The Bleak Walker

Chapter 11: A Question Of Bravery

He walked along the sandstone bridges that connect one section to another. His boots created clouds of sand as he trudges through the dust riddled roads. His right hand would trace the rails of the bridge. He stops and looks at the differently shaped roofs of the city. Flat, curved, oblong, round, the diversity of the roofs depended on each house.

The searing sun annoyed him. He covered his eyes with his hand. The sun's light seeped through his fingers, he put his hand down. He saw the image of the city flicker before him. The sunlight tinted city began to change to the image of fire and smoke. The buildings turned into ruins. The roads turned into bone-yards, a place for vultures and hyenas. His eyes swirled, his irises revealed the signs of animals.

"Looks like I would forever see this sight?"

The end of the world and the dimmed days would be forever engraved in his eyes. The Dove of Thorns and the Snake of Woes would forever remind him of the world that he has seen. They are the mark of suffering and at the same time a curse for Nolan. They will forever remind him of the shortness of life.

"Remember – It's all ephemeral."

Those were the words of his nameless comrades. After losing everything he was taught how to continue forward with such thoughts. He was taught that everywhere and any second or any minute he would meet death. He could leave life right now suddenly and that's it. He would die like every single being. That reminder let him determine what he would do, say and think.

"Yet here I am again."

Yet that belief was slightly shaken by this second chance. He was here in this time again. He will soon face those darkest days again. All those sufferings will come again for him.

"Is this within my control?"

He asked himself.

"I can control some with the knowledge I had. But can I predict everything that will change? The domino effect of what I would do would cause ripples that would change events."

He was not stupid. He knew that every action would result in an effect. Every choice has consequences. Every motivation has a reaction. He wasn't that arrogant to think that he would perfectly do everything right. He wasn't that smart. He wasn't that brave. It is just that he learned how to imagine the worst that could happen.

Pre-meditating about the things that could happen has helped him a lot. How he would react and what he should expect. He would imagine what would go wrong or what would be taken from him. He was taught how nothing would happen to a man against his expectations. It prepared him for every disruption and enviable setbacks. But it doesn't mean that he has control over everything.

He expected something to happen sooner. But the recent carnage over the slum district was something he did not expect. He wasn't able to remember a slaughter in the district so soon. Somewhere and somehow things have changed. A butterfly effect has happened without him knowing anything about it.

"This wasn't supposed to happen. There should be no Shadow Trekkers appearing at this time. Could it be that an unprecedented event happened?"

Nolan wouldn't know that Diego's caravan made finding the city easier for the monsters. Diego was leading a train of caravan to the ancient route that Nolan mapped out for him. It resulted in the two Shadow Trekkers noticing Diego and finding the trail back to the city.

If he didn't tell Diego about the route and made a caravan towards that route. They wouldn't attract the Shadow Trekker scouts this early. Nolan wouldn't know about this because he wasn't all seeing. So he could only stand and wonder.

"It doesn't matter. Why should I worry about things that I cannot control?"

He tapped his right foot on the ground. It created a cloud of dust. He took his gaze back from the city and trudged forward. He came across peddlers and little children playing swords. He caught sight of hawkers and heralds who were shouting the decrees of nobles and kings.

Along the road, he heard of chatter about what happened to the slum district. The eyes of the people showed their fear and anxieties. They heard of monsters and giant sand-worms in the desert. But creatures that came from the barren land were unknown to them.

Nolan shook his head. He started to his feet and continued walking to the Throes district. He found himself walking through the branching streets of the City of Oasis. He would walk along building-lined streets. And cross the roads with camels and ox pulling carts.

His head was wet with sweat. His eyes reflected the populace as he marches on. The fear about the monsters was discussed by the people. But it didn't mean that they would stop. Even the road he was crossing was filled with people busy with their lives.

The bustle of the streets he walked slowly went quieter as he proceeds to the Throes District. He paced around a straight road and nodded his head at the two guards watching the Throes District. They were already acquainted with Nolan so they didn't bother him.

The streets of Throes district have building-lined streets and people wandering around. Soldiers were visible around the district. From heavily armed to the barely armored. Strong warhorses trotted along the streets. The sounds of weapons clashing resounded through the district.

A group of men was sparring in a dirt courtyard. Men, Women, and Children watched them from the fences with interest. Nolan stood near the courtyard before continuing his walk. He found a building hugging the walls of the district. It was hidden and was not easy to spot.

He entered an open area. He spotted the stables. An old man was feeding the horses and camels. A group of people garbed in cloaks was discussing something. Nolan walked passed by them quietly. He was able to gather their gazes which he returned with a slow nod.

The small room of the building made it looked like a tavern. Men and women were lowering their heads as they drink the contents of their mug. Castro was wiping a mug while entertaining a green-haired woman. Nolan slid to one of the seats in the counter and leaned his elbows on the counters.

"You were gone," said Castro. He sized Nolan up and down.

"Went to the slums to check what happen." He retrieved the weapon and put it on the counter. "I found something. Look at the tip of the weapon."

Castro and Vie cast a glance at the tip of the weapon. Their eyes examining the sword until it reached the tip. There was a noticeable black stain on the tip of the weapon.

"Shadow Trekkers?" said Castro. Vie nodded her head hearing that.

"Yes," Nolan grabbed the hilt of the weapon. "The carnage in the slums was done by Shadow Trekkers. Probably two of them were able to massacre the slums."

Vie folded her arms. "That's troubling. It means that they must have retreated underground. I am guessing the sewers of the City."

"I agree," Castro bobbed his head. "Shadow Trekkers won't get out of the sun. At least that's what I heard."

"They don't." Nolan stroked his chin. "Shadow Trekkers are nocturnal beings. Unless there's someone leading them they won't come out in the open."

"So you are saying that someone ordered these beasts?" Vie asked.

"Yes," said Nolan. "Someone's controlling these beasts. I am guessing that it's the same warlord that will be coming to invade. This is not good."

"It's not." Castro pressed his hands on the counter. "It's written that they travel in pairs. I believe that they will be mating to produce a nest. How did they get here?"

Nolan narrowed his eyes. His head lowered. "They must have found the City. The desert is vast but a few noises can easily attract these creatures."

"Must be from Diego's caravan," Vie said. "Their caravan was long and the amount of noise they generated and the trail they left behind must have been followed."

Nolan eyed Vie with his eyes blank. "I see. It looks like that was the cause."

"Probably," Castro nodded. "But whatever is the cause of them appearing in this city. Having them breed inside the City will be a problem. They could crush the defenses from inside. The abominations would be able to bypass the defenses. Chaos will ensue."

"The sewers are big." Nolan pointed out. "They could be everywhere."

"Do you know how to find them?" Castro raised his chin while looking at Nolan.

"I know," said Nolan. "They would pick the darkest area but we are going to need a map and people that will want to go after them."

Nolan scanned the room. The Bleak Walkers that were inside the room was lesser. There was a few who seemed like they would stay in the city until moving on. Nolan shook his head. He looked at Castro and Vie.

"I'll be going," said Nolan.

"I'll follow you," Vie said with her usual perpetual gloomy face. "I don't have to do anything. And you're going to need someone who knows a few spells. And I think that the poison produced by my hair would help in killing them."

Castro said, "And don't forget Phantasmal Blade Oils and Silver. We're going to need some smoke to stun these beasts. How do you fight them, Nolan?"

Nolan's brows curved into a frown. "Take out their legs. Then tire them by hurting the gills on their ribs. We're going to need some throwable oils to expose their true skin."

"I see," Castro nodded. "I'll try contacting some of the guys that I know. I think they will help since they are staying idle here for a while."

The door swung open. A man with a feather hat carried a bag filled with letters. He trotted towards the counter and chimed in. "Letter from the King's Censor!"

Castro took the letter. The courier started to his feet and bid him farewell. Nolan watched the courier disappear before swiveling his head back to Castro. "What's the content?"

"Looks like the King wants the presence of the Bleak Walkers of the Throes," Castro took his eyes away from the letter and slid it towards Vie.

"The King wants to see us?" Nolan raised his brows.

Vie said, "Ah, it looks like his majesty wants to discuss something. It says right here that it concerns the City of Oasis and its people." Vie tried to hide her grimace but she wasn't successful at it.

"What shall we do?" said Nolan. "The King probably wants our opinion on the carnage in the slum district. They'd want people like us in their throne hall to deal with this."

Vie scoffs. "They probably want us to lead." Vie neared Nolan. She whispered, "And I am guessing that they are looking for the two sigil walker that gave the map to Diego."

"Is that so?" Nolan raised his head. His eyes gleamed with ice.

"Anyway," Castro said. "This outpost owes the King. We share the maps we have and he gives us money and supplies in return. I know that you rather not dwell in any royal court. I can clearly see that. But King Terill has been good to us. We repay kindness with kindness."

"I know," said Nolan. "What I don't like is speaking to those pompous nobles in the throne hall. They looked down at us and treat us like we are all insane."

The word of a Bleak Walker isn't taken lightly. But there are naïve fools that linger in their bubbles. They are haughty and cocky, despite not knowing about the cruel world they live in. Nolan has met many fools and knows how to deal with them. But a wise man will try to avoid them.

"It doesn't matter." Castro folded his arms. "We have to meet the King and hear him out. And if it relates to the carnage then we might get some help from the King."

Nolan commented, "Does it? I heard the King would rather hire adventurers or sellswords other than us. We aren't as fickle as them. Not to mention they hate people who can observe things."

"It depends. We are no monster slayers but we can hold our own. They might actually prefer the presence of profession walkers like us with them," said Castro.

"Sure," Vie scoffed. "But you'll do the talking, Castro. I rather not open my mouth in front of nobles."

"I'll try to help," Nolan said.

"I guess that settles it. Let's go see the King after I finish cleaning up this mess." Castro taps the counter and hollered at one of the Walkers.

Nolan stood up. He smoothed his sleeves and cast a glance at Vie. "What is it?"

"Be careful, Brother Nolan." She patted his back.

"I will," Nolan nodded.


The three traveled to the castle with haste. They walked along the red carpet and faced King Terill and his Right Hand, Lord Gideon. On his left was a man wearing decorated plate armor. His head was raised up. His chest thrust out as if he was superior.

Castro, Nolan, and Vie's eyes went dim. Their countenance changed into the usual grimace of a bleak walker. Their brooding expression made King Terill frown with his brows. He stood up and said.

"It is pleasure to meet you again, Castro."

"Such as I," said Castro with a blank tone. Vie and Nolan nodded politely.

King Terrill shuffled across the room. His retainer's eyes followed him. "I am sure that you have already deduced what I am asking for. I shall not tarry. I need the help of the Bleak Walkers to find these beasts that have massacred the district of the poor."

"I see," Castro answered with an aloof tone. "But by right of the free dove has given us the choice to be free. It is written that we shall not interfere. We walk the earth and we are thankful that your majesty allows us to rest our tired feet. We are eternally thankful."

"So you intend to refuse me?" said King Terill.

Castro was about to reply when he heard a scoff coming from the mouth of the man in decorated plate armor. King Terrill silently cast a glance towards this person. The man with decorated plate armor felt the stare of his peers. He took a step forward. "Forgive me, my lord. I just find it baffling that these people are daring to say such things after receiving your grace."

King Terill straightened his posture. Lord Gideon watched the man in decorated plate armor speak his mouth. Castro, Vie, and Nolan stared at the man with impassive looks. The man was shameless enough and he started to gesture with his hand.

"These people lived under your grace, your majesty. Now that these abominations have done something heinous to our people they should be acting in this city's defense that has given them abode!" He clenched his fist like a righteous man. "And yet they speak of a free dove that gave them the right of choice. The brave should fight! Pardon me my king for scoffing. It was rude and unbecoming of a noble. But I believe that they should act as a favor for your Majesty's grace!"

King Terill showed a dispassionate face. He tapped his scepter and eyed at the Bleak Walkers who didn't show any hint of emotion. The man felt like he was convincing so he continued to speak long-windedly as if he was in a stage giving a performance. His act made the other nobles in the court believe that he was right. Nolan eyed the man with an inexpressive countenance.

The man in plate armor caught a glance of Nolan's face. He thought of how young looking Nolan was so he directed his eyes at Nolan and spoke. "I thought the Bleak Walker fears none? So tell me why do you Walkers hesitate?"

Nolan eyed the man. "May I know your name?"

"I am Zachariah, of House Sibyl!" said the man. His face showed dissatisfaction as Nolan spoke his name without any hint of respect.

"I see. You say that we fear none."

"I believe so," he snorted.

"You're wrong," said Nolan.

Zachariah smiled lightly. "Then are you telling me that you are not?"

"Are you?" said Nolan.

Zachariah frowned. He folded his arms. "What is your meaning?"

"Are you brave?" Nolan cocked his head.

"I am!" Zachariah tapped his chest.

"Is that true?" Nolan asked.

"You doubt my bravery?" Zachariah scowled. His chest was starting to heave up and down. His hands were touching the hilt of his sword.

"I was just asking." Nolan shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. "It's just that you are implying that we are not. I mean pardon me for saying this but you don't look like a brave man."

"What!?" shouted Zachariah. His face was seething with anger. "You dare to question my bravery?"

"I did?" Nolan said in a bone-chilling tone. His eyes swirled into two sigils. The Dove of Thorns and the Snake of Woes appeared in his eyes. "I've seen brave men. I watch brave men die. A brave man doesn't wear decorated plate armor that adds no combat value. Their feet's are dirtied and stained. Their gauntlets don't have traces of powder. Their body doesn't reek of perfume and scent of coquettish women. They say that Clothes make the man. No brave man would wear such polished armor. Your armor shines. Yet it reeks of a man whose metal hasn't been tested. You lift your chin and throw your chest out but to these eyes of mine, you are nothing but a naïve fool projecting the image of a Brave Man. That's right. We do not call ourselves brave. Cowards can be brave when they triumph over fear. Fear harms a man. It is like fire and can be harnessed. It helps you and protects you. But a brave man who calls himself 'brave' cannot be trusted unless I saw their armor torn and tattered."

Zachariah tried to retort. But before he could Nolan continued. "I would have believed that you are a brave man if I saw the callus in your hands or the distant look in your eyes. But yet I see no warrior but a theatrical man thinking he's brave. And even though you are from a Noble House you speak without letting him continue. So now I shall speak for him." Castro nodded at Nolan. "King Terill, we've come here knowing that you'll help us slay these abominations. I have traveled past the barren lands. I've slain monsters such as these. I've reached the Old Pale Pass and Crossed the Satin Path and swam the Stasis River. I am Nolan Salvatore, and we have come here to hunt the beasts that have infiltrated the city."

Nolan spoke with such a mechanical voice that time seemed to stand still. The King locked his gaze with Nolan. He was fascinated by the two Sigils in his eyes. Normally, such tone against a noble would mean that he would be challenged to a duel. But those who look at Nolan's eyes would be persuaded at the abyss-like darkness that it emits.

Zachariah felt like that he was just slapped hard.

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