The Bleak Walker

Chapter 216: Those Who Claim Power 1

He spent time with Layla until there was no light outside the window. He went inside his room and took his belongings with him. He had items that he didn’t’ use simply because he did not need for them. Now, he needed the bag of holding and the items that his parents spoiled him.

“Old Man taught me not to rely on power too much. A Good warrior can kill easily, but a clever one makes people take their own lives.” He strapped the bag of holding behind his waist. He just needed to think of the item and he would be able to touch it. He thought that it would be tiresome getting materials from others instead of just creating the obsidian flesh.

“The Obsidian Flesh, the Time Wraith’s Form is gone from me, they were my main defenses but now they are gone. No wonder the Old Man didn’t want to rely on them. Still, it would be harder to navigate without those abilities. I can use a runic spell to swing around like a grappling hook, but it would cost too much energy if used continuously.”

Darkness spreads around the room. The light from the lamp pushes the darkness away with its trembling flames. He stood sitting with his gaze trained on the ceiling. Then the shadows around the room swayed and he found himself alone. He thought that usually there would be a voice speaking inside of him.

“Old Man is gone,” he thought. “I should get used to this loneliness. I can’t even train without him inside my head. The only thing inside my head is an empty black void, just me. I wonder how others coped with this loneliness at first? Still, no need to be afraid of the dark. What kind of man I would be if I am afraid of the dark?”

Einar sat cross-legged with a stolid face. He took a sip of the air and imagined the void inside his head. Where does one put the mind? Is it through the senses you put the mind? Is it through the actions of others and the behavior of the external? No, there is no place to put your mind on.

“Simply, there is no mind,” Einar said. “No mind at all is the answer to the corundum.”

Einar cleared his mind of fear and emotions. He became one with the void until there was simply the void and him existing together. He stayed in the same position until all the feelings of distress and inability were gone. It was the benefit of an old soul mingling with a young soul.

Einar’s soul living with an Old Soul had turned him into someone different despite his young age. He had been walked through valleys of death and was made to experience the harshest days as if it was his own. The harshness of life was taught to Einar and he learned how to live his life as if he was going to die.

That should be enough. Einar moved away from the bed and bumped into Camila who still wore her armor. “Going somewhere, Young Lord?”

“Need to talk to Claudia and the others. You informed my parents?”

“I did.”

“Good. I’ll be going to talk to the Princess. If she found out that I was alive and I didn’t talk to her. She’d say that I was trying to fake my death and then betray her.”

“The Princess wouldn’t do that, right?”

“No, I expect her to do that.”

“I think you should use this as an excuse to get out of her faction. She has no allies and the others have started to blame all the problems to the Heretic Princess.”

“Scapegoat,” he blinked. “Then that means that I have to help her.”

Camilla clenched her fist. “Please don’t be so reckless, my Einar.”

“I know, my Camilla.” He said to her. “I have to help my friends and I will not stand here knowing that they might be facing trouble. You understand, right Camilla?”

“I do.” She slightly nods. “That’s why I’m afraid that you’d get reckless again and try a stupid gamble.”

“You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do, say, and think.”

“Then I think that this stupidity and I should come with you.”

“And leave Layla alone?” He shook his head. “No, please don’t leave my little sis alone. Someone has to guard her while the people are busy being greedy and warmongering. You know how it is.”

“You always do this to me. I am yours and you always make me wait here. I think you forgot where my loyalties are.”

“To me. And I’m telling you to guard my little sis.”

“Why are you like this?” She palmed her forehead.

He blinked and smiled. “Would you work under me if I wasn’t like this? Ah, that face, I don’t think you will.”

“I would like to meet this Old Man you keep talking about. If he’s the one that taught you this then I don’t know if I should punch him or praise him!”

“Please praise him,” Einar raised a hand. “And it’s not like he’d do anything but if he does then your fault.”

Her face stilled. “You really do praise this Old Man.”

“He’s my mentor and he taught me to never abandon my companions. He’s not with me now and he wouldn’t be with things are. But I gotta prove to the Old Man that I can handle what is thrown at me.”

“Fine, but you come home, okay my Young Lord!

“I might.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Nothing, just messing with you,” he grabs the back of her head and kissed her on the forehead. “See you around, my pouting big sister or is it big auntie?”

“Sister, please call me that.”

“I don’t think so?”

She folded her arms with a frown. Einar shrugs his shoulders and turned towards the door and walked into the snow. He tugged his coat and dragged his feet across the knee-length terrain, hands inside his pockets, and gaze trained on the tower that looms over the horizon.

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