The Bleak Walker

Chapter 190: Ciara the Cursed Woman Part 1

The Blood Crier, no, Ciara Alician swung her sword without any technique. She was crying blood, her swing dangerous, and without any precision. She swings it barbarically as if she was swinging a club, however, each strike rattled the tower, as it then sent monsters one after another.

“Ah,” she mumbled. “More blockage? Are they after me? Ah, need to kill them!”

Her bitter smile reached up to her cheeks. Her eyes were crazed as she taunts the enemy, swinging her sword, disabling the portals. Her sword was sharp, and none of the enemies could reach her. The Dragons who casted a spells were slain, and those who called themselves Lords of Dead were easily slain.

“Ah, that’s right,” she said under her breath. “I haven’t been draining my enemies…does this world allow me to do it?”

She grabbed a dragon’s head and started draining the remaining life out of the dragon. Her eyes bolted open, a huge force of energy assaulted her, the wounds around her body, healing, closing up along with the scars that she had sustained while fighting in the betweens of the world.

“Lifeforce? So this is a world where the enemies are vigorous.”

An enemy targeted her back. She coated her body with the astral cloak, deflecting it. She turned to the enemy and violently swings her sword, still without any technique.

“Oh, what am I fighting? Ah, still the same?”

She turns her attention to the barrier and cleaved her sword that was wrapped in an astral cloak. The barrier shattered like glasses, however, another barrier padded in. The recoil of the barrier melted her eyes, twisted her eyes arms, and cracked her ribs. The barrier was dangerous, and it could return her attacks tenfold. The shock would have been enough to kill anyone.

“This much better than that full counter barrier of those semi-divines,” she mindlessly thought. “My hands are numb, ah, what’s the point of fighting? Ah, yes, what was I doing? Think, think, ah, I said that I’d find him here? Ah, I just want to see him again? No, ah, that’s right, my duty has ended. What am I doing?”

Her duty has ended and she has nothing. Not her family, not her lover, and nothing. She was aimlessly striking the barrier, for reasons she doesn’t even know.

“What am I fighting for? Ah, I want to save them, and then when I got out, there were more to save, and then there were more worlds to do so. Why is it wrong to help them when they were asking to be saved? Back then, I could only hope for a savior, a guiding light that would pull us out of misery. I fought, I died and tried so many times. I just want to save them. I just want to make sure that others won’t feel the sense of helplessness that I felt back then. Why is it wrong to save when I can save? Why do they block my way!?”

She rages. She regenerated her body, then white smoke comes out of her body as her wounds were healed. She cleaved the barrier again, breaking her bones, twisting her limbs, and melting her eyelids. She has been healing herself over and over again. She didn’t think of the pain or the need to rest. For she knew that if she stops, then the barrier will refresh its energy, which would make her efforts wasted.

“When did I arrive here?” She thought, a bit clearer than before. “Was it five weeks ago? Ah, no, that was more than that, I was stuck fighting those Cosmic Ones, and they were negating my attacks, so I had clad my sword with the astral cloak.”

A portal appeared above her and two hands that were the size of an elephant tried to squash her. She dodged, gathered power on her sword, and slashed those hands. She then turned her attention back to the barrier, smashing her sword once again to the barrier. The barrier recoiled her attack, nonetheless, the barrier flickered for a moment.

“Looks like its working, though the process has been tiring. I’ve been hitting this barrier for forty-five million times, and yet it still stands. However made this is gathering power somewhere, I don’t see any sources of power and the veins of magic are all around the tower. Though why do I even bother? My duty is done, the world that I was tasked to protect is gone, swallowed, and eaten by the shadows of the world tree. Oh yes, there might be people above that might need my help, they might need to kill a dark lord, save them from a tyrant or simply a hero that will save them from unspeakable evil. Ah, but what’s the point though? What’s the point of helping them?”

Her body let out white smoke again. She looked at the barrier, swung her sword, and the veins around her body exploded like faucets. She regained her senses, gritted her teeth, and thrusts her sword in the barrier, performing a spell blast that shook the innards of the barrier.

“Just a bit more, I’ll break this barrier, and get out, then what do I do? Ah, yes, play the hero, again, and again, and again, again, and again, and again, that’s my duty, right? Isn’t that why I was chosen?”

She stopped moving. She lowered her head, and inhaled through her nose, body-shaking sobs came to her, and tears flowed down her cheeks, passing through her jaws, and down her beck. She wiped her tears with her left hand and clenched her sword with her right hand.

“Ah, that’s right, why do I bother? No, I cannot break, I promised that I won’t. Ciara Alician does not break, Ciara Alician must do her duty, for what she is good for. That is my reason, and that is my purpose.”

Suddenly, her stance became practiced, and the way she held her sword changed. The aura around her gathered into one spot, and as if she was being poured cold water, Ciara Alician finally saw clearly. Her mind of steel became clear, and yet she could only think of a certain person who held her dear once, as she strikes properly.

The barrier then became shards of glasses that vanished when it hit the floor.

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