The Bleak Walker

Chapter 193: Ciara the Cursed Woman Part 4

Ciara parried an attack that came from a claw of a dragon. She pushed back, solidified her footing, and did a bat swing that decapitated the head of the dragon. The dragon rolled, spurting blood, creating a pool that gathered around her feet. Her eyes were dilated, and she raggedly breathes.

“Just a bit more,” she landed on her butt. She looked at her shaking hands, and forcibly suppressed the shaking, squeezing her eyes, and letting her body regenerate. “I haven’t slept for a while, maybe I should take a break?”

She braced her back on the ground. She looked up and saw the damage she has done. The area was a tropical one that contained palm trees, and land dragons that were able to bend the lights of the surrounding. She thought it was harder to kill a being that she could not see. Not to mention they cam in hordes, she was holding on barely by using her powers.

Her outfit was worn and tattered. She could smell the dried blood and even though she desperately wanted to clean the filth off her. The situation did not allow Ciara to do so. Enemies were lurking in the shadows, and each step could prove her harm. She was used to this and yet the fatigued on her body was weighing on her body.

“I haven’t bathed, maybe I should stop for a while? No, I’ve already broken through another floor. The airflow is getting fresher, and the enemies aren’t as fiercer. Aside from the dragons, and the portal that has been spawning monsters against her, her enemies were dwindling and the defenses of the tower was weakening as well.

“Well, there’s still the gravity that has been magnified against me, if I didn’t fight in worlds where the gravity was stronger, then I’d be unable to move. It’s a bother though. I should clean myself. I'm hungry.”

She stood up and walked to the land dragon. She brought out her sword and started carving through the dragon’s flesh. She took a palm leaf and placed the dragon meat on the leaf. There were dried sticks and lumber around so she carried them, and started a fire. Feeling slime all over her body, she removed her top and undid the wrappings around her breast. She snapped her fingers, and poured water over her top, and washed the grim that was sticking on her face. She rubbed her breast and removed the dried blood that seeped inside her wrappings. She felt like she was dirtier underneath, so she undid her belt, and poured water crotch area, washed her thighs, and pulled a three-foot-long needle that burrowed on her thigh. While still barely dressed, she stabbed the dragon meat with the foot-long branch and placed it near the fire she made. She then sat cross-legged, straightened her back and gathered heat from her surroundings, drying her body in the process. A soft red glow surrounded her body, and this glow slowly stitched the few wounds that covered her body. Her eyes glowed red, and the sigil of the war maiden appeared on her eyes.

After healing herself up, she took her clothes, and washed them, removing the dirt, and the blood, making it less filthy than it looked. She took her wrappings and fastened it around her breast, the wrappings fastening her breast. She took her top, slid her arms through the hole and made sure that it was properly fitted.

Though the clothes looked like normal fabric. It was woven from the toughest fibers and has been serving Ciara ever since. Although the defense enhancements were starting to fade because of how old it was. She could at least keep the clothes until she reaches the surface.

“I hope that this isn’t a world that has reached its end. At least I know that I won’t have to waste my magic on trying to breathe properly. It was wise learning the breathing techniques of those men who called themselves as Taoists. Damn, my head’s aching again.”

Her vision became red and the colors were making her nauseous. She breathes fully ten times and held her breath until she could discern the colors properly.

The dragon meat was roasted brown, she fastened her belt, took the dragon meant started chowing on it. The artificial sunlight inside this floor was flickering, and there was a quaint silence around her. She could smell the roasted dragon meat, and feel the wind caressing her skin. She chewed on the dragon meat, break it open, and ate the marrow. After that, she tied her hair into a ponytail and started writing runes around her sword, reigniting the sharpening enhancement that has dulled.

“The mending is still working, but the core of the sword isn’t as strong as before. I hope I don’t meet any wraith-type of enemies. I doubt that my sword could handle another blow from a wraith-type. The time wraiths aren’t after me now, but I rather not meet those bastards again.”

Ciara sat for a long time in the spot until she saw the magic circles formed again. There was a sonar-like wave that washed all over the area. When it discovered Ciara, the sonar-like wave suddenly produced portals, sending another legion of monsters after. With a sigh, Ciara stood up and covered herself with the astral cloak. She leaped off the ground and send a c-beam made from her sword to cut down the portals.

She was not going to waste time on this floor so she broke the sound barrier, and arrived in front of the entrance leading to the thirtieth floor of the labyrinth. It was a cheap move but she was going to bring down the ceiling on this floor as well. If she doesn’t stop the floors from spawning more enemies then she would have to deal with being surrounded. She could fight them off but she was sick of this dungeon and the way she had to fight through hordes and legions of enemies. Her eyelids were heavy and only through sheer force of will that she was staying alive.

The ceiling crumbled and a large part of the ceiling fell on the monster horde.

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