The Bleak Walker

Chapter 208: Winter’s Storm 1

The chimneys of the village were spurting smoke. The children were running around, following the peddlers who were passing by. The wheels of their cart, bouncing against the stone path of the village. The sun was up and was peeking through the thatch roof. The peddler stood in the middle, entertaining the throngs of children coming to see his wares. Among the children were the folks from the villages, their goods ready for trade.

Among them, was a young man who was taller than everyone, he carried a deer on his back, and he was waiting for the others to finish their trade. The peddler was accepting trades and refusing trades. His cart was pulled by two horses and he was guarded by four guards who carried themselves differently than the rest.

The four guards were eyeing the tall young man more than anyone. Their instincts as warriors were telling them that the young man was different. He was a sharp blade that stood out among everyone. His posture and gait were good enough for the four warriors to know that he was a well-trained warrior. So when the young man approached the peddler, their hands unconsciously went to their weapons. Their glance was subtle, but the young man only took one look, and they knew that he sensed their stare.

The young man turned his attention to the peddler, he handed the deer. The peddler took the deer from him and placed it on the table laid out, examining the animal. The animal was skinned as if the fur of the deer was taken from it alive. There were no cuts or gashes, and the meat was fresh.

“Was this hunted down recently?” The Peddler asked.


The peddler nodded, he took the deer, fetched the rucksack inside the cart and handed it to the young man. The young man untied the rucksack, confirmed the insides, and left without saying a word, his boots crunching the brown leaves. The four warriors observed the young man, watching him follow a curve dirt path to a house nearby. The warriors loosen their hands and heaved a sigh of relief. Facing that young man was the same as confronting a ferocious ghost panther.

The warriors of this world were more sensitive to danger. The Eastern Warriors were particularly sensitive due to their different style. They focused more on cultivating their bodies due to their physiques. It allowed them to compete against the barbaric north or the central warriors. So when it comes to people like that young man, they couldn’t help but strengthen their nerves.

A gentle wind brushed against the cart. The warriors loosened up and turned their sight to the village. They had been traveling through this village and back into the golden city. They had been taking this job for the last two years and since the pay was good. They had no complaints. However, there are days where they would meet nasty beings. Hence, they can only steel their nerves and harden their senses.


The tavern was filled with voices and many were meeting mugs. The aroma of meat and wine crowded the space above everyone’s head. The smell of the pot wafted, invading the air. The whiff from the newly braised deer meat made the peddler lick his lips. He turned his attention to his guards, and gestured for them to eat.

“Yulia,” the peddler said. “Eat, we still have a long journey. We must make it before winter.”

The black-haired woman with a ponytail nodded, “Donovan,” she said with a raised mug. “Is it true? Do we really have to join the marching army?”

Kudrin, the man who was largest of the four, said, “Only to escort Donovan throughout the war. We’ve been commissioned by the Golden City, and you know that the Gold Plum Association assigned us. If Donovan leaves, then we’d be out of a job.”

“But its war,” the woman whose hair was braided said. “Did they really think that they would miss this chance?” She adjusted her braid. “Not only that the tower of nimrod has been broken by that Astral Being, but she had also successfully broken the favored children. It would take them for a while to recover, and this is the best chance for the Gold Plum, and for the King to benefit. We sent our people on their land and they weren’t able to defeat that Astral Being. This is simply the proper response.”

“The proper response?” a man who hair rested on his shoulder said, “Do you really think so? All I can see is that they are being greedy, Lora. They might think that the home of the monster slayers is easy to break, but they aren’t weak. The monster they were facing was simply too strong. So far, that monster seems like a passerby, and it hasn’t been seen ever since then. However, I believe that even though the monster broke the will of the people of nimrod when it attacked. Their hearts of steel won’t be easily be melted.”

“You have a high opinion on them, Gaspar,” Donovan wiped his mouth. “Nonetheless, the city states of nimrod will still face misfortune. The war on the west and north ravages the land, and now the vultures who ‘helped’ the city comes flocking.”

“And we are part of the vultures, I am not a pillager or a bandit. That’s why I’m a mercenary instead of a filthy bandit,” Kudrin said, fidgeting his gloved fingers.

“I assure you, that we will only deliver the goods. The Plum gold will enter the association, establish a hold in that city, and we will establish a route for our traders. Once we are done, we will go back to our routes, and handed this trade.”

“I hope you are right, Donovan,” Gaspar said. “I worked for you because I don’t want to involve myself in such matters. Fighting a war is meaningless, and you should know that better than everyone here.”

“I know,” Donovan nodded. “That’s why I opted for delivery instead of delivering war supplies. To think that all of them now wants a piece of the land. I want nothing to do with the slaughter that will come.


Ciara sat near the hearth, holding on to her belly, caressing it. Nolan walked inside, carrying a rucksack, he walked in the kitchen and started cooking a bowl of soul. After cooking, he carried the bowl of soup on a tray, carrying it to Ciara. Her belly was large, and yet she seems unchanged. Her face remained the same, and she had no extra fat on her face. Her body was adequate enough to sustain her children with all the care. Around Ciara, there was a thin veil of light that wards off any danger that might come to her.

Her presence alone has been keeping wolves and predatory animals from ever stepping foot near the village. Even though her belly was huge, she wasn’t the same as before, where she had to sacrifice her children, she was determined to keep anyone who would harm her away. Nolan was the most concern, he knew what Ciara is capable and thought of someone messing with a pregnant woman whose powers are the reason he gave up killing her, being angry, made Nolan shiver at the thought of that happening.

Nolan fetched the wooden spoon and scooped some of the soup, he delivered the spoon on her mouth and wiped her face. He had no reason to do this, and she can eat it herself, but she was having a mood. Nolan didn’t want her to break the village in half, and he knew that despite her appearance, she was still capable of defending herself. The strands of her hair could become a copy of herself and they could defend against an army so she won’t have to.

“Are you alright?” Nolan asked, arranging the poncho wrapped around her shoulders. “I got to trade some food from the peddler, and it seems like there won’t be anything coming to this village.”

Ciara flashed a glance at the smoked and salted meat hanging on hooks. “I think you hunted enough to last us for winter. You scavenged some wild vegetables, bamboo shoots and you’ve traded the unwanted meat for beef and mutton. I do hope that you got more vegetables and cheese. Can you get me some cheese? I want to eat some cheese.”

Nolan fished out a chunk of cheese from the rucksack, still carrying the bowl of soup. “Here, open your mouth. Please don’t chew it, don’t choke will you?”

“It won’t kill me,” Ciara smugly said.

“Sure, sure,” Nolan said. “How’s it going anyway? Is your belly okay? No back pain? No itching? Anything that you hate eating?”

“Get those bamboo shoots away from me,” she said with a grim look on her face. “How can you possibly eat those noddle shape plants?”

“They are tasty when salted, and stewed.”

“You find them tasty, but I don’t. Do you have any more of that red fruit? Give me more of that.”

“I can’t. They don’t have any in the market. The villagers already emptied the stalls.”

“Have you tried looking for some in the tavern?”

“I can, still, you sure you want to eat those? Aren’t they a bit sour?”

“Not at all, I am craving for them, please, get some for me will you?”

“Fine,” Nolan pounded his fist on his thighs. “Can you eat your bowl of soup?”

“No, get me those berries will you?”

Nolan snatched his cloak and plod out of the house. He started to the curve path leading to the village, the leaves underneath his boots crunching. The bamboo leaves have turned brown, and some of the oak trees had no leaves on their branches. He kicked a pebble out of the way and watched it drown on the river current.

The village road was empty and the chimneys above were releasing smoke. He marched through the stone path and entered the tavern. Seeing the owner, he walked to him and said, “Do you have any of those round fruits?”

“I have some, need a pouch of them,” Nolan placed his palms on the table.

The tavern owner scanned him. “Oh, for the wife eh? She craving these?”

“Who knows? Also, do you have cheese on you?”

“I do,” the owner said. “Thanks for the game you hunted, by the way, perfect condition, and we’ve enough in stock for winter. Now, we can only hope that no starving bandit or brigands come knocking on the village. Say, lad, you’re from the north, right? Soldier?”

“Was a soldier,” Nolan leaned on the counter. “Left that left behind now, don’t want to do anything other than care for the missus now. We’re finally having children now.”

The owner nodded and took a glimpse of him. “You look good hiding it, but you ain’t hiding it that easy, friend. You had that same look as that wanderer a while ago, worried and annoyed with his missus. First time?”

“No,” Nolan shook her head. “Pardon, but I rather not talk about it.”

The owner shrugged. “Of course, who am I to prod? Also, you should hurry up with these berries, lad. I added a few pieces of cheese on it. Always happy to help out folks living with us.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it,” he waved his hands. “Hoped we can count you when winter comes, friend. Bears, wolves, and even magical beasts are always out. The village’s been strangely safe when you two came in, and we haven’t wolves for a while. Some folks may start calling you two as lucky charms.”

“I’ll help when I can.”

Nolan left the tavern with a stride. He hurried back home and entered the house. Ciara had finished her bowl and was trying her best with a ball of yarn. She was clamping her mouth as she tries to make something out of the yarn ball. “Ciara,” Nolan called, placing the pouch of berries on her lap. “Is that enough?”

“Sure is!” She took the berries and started eating, her face was like a chipmunk as she eats. She was eating the cheese and berries, while Nolan looked out of the window. Above, snow was finally falling on the village, snowflake by snowflake, the sight of winter made Nolan leaned on the window. He could see the chimney of the village from this house.

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