still nothing.

But Lin Yi didn't give up.

Her white hands carefully examined every inch of the lawn, groping.

Suddenly, a faint light came on above his head, Lin Yi's heart froze, and the moment he raised his eyes, he saw the light in Fan Ye's room on the second floor, and it turned on.

Lin Yi frowned.

Isn't he asleep?

Why are you awake at this time?

After a slight pause, Lin Yi's hand clenched into a fist.

Looks like it's going to come back without success tonight...

and many more!

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