The Bleak Walker

Chapter 100: Sic Vita Est

He dragged himself out of the place, his eyes barely being able to recognize. Everything was still black and white, his ears were ringing, and moving his body made him uncomfortable. He felt like his bones were broken, and if it wasn’t for the obsidian flesh holding on to his ribs, he wouldn’t be able to properly walk.

“Hah, to meet the Witch of Nether, and to punch her lights out. I am an ungrateful student, but I don’t think she knows, though she does recognize that I am a bleak walker. That should clear the idea that I am a Porter...this Porter group seems like they are making something big.”

But who cares?

Nolan couldn’t care about that at the moment. What he was doing, and what kind of fool he was for doing these things. He had no intention of continuing his crusade against the gangs when someone like Audrey Cress was in favor of such things. He has many reasons to do so.

“I really don’t want to fight her again,” he thought to himself. “She’s going to make sure to get me within range, and if her allies see what happens to her. The current war maiden might actually come and kill me. I need to get out of this city.”

He looked at his bloody clothes, and turned to the market was, silently crossing, entering a shop. He grabs himself a shirt, and a pair of pants, before limping away to the exit of the city.


Ciara felt the tremors around her city. Audrey was a veteran of combat, there was no way she would lose to anyone, she thought. But she felt Audrey’s presence weakened, her soul was trembling, and she felt her presence go silent. Ciara did not want to believe that she would lose to anyone. But she had to know if she was alright.

“I am going out,” she declared.

“Should we come?” her shadows appeared.

“No, this is an enemy that could survive my bolt, and make my dearest friend falter, do you think that you can handle an enemy that she cannot?”


The shadows kept their silence.

“I shall be off.”

“Please be safe, dearest grandmother.”

Ciara stopped in the middle of the doorway.

“Who do you think I am?”

She grinned at her lovelies. They were her family. She would do anything for them and eliminate those who might hurt them. She was willing to be a demon for them.


She flew with the elemental wind carrying her. She scanned the city for Audrey and found traces of battle all around the district near the tower. Her eyes grow serious as the heat covering her evaporated the rain. She followed the trace of destruction until she reached the area where the purple-robed witch was lying with half of her body drowning on the rainwater. Her face was swelling, and her eye was blackened, her hair was a mess, and she was breathing roughly.

“Audrey!” she drove down like a meteor, lifting the back of Audrey’s head. “Who did this? Are you okay, Audrey!? Answer me!”

The milky glow of light came out of Ciara. Audrey, slowly opened her eyes, her eyes gazing at Ciara’s face, who was usually solid and had always kept a stoic expression.

“You are loud, Ciara,” she said. “I am resting here, can you not be so loud?”

“Who did this to you?”

“Can you relax?” she said. “You’re making it hot and cold, and it is not good for my health.”

“This is no laughing matter. Who did this to you?”

She stared at Ciara with her eyes half-closed. She then frowned, her brows meeting.

“Really, it was just some tasteless and helpless man. Really, well, I cannot blame him, it has been too long.”

“An old enemy!?” Her rage became apparent. “Is it Adey? It must be him! Only that bastard can do this to you! I knew I should have destroyed them, and the Porters. I will make them pay for this!”

Audrey glanced at her friend, before turning her eyes to the sky.

“Not really,” Audrey said.

“Then who is it? I’ll murder him!”

“Beat him? Maybe, but kill him? Nah, I don’t think you can kill that man, darling.”

“No matter how strong he is, I’ll kill him.”

Audrey stared at her with a listless look on her face.

“Sure, try to find him, he’ll probably try to escape now that you saw me beaten. Anyone smart enough would escape after angering the War Maiden.”

“Can you take care of yourself now?”

“Well, your glow has healed most of my wounds, ah, if you find him, give him a good beating on the face, no one should mess with a lady’s face without mercy, geez, what an asshole.”

Ciara was lost. She was clearly beaten but she held no anger. It was like she lost to friendly sparring. But Ciara could not forgive those who hurt those she cherishes. So if she was not angry about her loss, then she was going to be one that will hold on to her anger.

So she scanned the city and followed the trail of the person who took care of her. Her anger was unable to calm down until she finally saw the figure of the bastard who left her friend beaten under the rain. She looked at the back of the man, and without care, she landed behind the man who was walking away limping.

“Stop right there, you bastard,” she said with fury. “Did you really think that you can get away from my city without paying a price? After hurting her? Do you really think that you can get away without giving your life? Leave your life here, scum.”

She conjured her own blade of the four elementals, pointing it to the man.

“Sorry,” the man said.

His voice was lackadaisical and he seems to have trouble breathing, his ribs must be broken, she thought. But it was not that thing she cared about. It was his voice.

“I really don’t want to die after choosing to take a rest,” he turned, conjuring a blade of obsidian, his red eyes that had sigils on it glowed, the eternal hawk screeching. His pale skin was dirtied, and there was a gloomy smile on his face.


“I, Nolan Salvatore, a follower of the bleak path, won’t stop here,” he declared with determination. His eyes stern as ever. “I will not be taken down, no, not yet.”

Ciara stared with her head tilted, her mind blank, and the blade on her hand trembling.

No words would leave her mouth.

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