The Bleak Walker

Chapter 232: The True Enemy

The Crystal shaped like a diamond floated in the void of white. The energy was being pulled out of the like string for sewing. This Diamond had a woman with pale hair and ruby eyes. She had no clothes. A woman guarded, watching the Diamond. She glowered at the woman. The woman inside spoke.

“You turned me into a battery. Alcina Cheery, are you happy now?”

“No,” she shook her head. “He’s stolen from me and now he is nowhere to be found. He has been reborn anew, War Maiden. We cannot find him unless fate dictates it.”

“I will find him,” Ciara said. “I am his-”

“Stop,” Alcina said. “He is not yours. You are not for him. Your fate was to wed a nobleman and he had accidentally stepped on the threads that connected you and that nobleman.”

“I will only love him, forevermore.”

“So you are willing to break the realms again? You call yourself savior, a messiah, and helper of the people. But do you know what I saw, War Maiden? I saw destruction, every world you had visited, you destroyed it, and you fought those who oppress, not knowing the consequences of what you have done.

Indeed, you saved all of those in exchange you turn their lands into ashes. Their worlds withered and died. The purpose of you here is to be stripped, no, be used to sustain the worlds you had destroyed. The worlds are far too gone, and no creation can be done. War Maiden, you are a hero and a savior to ours. But to me, you are a destroyer of worlds, a woman who had played with a man’s fate for too long. Tell me, I want to understand. Why would you do that to him?”

Ciara smiled bitterly. “You loved him as I do. That I can tell, and I hate you for it. I hate those who near him. I would destroy them and I would kill them. Alcina Cheery, I would kill you because I know that you loved him. He is mine and no one can prevent me from that.”

“He has been reborn.”

“It doesn’t matter. I will find him. I don’t mind resetting the loop again and again.”

“Your manipulations of time will not work anymore. We made sure of that, War Maiden. We had made sure that the moment where you meet in that alley would not come to be.”

“So it was all of you!” She raged. “So it was you who deprived me of our meetings! Those timelines where he did not exist! You took him from those timelines! So it was you all that did it! I see!”

“Yes, they may be impartial and indifferent, but we can longer take it. A man should not suffer for a million years. He might think that it was only thirty-years, but you made him wait and suffer for thirty million years! Waiting, asking, and telling him to suffer for you! I saw you watch him burn! Hung by the neck and slaughtered like a dog! I will not stand for it!”

“Cry all you want, I will find my Knight.”

“Have Mercy Pale Shine Woman!” She said. “You have many names, Burned Woman, and you have many lies! The Pale Shine Lady, the Burned Woman, and Machina of End! Why do you hurt him so bad.”

“I love him.”

“Your love is unlikely!”

“I wait for the day that he can be my side. That is all there is to it. I don’t know where he came from. What plane of existence he originally lived. You will never understand, Alcina. You will never understand the promise that I gave him. I only loved one man and I forged him from suffering and pain. I wanted to see what would become of him and he was the right one.”

“Your love disgusts me, War Maiden.”

“Because you do not understand. How could you understand a promise between two?”

The War Maiden seems to be thinking back to something. Alcina Cheery sneered.

“Once upon a time, a soldier comforted a dying man, and then-”

“Enough about your lies.”

She smiled shaking her head.

“Then no words can be said to you when you don’t even listen. Observer, I will find my Knight, and no amount of powers can stop me. Once I find the boy, I will be able to find the strand linking to him. You said it yourself, you might not know where to find him, and that means all those who were carried doesn’t remember as well. Pray, Observer, pray that I will never find the boy whose soul broke. I will find him and reunite with my Knight.”

Alcina Cheery grimaced and scowled.

“So you had other plans! I see! No wonder it was odd that broken soul could be resurrected even though he had adopted the wraiths! I see! So it was your doing as well!”

Ciara, the War Maiden, the Burned Woman, the Pale Shine, and the Machina of the End, smiled, looking at the woman in front of her. Alcina glared, her eyes hostile.

“I will not allow you to win, War Maiden. Hah, once I thought the Overlord of the Demons was the final enemy, the final battle would be over after he’s done, but now I realize, the real enemy wasn’t the Overlord of the Demons, it was never about him, it was you, you are the final enemy. From the start, you were the mother of all lies, the puppeteer that manipulated a man into loving you!”

Alcina clenched her firsts.

“Ciara Alician, I will not allow you to succeed. I will not allow you to win!”

“Try as you might, Observer. I will win. I always win and no matter what, I will win despite all of your schemes!”

From the beginning, it was all about the Burned Woman. It was never about the Overlord of the Demons, and it was never about defeating the Overlord. It was always about the Burned Woman, the unloved.

She was the final enemy.

The True Enemy from the start.

“I see, then whimper, Observer, for one day I will break this cycle. And you will be on your own puddle of tears, and your soul fed into mine.”

The War Maiden said, closing her eyes.

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