The Bleak Walker

Chapter 137: The Marionette’s Worn Strings

Ciara sat silently in her chair. Mia stood by her side, her eyes closed, her hands on front, her head lowered as she speaks:

“We’ve confirmed that there are burrows here on the island of Vintia. Cimaco was hit hard by the feral and their cities are now burning due to the raids done by the High Draconian war band.

“They’ve captured beetle-like mounts and is planning to attack the county of Thetle. Guan Guo, Alvania, Abrania, and Burdia has fallen into the hands of the enemy. They are gathering their forces on the natural bridge that connects Thetle and Cimaco.

“The Thetle forces have been subdued, grandmother. Tusk-hand, Vin-Ian, and Los-Came have fallen already. The Governor of Szentia has been trying to negotiate with the Hatvorszag state to accept our conditions.”

“What about Nucia and the other four states?” she asked.

“They are still stubborn and I doubt they would be moved by any reason, grandmother. You broke the backs of the Cascade supply line and only a few a can match us in fair combat. Lamp, Ritonu, Ohmasa, and Nishikai has been stubborn but each node they call forts and outposts has been slowly being taken by us with minimal effort and casualties. If only they would surrender.”

“The Island Nation of Cascade has always been a nation of warriors of pride. They’ve never heard of fear and their love for their country is at the level of fanaticism. We break their backs. We break their legs and their arms. They won’t surrender so easily just with that. To thoroughly break them, we must become the monster that they would come at their doorsteps.

We weren’t solely for the deaths of our family. We are here because of the monster burrows has been appearing and the signs that this may lead to another time where the sun is eaten by the darkness. As the War Maiden, I must put my duty over my desire. I can wield an extreme amount of power because I entertain the Gods before me. If I defy them I would still retain the power that I have, but I would not be able to wield both the light and darkness. Ah, you do know why the six elemental heroes have stopped appearing right?”

“Yes,” Mia said. “The heavens saw it fit that instead of leaving it at the hands of juveniles, they gave you the power instead.”

“Indeed, so they lent me the powers of the six elemental heroes. However, I can only manifest the four elements if I’m acting following my desires. If I want to use the power of the six elemental and manifest the powers. Then I have to follow the wills of destiny and subdue my enemies for the good of this world.

Do you know that is a frightening thing, Mia? That the divine judges that I judge as a right. I am the judicator that they’ve granted and those who deny my words are evil itself. I am using the pretext of destroying the burrows to avenge our family. I’ve no desire to being used as a tool for the current Emperor. Speaking of that foolish Emperor, has he been dealt with?”

“I’ve sent Sister Nia to deal with the Emperor,” Mia said. “All the outspoken lobbyists has been dealt with. After our conquest of this island nation, the imperialist dreams of that Emperor shall be ended. If anyone dares to act then they shall be dealt with without any nuisance.”

“Good,” Ciara nodded in approval. “Remember, power is a fragile glass cannon, and arrogance is its greatest weakness. I’ve not raised this family to be arrogant and those who dare to underestimate the enemy are disciplined. Tell me, when you grow up, were you not given happiness as a child?”

“I could not ask for any better family, Grandmother. You raised us with the doctrine of seeing things first before judging and knowing that everything is only as it is. You disciplined us harshly but your love was not less or we had any dissatisfaction knowing that what you did are for the best of us. You’ve guided the family for five hundred years and not once did we found your teachings and lessons as upsetting.”

“I’m glad that you understand,” Ciara said. “Now leave me, I want to be left alone for a while.”

“I will,” she turned, and then stopped, looking back at Ciara. “Grandmother, the other forces have been deployed, and we don’t know what will happen to the Lands of the Exiles if we continue with the bombardment. The flying machines are ready and is it really alright to release those monsters?”

“They are cosmic monsters, and if we continue to let them breed, then I doubt we could save the islands near that burrow. I trust that our forces are stationed, and if we could not stop those monsters, then I only hope that we defeat the suborn lizards that are too ignorant of the ways of the new world.”

“Grandmother, are you going to be alright?” Mia said with eyes wrapped in worry. “The enemy numbers even more than the things you’ve encountered. If you decide to act then wouldn’t it be better if you take us along with you?”

“What do you mean?” She said with eyes looking far away. “I’ve been fighting for this world and has fought things that many would not understand. An enemy is something I only need to kill, and another burrow is just another place that I need to destroy. Worry not, I shall not lose nor forget about my duties. Besides, it is the job of a War Maiden to trek the darkness and protect it. That is the reason for my existence…”

“For duty is all I have,” she said under her breath.

Mia left the room, leaving only Ciara. Her eyes were empty and she was a marionette with worn strings. She did not blink. She stared emptily while looking at the vast seas. Her lifeless eyes reflecting the glint in the water.

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