The Bleak Walker

Chapter 135: The Undefeated War Maiden

She didn’t need guardians as she approaches a mountain covered in barbican walls and watchtowers. None of their cannons, guards, and arrows could pierce through the veil of a War Maiden that had gathered all the aspects of her incarnation throughout all histories, whether past, present or future.

Her light held no warmth and as if there was a giant boulder of ice that was slowly rolling, delivering the coldness of the north to the mountain covered in walls. She stood not far while ignoring the rains of arrows and explosions. In an age where Swords and Axes have long become irrelevant in favor of Guns and Artillery. Ciara Alician, the War Maiden favored her blade of light.

She held two blades of lights that she held truly dear

The blade of Salvatore – her guiding light that has been used to slay monsters and the likes.

Her other blade named after her self. The blade of Alician – the blade that cuts down the enemies without leaving evil behind. It cuts right through the physical and if needed, it will slice through the immaterial as well.

And so she stood where those that protect the mountain could see her.

Their eyes glowed slightly as they saw the War Maiden fabled by the legends to around her. What stood in front of them was the legendary slayer of the darkness, and a demi-goddess treated by many nations.

Her ashen hair fluttered along with the win, her golden-red eyes had hues, and her pale skin made her glow. Her ashen hair had a milky light as she stands under the sun. She was clad in armor, each part of her armor had runic writings, and these parts were sucking the energy around the air. Her standing under the sun has her produced a heat haze that made her look like a mirage of an old dream.

Every pair of eyes were focused on the War Maiden that has come to take revenge for her fallen family. She was a fair maiden with a beauty that could make Empires fall and nations crumble within days. Yet, her aura was that of a volcano in a mountain of ice.

The soldiers above the mountain could tear their eyes away from this maiden.

Was it fear?

Or was it awe?

Their hearts couldn’t stop palpitating as they witness her presence on a battlefield. She did not need anything other than her self. They’ve known the legends and now they are seeing it in front of them. She shone brightly more than any than the flashes of light that they have seen over the horizon.

“I do not seek death. However, those who do not surrender will be cut down. You all have your pride and love for your country. I know this pride and love as well. However, fighting against me would be meaningless drivel. Think of your loved ones before you fight. Are you truly satisfied giving your life for measly pride? I don’t see those who surrender as cowards. They want to live to fight for something. I do not dare to say that your pride and love for your nation as useless. I admire it. Nonetheless, I come here seeking your surrender. You’ve rained arrows and cannons upon me. I have every right to slaughter you all until none of you are left.”

Her words echoed around the mountains. Every soldier in the vicinity heard her. They started to think to themselves if they really should surrender. Their soul was shaken by the kind yet brutal words of the war maiden. However, a shout was heard in front of the gates, a booming shout that of a lion.

“We shall not surrender!”

The man whose hair whitened and eyes that of an untamed predator stood on the barbican walls. He stared at the war maiden with his chin up, eyes looking down at the war maiden.

“I admire that you came us to speak such words! But we will not surrender! We know what we were up the moment we came here. And there is the only thing we would say when faced with death! Bring it! We shall defend this castle and our weapons! We shall not lay our arms down! Call it pride! Call it stupidity! We were ordered to defend this castle and we shall do it until our last breath!”

The words of the man-made those who hunched straighten their backs. Some soldiers wiped the tears on their eyes, they tightened their jaws and clenched their rifles with an iron grip. Some soldiers started breathing rapidly, and some of them were closing their eyes.

Ciara Alician closed her eyes and smiled. She opened her eyes, smiled, and stared back at the man who spoke those words.

“I don’t dislike courage. I admit it. However, do not blame me for back in my days. We don’t leave anyone alive. I asked all of you to surrender. I asked that you consider those who you would leave behind. I shall give you a chance of mercy, those who want to live shall head to the western barbican of your walls. I’ve given you all enough time. Words are now useless and when words are withdrawn...there can only be violence!”

Her face warped into madness. The volcano that was wrapped under a mountain of ice erupted.

She brandished her sword. Every element wrapped itself around her sword and the light and the darkness mixed in her sword as well. With a flicker of her sword, the mountain fortress was sliced into two. The man who stood in front of the wall didn’t even notice the line of blood that split him in half. He stared blankly as the two mountains behind the fortress crumbled into two as well.

Slowly, the mountain became an open book. The surrounding area was covered in a flash of light first, and then darkness came as the world slowly lights up.

With a single flicker of her sword.

The Undefeated War Maiden broke the back of the Cascadian Nation.

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